Aavegotchi 101

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Feeling overwhelmed fren?

There's Ethereum.

There's MetaMask.

There's Aave and aTokens.

There's Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

And then there's Aavegotchi.

It's alright fren. We were once newbies as well. We know how you feel.

We have prepared some tutorials (articles and videos) to help kickstart your journey! You will become one with us soon enough. :)

Aavegotchi Raffles

  • Learn how to purchase Raffle tickets
  • Learn how to enter Raffle tickets into Raffles

Migrate GHST token from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon (Video)

  • Learn how to migrate your GHST token from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon (formerly Matic Network)
  • Learn how to configure MetaMask to display Polygon
  • Learn how to add tokens from Polygon to your MetaMask
  • Learn how to stake GHST tokens on Polygon

Migrate GHST token from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon (Article)

Click here for the article

  • Learn why was Polygon (formerly Matic Network) selected as the Layer 2 solution for Aavegotchi
  • Learn how to configure MetaMask to display Polygon
  • Learn how to bridge assets using the Polygon wallet interface
  • Learn how to bridge assets back to Ethereum Mainnet from Polygon

Buying tokens straight into Polygon

Click here for the article

  • Learn how to use fiat currency to buy tokens directly to Polygon


Click here for the article

  • Learn how to convert aTokens into maTokens through the Aavegotchi Bridge
  • Learn how to transfer funds through AscendEX to Polygon
  • Learn how to use Transak as a fiat-to-Polygon on-ramp
  • Learn how to stake maTokens into Aavegotchis

Participating in GBM Auctions

  • Get to see how a live GBM Auction looks like
  • Learn how to bid in a GBM Auction
  • Learn how to toggle filters in a GBM Auction

Aavegotchi: Land Auction Guide

  • Learn about REALM parcels
  • Learn about Gotchus Alchemica
  • Learn about what features make REALM parcels desirable
  • Learn how to navigate the Auction map
  • Learn about Auction strategies

Traits & Bell Curve Explained

  • Learn about Traits
  • Learn about the Bell Curve
  • Learn about how Wearables affect Traits
  • Learn about what community resources are available

Buying an Aavegotchi (Video)

  • Learn how to buy an Aavegotchi on the Baazaar
  • Learn how to buy an opened or a closed portal on the Baazaar
  • Learn how to summon your Aavegotchi from an opened portal

Buying GHST token (Article)

Click here for the article

  • Learn about the GHST token
  • Learn what the token could be used for
  • Learn where to buy GHST

Participating in AavegotchiDAO (Article)

Click here for the article

  • Learn about the AavegotchiDAO Forum
  • Learn how to create Signal Proposals
  • Learn how Signal Proposals Become Core Proposals
  • Learn about the different types of Core Proposals
  • Learn about Vote Differential
  • Learn how to Vote

Farming your Land Parcel

  • Learn about Haarvesters, Reservoirs, and Maakers
  • Learn how to empty your Reservoirs
  • Learn how to craft Installations

Introduction to the Aavegotchi Forge

  • Learn about Smelting and Forging
  • Learn about Schematics, Cores, Alloys, and Essence
  • Learn how to smelt your Wearables
  • Learn how to forge a Wearable
  • Learn how to speed up forging