Aavegotchi Goes Brrrrr
- General FAQ
- Staking FAQ
- Raffle FAQ
- Aauction FAQ
- Wearable FAQ
- Portal FAQ
- AavegotchiDAO FAQ
- Gameplay FAQ
- Gotchiverse FAQ
- Forge FAQ
- Gotchi Lending FAQ
- Aambassador FAQ
- Guild FAQ
- Bridging FAQ
- Technical FAQ
How do I care for an Aavegotchi?
What blockchain is Aavegotchi on?
Is Aavegotchi an official Aave project? How much is Aave involved?
Can Aavegotchis be traded/sold/bought?
How much does it cost to play Aavegotchi?
Can aTokens staked inside an Aavegotchi get liquidated?
Could CAPTCHA be used to prevent bots?
Are amTokens the same as maTokens?
Why can't I swap my assets for maLINK/maUNI on Quickswap?
Will Aavegotchi be integrated with OpenSea?
Where can I find the Aavegotchi Litepaper?
Does buying a ticket mean I'm entered into the raffle?
Will raffle wearables be available in the Aavegotchi store?
How do you transfer raffle tickets?
Will there be Raffles after Mainnet launches?
Why is the minimum increase 10%?
What prevents bots from swiping up all the items?
What prevents bots from being able to snipe the end of an auction?
Do I need to transfer my wearable vouchers to Polygon?
Are there limited quantities for each wearable?
I unequipped the wearables from my Aavegotchi and I cannot find them in my inventory
Why are there missing IDs in the Wearables page?
How many portals can you buy in 1 transaction?
When will portals be released?
How do I vote using Trust Wallet on Aragon?
Why does it say wrong timestamp in Snapshot Voting?
Why 20% Quorum for Signal Proposals?
I Spent all my GHST budget on Portals and Wearables — Where’s my Voice?
Do higher trait scores always mean higher rarity?
How much does it cost to play?
Does changing the collateral staked affect kinship level?
Do I need an Aavegotchi to Play?
Claimable rewards in my Gotchi Pocket disappeared!
I withdrew my Alchemica but it’s not in my wallet
My borrowing period is over, but I don’t see the Alchemica in my wallet
I didn’t receive Alchemica that I tried to withdraw hours ago
How do you allow borrowed Gotchis to channel Alchemica from parcels owned by the lender?
Why would I smelt existing items, if I can wait for the auction and raffle to get new schematics
Does a Gotchi's traits/BRS/XP affect the amount of essence received when it is sacrificed?
Will new items form sets with each other or existing items?
Will attributes of the new items be in the same range as existing ones?
Will crafting the same item multiple times make it stronger?
Is there a way to recall an Aavegotchi early once it's been lent?
Can a borrower add or remove wearables from an Aavegotchi?
Do you need to relist an Aavegotchi once a rental period has concluded?
Why doesn't the Whitelist field accept wallet addresses?
Do I need to fill out monthly reports as an Aambassador?
How big should I grow my #GotchiGang?
What if the #GotchiGang name I want has already been taken by someone else?
I already have an Aavegotchi-themed group. Should I apply to become an Aambassador?
I have a question that isn’t answered here. Where should I ask it?
What are the differences between Aambassador groups and Guilds?
How do I submit my Guild to the Guild wiki page?
Can I still pet my Aavegotchi once it has been bridged back to Ethereum?
Can my Aavegotchi still earn Rarity Farming rewards while it is on Ethereum?
Can my Gotchi be bridged over with wearables equipped?
Can my Gotchi equip or unequip wearables while on Ethereum?
Can I still use my Aavegotchi to play in the upcoming Gotchiverse game while it is on Ethereum?
If I buy an Aavegotchi on Ethereum through Rarible, how do I bridge it back to Polygon?
Can I sell my Aavegotchi on the Baazaar while it’s bridged to Ethereum?
Can I trade my Aavegotchis on OpenSea while they’re on Ethereum?
Which wallet should I use with Aavegotchi?
Will Aavegotchi run on Layer 2?
Do I need to migrate my Aave tokens?
I have a ledger / trezor, what do I do
Why can't I see my Polygon GHST on Metamask?
Why can't I see my LP Tokens on QuickSwap?
Can I send Polygon-side tokens to Centralized Exchanges directly?
Why is Metamask rejecting my token symbol?
I withdrew my GHST from Polygon but I have yet to receive them even after a long wait
Why am I experiencing lag on Polygon?
General FAQ
What is an Aavegotchi?
Aavegotchi is an open-source, community owned NFT gaming protocol, enabling true asset ownership for gamers. Aavegotchi NFTs are on-chain collectible ghosts staked with Aave’s interest-generating aTokens.
How do I get started?
There are a few ways to get started:
How do I care for an Aavegotchi?
By petting them every 12 hours!
How do I play in the REALM?
Once you have a gotchi in your wallet, REALM gameplay is accessible at verse.aavegotchi.com.
What blockchain is Aavegotchi on?
Aavegotchi is deployed on Polygon, the leading side chain to Ethereum.
Is Aavegotchi an official Aave project? How much is Aave involved?
Aavegotchi is a recipient of an Aave Ecosystem Grant, but we are not an official Aave project. However, Aave has been extremely helpful and we’re in close contact with the team. In fact, Stani Kulechov, the founder of Aave, was our first advisor.
Can Aavegotchis be traded/sold/bought?
Yes, you can buy and sell Aavegotchis on our secondary NFT marketplace, the Aavegotchi Baazaar. We have an Aavegotchi to Ethereum bridge allowing Aavegotchis to be bought and sold on L1 through marketplaces like Rarible.
What is the Gotchiverse?
The Gotchiverse is Pixelcraft Studio’s flagship title that celebrates the best of blockchain technology. The metaverse is built on the Aavegotchi Protocol, and is co-created with direct input from the community via AavegotchiDAO. Within the Gotchiverse players can craft NFTs, explore, socialize, and earn. To learn more, check out the litepaper and the Gotchiverse Game Bible. You can start playing now at verse.aavegotchi.com.
How much does it cost to play Aavegotchi?
There are a couple of ways to get an Aavegotchi:
- Buy a portal during a portal drop, open it, and claim the Gotchi by staking the minimum required amount of Spirit Force.
Cost: 100 GHST + 10 DAI worth of collateral minimum (you might need more collateral if you pick a rarer Gotchi from the portal). This option is viable only during portal drops as they get swiped out very quickly.
- Buy an Unopened Portal at the Baazaar.
Cost: Variable.
- Buy an Opened Portal at the Baazaar.
Cost: Variable, but cheaper than Unopened Portals bought at the Baazaar since the 10 Gotchis in it are already revealed.
- Buy an Aavegotchi from someone else selling it at the Baazaar.
Cost: Variable. Depends on the rarity of the Gotchi, whether it comes with wearables, Baadges, etc.
Can I start playing for free?
Yes! You can borrow an Aavegotchi and play for free thanks to our 100% on-chain Gotchi Lending program. Head to app.aavegotchi.com/lending to browse the Lending listings now.
How can I earn money?
With Aavegotchi and The Gotchiverse there are a number of ways to earn money. The Gotchiverse has four play-to-earn ERC-20 tokens known as Gotchus Alchemica. These tokens can be used to craft Installation NFTs within The Gotchiverse, or traded for GHST. Players can earn these tokens by channeling from the skies above, farming from below the surface of their land parcel, or by collecting it from the maps surface. For details on the Tokenomics of Gotchus Alchemica check out Chapter 2 of The Gotchiverse Game Bible.
Can aTokens staked inside an Aavegotchi get liquidated?
No. The aTokens staked inside an Aavegotchi cannot be used as collateral for borrowing on the Aave platform. Thus, such aTokens cannot get liquidated.
What are maTokens?
maTokens are aTokens from Aave V2 which have been transferred to Polygon. Like aTokens, they accrue interest over time!
Could CAPTCHA be used to prevent bots?
No. The Aaavegotchi.com website is just an interface. Bots would still easily bypass the interface and interact with the underlying smart contract directly.
This is a feature of permissionless blockchains. It cannot be stopped.
Are amTokens the same as maTokens?
No. amTokens are not the same as maTokens.
maTokens are aTokens from Aave V2 on Ethereum Mainnet that have been represented on Polygon. They are created by Nick to hasten the launch of Aavegotchi on Polygon.
Subsequently, Aave themselves shifted over to Polygon. Tokens from their Aave (Polygon) markets are known as amTokens.
Both categories of tokens will have differing interest rate profiles. For maTokens, their interest rates can be observed in the Aave V2 market. For amTokens, their interest rates can be observed in the Aave market (Polygon).
Aavegotchis belonging to Haunt 1 use maTokens as their Spirit Force.
From Haunt 2 onwards, amTokens will be used as Spirit Force.
Both maTokens and amTokens accrue interest. However, the way they accrue interest differs:
maTokens increase in value over time. This applies to Haunt 1 Aavegotchis that use maTokens. The value of the maTokens is increasing, but as the quantity does not change, it is not possible to withdraw maTokens from the Gotchis unless you sacrifice your Gotchi to get at the underlying collateral.
amTokens increase in quantity over time. This applies to Aavegotchis from Haunt 2 and onwards. The interest accrued is reflected as quantity. Hence, it is possible to withdraw amTokens once sufficient interest has been generated.
Why can't I swap my assets for maLINK/maUNI on QuickSwap?
QuickSwap has routing problems for a few maTokens such as maUNI and maLINK. You have to manually swap to maUSDC first and then get the respective maToken.
Doesn't work: ETH/USDC -> maUNI/maLINK
Works: maUSDC -> maUNI/maLINK
Will Aavegotchi be integrated with OpenSea?
Aavegotchi is fully compatible with OpenSea (and other secondary marketplaces) on Ethereum Mainnet. The challenge is with OpenSea Polygon. When someone puts up a Gotchi for sale on the Baazaar, their wearables are also listed along with it. OpenSea Polygon does not have this locking mechanism in place. Hence, Gotchi sellers on OpenSea Polygon could rug would-be buyers of the Gotchi's wearables. To protect buyers, Pixelcraft has informed OpenSea that they will not be pursuing a listing on Polygon.
Similarly, there are some constraints with the listing of wearables on OpenSea Polygon. Due to the way OpenSea Polygon parses contracts, they have some difficulties parsing the ERC-1155 wearables. The issue is that the same address holds both ERC-721s (Gotchis) and ERC-1155s (wearables). Their infrastructure is not set up to handle both in the same contract.
Where can I find the Aavegotchi Litepaper?
There are 2 Aavegotchi Litepapers: (1) The Original Litepaper summarizing the key points of the Aavegotchi Project, and (2) The Newest Litepaper introducing the upcoming Gotchiverse and REALM, the land parcels in the Gotchiverse.
They can be found here:
Staking FAQ
What is wapGHST?
wapGHST stands for Wrapped Aave Polygon GHST. It is a wrapped, static form of apGHST (formerly known as amGHST in Aave v2).
Stakers earn yield on their GHST deposits in Aave V3 in addition to FRENS.
The APY accrued will not appear in your balance of wapGHST. Rather, it will accrue to your GHST balance during the unwrapping process (when you return to vanilla GHST).
Visit https://app.aavegotchi.com/stake-polygon to start staking. Stakers do not need to visit Aave. They just need to approve their tokens, then click "Wrap GHST" to wrap/unwrap your GHST into wapGHST.
Raffle FAQ
See Raffles for general information on raffles.
Does buying a ticket mean I'm entered into the raffle?
No! Please be aware simply buying tickets with FRENS does not automatically enter you into the raffle. You need to STAKE your tickets during the 72 hour-time period that the raffle is open. This includes two transactions on the Raffle page - approve your tickets, and enter your tickets. If you’ve submitted your tickets successfully, you’ll see the number of tickets you’ve entered in the raffle on the Stats page.
Will raffle wearables be available in the Aavegotchi store?
No. The only time these wearables will ever be released is during the pre-launch raffles.
Are raffle wearables special?
As far as gameplay, raffle wearables will offer the same boosts to your Aavegotchi as any other wearables in their rarity class (such as rare, mythical, etc). On the Baazaar, whether they have more resale value due to their pre-launch status or brand associations will be determined by market demand.
How do you transfer raffle tickets?
Raffle Tickets are based on the ERC-1155 standard. They can be transferred through the Tickets page on the Aavegotchi DApp. Beneath each Ticket category that you own, there will be a Transfer button (see screenshot below). Click on that button to transfer tickets belonging to that category.

You will then be brought to another page where you can specify the recipient's address as well as the number of tickets to transfer (see screenshot below). Once you have keyed in the information and confirmed it to be correct, hit the Transfer button.

Will there be Raffles after Mainnet launches?
Yes, there will be additional raffles after Mainnet launches. However, they will be infrequent and would not be announced beforehand. This is to reward users who are still staking and accumulating their FRENS and/or raffle tickets.
Aauction FAQ
How much can I earn?
Each GBM auction can be configured with certain presets for maximum earning. For this Wearable auction, we have chosen the same presets used in Cryptographs — minimum 1%, and maximum 10%. This means that the max amount you can earn from being outbid is a full 10% of the bid amount!
For example, if you bid 2000 GHST, the maximum you can earn if outbid in the first GBM auction is 200 GHST. Future Auctions will also be experimenting with different presets to keep it interesting!
Can I outbid myself?
Yes, there is nothing wrong with outbidding yourself to earn the incentive. Just don’t overpay!
Why is the minimum increase 10%?
This minimum “step” has been carefully calculated by the game theory experts at GBM to ensure the auction remains fully funded no matter how many bids are thrown at it. Without a minimum increase, the auction would be at risk of becoming underfunded.
Is there a minimum bid?
There is no minimum bid for the Auction. You can bid 1 GHST if you’d like! Just keep in mind, the higher you bid, the more you potentially earn if outbid.
What prevents bots from swiping up all the items?
In a First Come First Serve NFT drop, an automated script can listen for blockchain events and be the first to purchase an item the moment it hits the blockchain.
This speed advantage is fully mitigated by the auction system — bots will NOT be running off with NFTs in an Aavegotchi Aauction!
What prevents bots from being able to snipe the end of an auction?
If a bid is placed within the last five minutes of the Auction, the “hammer time” is extended by another five minutes. This effectively prevents bots from sniping the end because they can still be outbid.
How do I claim my NFT?
If you’re the highest bidder at the end of the Auction, you’ll see a “Claim NFT” button appear in your My Bids page, which will allow you to claim the NFT directly to your wallet!
Wearable FAQ
Do I need to transfer my wearable vouchers to Polygon?
No. Both claimed and unclaimed wearable vouchers will be automatically transferred to Polygon when Aavegotchi launches.
Are there limited quantities for each wearable?
Yes. Each wearable has a limited quantity. You can check out the quantity at the Wearables page.
For Maall-bought wearables, this means that once a wearable is sold out, it will never be available for sale in the Maall again. You can only purchase it from other people who have that wearable.
I unequipped the wearables from my Aavegotchi and I cannot find them in my inventory
Each Aavegotchi has its own inventory, known as a Gotchi Pocket. When you unequip a wearable from your Aavegotchi, the unequipped wearable goes to that particular Aavegotchi's Gotchi Pocket.
You (the owner) have your own separate inventory as well. Most likely, you are referring to the fact that you are not able to find the unequipped wearable in your inventory.
At each Aavegotchi's Profile page, there will be a "Pocket" button at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Click on it and then transfer the unequipped wearable from the Aavegotchi's Gotchi Pocket to your personal inventory.
Why are there missing IDs in the Wearables page?
These are objects (IDs 162-198, 210) that are not wearables. They represent Baadges and the Haunt 1 Background.
Portal FAQ
How many portals can you buy in 1 transaction?
Each user can purchase up to 50 portals in 1 transaction. This is to prevent whales from monopolizing a huge number of portals at one go.
If I open a portal but do not have the atoken needed to claim the gotchi, can I come back later to claim it?
Yes, you can leave the portal opened, go acquire the specific aToken, and come back later to summon your gotchi. You do not need to prepare the aTokens beforehand.
When will portals be released?
Portals will be released on Polygon at February.
AavegotchiDAO FAQ
How do I vote using Trust Wallet on Aragon?
As at this point, Aragon has not integrated Trust Wallet yet. An alternative solution is to import your private keys from your Trust Wallet into Metamask. Once in Metamask, you can now vote on Aragon.
See here for more information on how to do so.
Why does it say wrong timestamp in Snapshot Voting?
This is because the timestamp on your device/computer is different from the timestamp on Snapshot. Set your computer time to automatic and it will adjust accordingly to match with the timestamp on Snapshot.
Why 20% Quorum for Signal Proposals?
A 20% quorum ensures that Signal Proposals with significant community interest are guaranteed a core vote, while ideation and more niche suggestions also have a platform to test their popularity.
Why Two Votes?
There are two major reasons a Signal Proposal reaching 20% quorum (and majority support) still needs a second vote as a Core Proposal. First, the wider community isn’t watching, or expected to watch, for binding votes on a daily basis. Core Proposals are more rare occurrences that are broadcast across all socials, notifying all types of community members.
Secondly, it is entirely possible, even likely, that some Signal Proposals will achieve quorum while failing to adequately abide by the prescribed template for a Signal Proposal (see here). There may be a need to adjust the proposal to satisfy all aspects of the template.
If a Signal Proposal does not reach the 20% quorum, this does not discount the proposal’s merits, it simply means the proposal is not automatically being upgraded to a binding, community wide vote. Any well-written signal proposal with good ideas should still be considered a healthy contribution to the DAO and may very well influence Pixelcraft and future community proposals. Pixelcraft may occasionally choose Signal Proposals that did not reach quorum and still craft Core Proposals based on them.
I Spent all my GHST budget on Portals and Wearables — Where’s my Voice?
You’re in luck! The Aavegotchi game has always intended to allocate voting power based on Aavegotchi ownership, in addition to just holding GHST. With the passing of AGIP 9, wearables now have voting power in AavegotchiDAO. The voting power (measured in GHST) of a given wearable is based on its Rarity Type/Maall price. See here for more information.
What about Funding Proposals?
Funding requests are not found in the Cocoon proposal template, primarily because the “walk before run” principle suggests we focus on establishing a healthy framework before introducing financial complexities.
Funding Proposals will certainly be a central feature in Metamorphosis but Cocoon’s focus is more on making game mechanics decisions.
That said, Cocoon is an experimental governance phase and it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility to see a good idea garner significant support that does in fact require DAO treasury funds. Any such situation would undoubtedly require a Galaxy level vote and 20% quorum. So basically, we’re not encouraging it, while at the same time remembering that we should never say never.
Gameplay FAQ
Do higher trait scores always mean higher rarity?
Aavegotchi rarity is based on a bell curve - meaning both extremely high and extremely low trait scores are desirable. Trait scores that fall in the middle of the 0-100 range are more common.
How much does it cost to play?
Portals are expected to cost 100 GHST for the first haunt. Costs for other items like wearables, consumables and land will be announced as they’re officially released - though after game launch, the DAO will have the power to adjust asset prices via governance vote. In the meantime, you can check out what some of the open market prices currently are for certain wearables at the Baazaar.
Does changing the collateral staked affect kinship level?
No, increasing or decreasing the collateral/aToken staked in the Aavegotchi does not affect kinship level.
Gotchiverse FAQ
What is the Gotchiverse?
The Gotchiverse is the Aavegotchi NFT Gaming Protocol’s flagship game. We like to think of it as “Clash of Clans” meets “Stardew Valley” meets “Eve Online”, an open-world combining elements of farming, socializing, battling, and world exploration, all powered by the Blockchain and governed by the players.
What is Gotchus Alchemica?
Gotchus Alchemica are the four elements of the Gotchiverse–FUD, FOMO, ALPHA, and KEK. They are fair-launch ERC20 tokens that are used to craft Installation NFTs within the Gotchiverse.
Players can earn Alchemica in three distinct ways: farming from their REALM parcels, channeling it from the skies above, or collecting it from the surface. Gotchus Alchemica can also be exchanged for GHST (our eco-governance token) using our native DEX, the Gotchus Alchemica exchange (GAX).
What is an Alchemical Aaltar?
The Alchemical Aaltar is the most important installation you can place on your Gotchiverse REALM parcel. It is used for Alchemical channeling with a parcel’s linked Aavegotchi. The Alchemical Aaltar can be upgraded, using Gotchus Alchemica, to further the tech tree of other installations.
Do I need an Aavegotchi to Play?
Yes, you need an Aavegotchi to play in the Gotchiverse. If you do not own an Aavegotchi, you can access the Gotchiverse by borrowing one with our Gotchi Lending program.
I’m playing with a borrowed Gotchi. I claimed tokens from my Gotchi Pocket, but tokens were not received
There are 3 possibilities for this:
Transaction has not yet confirmed onchain. Please wait for your transaction to confirm, or resend it with higher gas.
Withdraw from Vortex confirmed, but you have not withdrawn from Gotchi Pocket. Claim from your Gotchi Pocket (Top right in the UI).
Transaction confirmed, but the listing was created before Alchemica tokens were deployed on Polygon. This listing was likely created with “placeholder” Alchemica. Please wait until rental period expires then re-create a new listing with the same parameters. Then you will be able to claim the tokens.
Claimable rewards in my Gotchi Pocket disappeared!
They were claimed by your manager (or scholar, if you are the manager). Please check your onchain wallet!
I withdrew my Alchemica but it’s not in my wallet
There are 2 possibilities for this:
You are using a borrowed Gotchi. Please check your Gotchi Pocket and click “Claim” to move Alchemica to your personal wallet.
The Alchemica have arrived, but you have not added the tokens. Add the tokens to your Metamask.
My borrowing period is over, but I don’t see the Alchemica in my wallet
You did not withdraw the tokens from the game before your lending agreement ended. You must withdraw Alchemica from in-game before the borrowing period is over. Try and contact your manager to see if they can transfer it to you manually.
I didn’t receive Alchemica that I tried to withdraw hours ago
There are 2 possibilities for this:
Your transaction was still pending when your borrowing period ended. Please contact support with your Gotchi ID, wallet address, and screenshots (if you have them).
There is high network latency. Please contact support with your Gotchi ID, wallet address, and screenshots (if you have them).
How do you allow borrowed Gotchis to channel Alchemica from parcels owned by the lender?
Head to https://louper.dev/diamond/0x1d0360bac7299c86ec8e99d0c1c9a95fefaf2a11?network=polygon, connect your wallet, scroll down to RealmFacet, click Write and select setParcelsAccessRights, then follow the screenshot below to input the information.
_realmIds: an array [] containing the IDs of your parcels
_actionRights: an array [] containing the number 0, one 0 for each parcelID
_accessRights: an array [] containing the number 1, one 1 for each parcelID you'd like to let your borrowers access.
If you can't figure it out, ask for help and some frenly community devs will help you out.
Forge FAQ
Why would I smelt existing items, if I can wait for the auction and raffle to get new schematics?
The new items being released are only schematics and limited quantity of cores. That means in order to make something new, you will have to obtain alloy either by buying it off bazaar or by smelting.
Does a Gotchi's traits/BRS/XP affect the amount of essence received when it is sacrificed?
Each sacrifice is a flat 1000 essence.
Will new items form sets with each other or existing items?
The new items are all individual and complete sets. I reckon new sets will be introduced that take some things from the new items and old (as done in the past). However at this moment, there have been no creation of these hybrid sets.
Will attributes of the new items be in the same range as existing ones?
BRS-wise, all new schematics are in the same format as before. The aim was to fill the gaps of underrepresented stat combinations.
Will crafting the same item multiple times make it stronger?
No. It would just level up your blacksmithing skill, resulting in a faster craft time (or less GLTR). There is talk in the future to allow items to venture past their current rarities for enormous cost.
Gotchi Lending FAQ
Who pets a lent Aavegotchi?
The owner is still able to pet their Aavegotchi while it is being borrowed.
Is there a way to recall an Aavegotchi early once it’s been lent?
No, once created an agreement cannot be broken or recalled.
Can a borrower add or remove Wearables from an Aavegotchi?
No, when borrowing an Aavegotchi you cannot equip or unequip any Wearables. The borrower will be able to tell how many Wearables are equipped before choosing to borrow a Gotchi.
Do you need to relist an Aavegotchi once a rental period has concluded?
Yes, you will need to relist once the agreement has been concluded.
However, you can also extend the agreement by simply not concluding it. The agreement will stay active until either the Lender or Borrower ends it.
Why doesn't the Whitelist field accept wallet addresses?
For Gotchi Lending, the Whitelist field does not accept wallet addresses. It accepts the Whitelist ID.
After you have created a Whitelist, the Whitelist ID can be found in the whitelists page.
Aambassador FAQ
Do I need to fill out monthly reports as an Aambassador?
No you do not. This Aambassador Program is designed in a way that allows you to focus less on admin tasks and more on building your #GotchiGang.
How big should I grow my #GotchiGang?
Keeping your #GotchiGang smaller and specific is actually better. You can create a #GotchiGang for your town, your city, your university… creativity is yours!
Once your group reaches 100 legitimate members, you’ll be officially recognized as an Aavegotchi Aambassador.
What if the #GotchiGang name I want has already been taken by someone else?
We will inform you if the name has already been taken after you have filled up your application on the typeform.
I already have an Aavegotchi-themed group. Should I apply to become an Aambassador?
Absolutely! As long as we can easily track the growth of your network, you are eligible to be an Aambassador.
I have a question that isn’t answered here. Where should I ask it?
All questions about the Aambassador program can be directed towards Webb#0001 in Discord.
Guild FAQ
What are the differences between Aambassador groups and Guilds?
Aambassador groups are meant to introduce new people to Aavegotchi while Guilds are for existing players to group up and play together in the Gotchiverse.
How do I submit my Guild to the Guild wiki page?
DM BowtiedNerd#6509 on Discord with all the required information that's in the Guild wiki page.
Bridging FAQ
Can I still pet my Aavegotchi once it has been bridged back to Ethereum?
YES, the developers of Gotchi World and Gotchi Care (Gotchi petting services) have graciously offered to auto-pet all bridged Aavegotchis, ensuring you still earn kinship while your Gotchi is on Ethereum! While vacationing on Ethereum your Aavegotchi will continue to grow its kinship score by two points every day, but it would definitely appreciate a visit or two from its master! It’s lonely in spaace…
Can my Aavegotchi still earn Rarity Farming rewards while it is on Ethereum?
YES, your Gotchi will still be eligible for Rarity Farming rewards in all three categories while bridged. All rewards will go directly to its pocket.
Can my Gotchi be bridged over with wearables equipped?
YES, you can equip as many wearable as you want before you bridge, BUT do note that your Aavegotchi will not be doing further wardrobe changes while on Ethereum.
Can my Gotchi equip or unequip wearables while on Ethereum?
NO, your Gotchi is basically frozen as a snapshot of the moment it was bridged. However, you can bridge back to Polygon anytime you please (normal bridging charges apply).
Can I still use my Aavegotchi to play in the upcoming Gotchiverse game while it is on Ethereum?
NO, since the Gotchiverse runs on Polygon, any Gotchis on Ethereum Mainnet will not be able to participate in the Gotchiverse. Bridge back over anytime you want to play!
Can individual Wearables, Portals, and Consumables be bridged to Ethereum and listed on Rarible as well?
YES but NOT YET. Portals are an immediate yes because they are also ERC-721 tokens. The wearables and consumables are ERC-1155 items and will have their own bridge opening in the coming weeks.
If I buy an Aavegotchi on Ethereum through Rarible, how do I bridge it back to Polygon?
Simply visit aavegotchi.com/bridge. You can bridge back anytime you like!
Can I sell my Aavegotchi on the Baazaar while it’s bridged to Ethereum?
NO, you can only trade on Ethereum marketplaces like Rarible while the Aavegotchi is bridged.
Can I trade my Aavegotchis on OpenSea while they’re on Ethereum?
YES, you can trade your Gotchis on any Ethereum-based NFT market, but you’ll only earn RARI when you trade on Rarible!
Technical FAQ
Is Aavegotchi on-chain?
All elements of the Aavegotchi game are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. You can read more about our unique design using the Diamond Standard here.
Which wallet should I use with Aavegotchi?
Metamask has by far been the best option to use with Aavegotchi according to our community’s experience. Metamask and Arkane wallet - which will be integrating with Aavegotchi soon - also both support ERC1155 tokens, meaning you’ll be able to see all of your assets (such as wearables) in your wallet in addition to your GHST tokens.
For android devices, using the Metamask app with the in-built browser is a good choice.
Will Aavegotchi run on Layer 2?
Yes! Aavegotchi uses Polygon as a Layer 2 solution. The team selected Polygon as they have a strong team, made progress on decentralization, and what appears to be a strong network effect with other NFT platforms like OpenSea.
Do I need to migrate my Aave tokens?
Aavegotchi will work with aTokens from Aave version 2.0 - so be sure to migrate any tokens you have on version 1 before trying to claim your Aavegotchi. According to Stani, we should have a migration tool out soon (before launch) :)
How do I migrate to Polygon?
Check out our Polygon Migration Guide.
I have a ledger / trezor, what do I do?
You could still access Polygon using the Trezor One. For all others, it is not possible for now. You could create a new Metamask wallet and DM @Jesse | gldnXross#6482 for help.
Why can't I see my Polygon GHST on Metamask?
Make sure you have completed two transactions: (1) approve transaction, and (2) migration from Mainnet to Polygon transaction. The token address for GHST on Polygon is as follows: 0x385Eeac5cB85A38A9a07A70c73e0a3271CfB54A7
Why can't I see my LP Tokens on QuickSwap?
After you have staked your LP tokens on QuickSwap, you will not be able to see them in your wallet. Unstake them if you want to see them being reflected in your wallet.
Can I send Polygon-side tokens to Centralized Exchanges directly?
No! You should not send Polygon-side tokens to Centralized Exchanges (e.g. Binance, Coinbase, etc) directly. You have to bridge them back into Ethereum Mainnet before doing so.
Why is Metamask rejecting my token symbol?
Metamask has a maximum limit of 11 characters for their token symbol. You can change the token symbol to something shorter and it will work. Changing the symbol to something shorter does not affect the token; it only affects the display on your Metamask.
Quite a number of people have encountered this issue as the stkGHST-QUICK token symbol has more than 11 characters.

I withdrew my GHST from Polygon but I have yet to receive them even after a long wait
I withdrew my GHST tokens (or any other assets for that matter) from Polygon back to Ethereum Mainnet using the Aavegotchi Bridge. After a few hours, I have yet to receive my assets on Ethereum Mainnet. What can I do?
First, head over to the Polygon Block Explorer and key in your transaction ID. Obtain the Block Number of your transaction.
Next, replace the [blockNumber] portion in the following URL with your actual Block Number and go to that URL:
That URL will indicate the status of your withdrawal transaction.
If your transaction has not been processed by Polygon, please continue to wait patiently. There have been cases where it took up to 6 hours.
If your transaction has been processed by Polygon and your assets still do not appear on the Aavegotchi Bridge UI, please contact Coderdan (or any other aapprentices) for support.
Why am I experiencing lag on Polygon?
You might want to try connecting to the other Polygon RPC: https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com/
For step-by-step instructions on how to do so, please refer to our Polygon Guide.
Where do I find my Gotchi Token ID?
To get your Aavegotchi Token ID (each Aavegotchi has a unique ID), head over to the My Aavegotchis page. Click on one of your Gotchis and observe the number at the back of the URL. It would look something like the following:
https://aavegotchi.com/gotchi/(Gotchi Token ID)
Once you have gotten your Gotchi ID, you can link your Gotchis to your Discord handle using the following Discord command:
Do note that if you have more than 1 Gotchi, you need to repeat the same process for multiple times.
Where do I find my Gotchi Address?
First, head over to the My Aavegotchis page. Click on any one of your Aavegotchis. At the bottom-right corner of the screen, there will be a "Pocket" button. Click on the Pocket button and the Gotchi Pocket box will appear. There will be a "View" button. Click on it and you will be taken to that particular Gotchi's Smart Contract Address. This is an escrow contract that the owner of the Gotchi can interact with.
Do note that each Gotchi will have its own Smart Contract Address.
...to be continued!