Aavegotchi Improvement Proposals (AGIPs)
Heya frens. Participating in Aavegotchi Improvement Proposals (AGIPs) are what responsible gotchis do! You need to vote and get your voices heard.
How far have we progressed as a community? Look at our archives of past votes here!
Psst! Claim your POAP Badges if you have voted on AGIPs before!
** 목차 **
- Tap increase for Scaling Sprint
- Add fees to Bonding Curve
- Increase DAICO tap for GHST purchases
- Proposal for Haunt 2
- Give unique non-transferable Background to Haunt 1 Aavegotchis
- Add Fee on Baazaar to Support Rarity Farming
- Earn XP for Successful Signal Proposals
- Voting power based on BRS
- Voting power based on Wearables' Maall Price
- Partnership between AavegotchiDAO, Pixelcraft, and DinoSwap
- Liquidity Manager / FRENS Committee
- Launch Haunt 2
- Add an Aging Mechanic to affect Aavegotchi rarity scores
- Earn FRENS with GHST-MATIC LP Tokens
- Create a Wearables Taask Force
- Stake 100k GHST to generate Minigame Rewards
- Adding Voting Power to REALM Parcels
- Gotchiverse Patch v0.1
- Providing GHST Liquidity on SynFutures
- Creating the DAO Treasury Taask Force
- Adding GHST to the Umbria Narni Bridge
- Launch Rarity Farming SZN 3
- Co-Sponsoring the GoodGhosting Pool
- Deposit 3M Treasury GHST into Aave
- Delay Gotchiverse Land Auction & Raffle 3
- Reducing the Parcel VRF Variance
- Alternative Gotchiverse Trait Mapping
- Extending the DAO Treasury Task Force Multisig
- 24h Windows for Alchemical Channeling
- Scheduling Land Auction/Raffle #3 for June
- Launch of RF Szn 4
- Use DYST voting Power to Support vQi-Qi on Dystopia
- Change Harvester Recipes
- AavegotchiDAO <> Pixelcraft Studios 1.75M DAI Token Swap
- Delay the 3rd LAND Auction
- Utilizing the Channeling “Hot Zone”
- Configure VP for amGHST, wapGHST, and all GLTR Staking
- Stop new BRS Wearable Emissions until further notice
- Modifying the Channeling Window
- Sunsetting FRENS Immediately
- Update GLTR Emissions
- Setting limits on the number of borrowed gotchis allowed per wallet address
- Add DAO Liquidity to GHST-Alchemica Pairs
- Mint and Transfer 50 DAO Parcels and 4M FUD Eq. of Alchemica to the DTF for Contributor Compensation
- Preventing Owners From Channeling Gotchis Listed For Lending
- Creating New Wearable Sets
- Enacting a Bonding Curve Emergency Plan
- The Forge - Request for Funding and Development
- Adjust Aaltar Spillover Rates
- Create AavegotchiDAO Foundation
- Election for DAO Foundation’s 9 Directors/Multisig-Signers
- Election for DAO Foundation’s 9 Directors/Multisig-Signers (Revote)
- Rarity Farming Season 5
- Channel Alchemica by Burning Kinship
- Creating the Aarcade Taask Force (ATF)
- Update the Template to Require the Use of ‘Weighted Voting’
- Fund Alchemica Spending Competition
- Establish the “Core Framework” Guiding Wearable Release
- Launch Round 2 Parcel VRF Rolls
- Name of Aavegotchi Marketplace
- Eligibility of GHST-USDC LP tokens to earn FRENS
- Portals purchased in one transaction
Tap increase for Scaling Sprint
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #1
Proposal Summary: The GHST Bonding Curve has been live for nearly one month and with that comes the first opportunity for GHST holders to adjust the DAICO’s tap mechanism. AavegotchiDAO 1.0 is built on the Aragon platform and functions as a straightforward DAICO where GHST holders are able to vote once per month to increase or decrease the flow of funds to the core team via the tap. The tap provides DAI directly from the GHST Bonding Curve where over 7.5 million DAI are currently secured.
We request the Aavegotchi community vote to increase the tap from 50K DAI / 30 days to 100K DAI / 30 days. 50k DAI was not enough to cover all of the milestones achieved (community growth, GHST token, game development) and the next sprint is even more ambitious. The hard coded constraints of AavegotchiDAO 1.0 limit this proposal to only a 50K DAI increase for this month’s voting period and thus we have budgeted our strategy with a total 100k DAI tap in mind.
The budget going forward deploys the additional 50k DAI into 4 distinct categories:
- A game maker’s fund so we can solidify terms with key game developers.
- Additional contracts for key positions in marketing, design, and development.
- A marketing boost to make sure Aavegotchi’s presence is expanded.
- Community rewards so we can continue to develop programs (like the Aartists and Aapprentices teams) that incentivize the most inspired in our community.
Voting Period: 15 - 19 October 2020
Add fees to Bonding Curve
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #2
Proposal Summary: The bonding curve is the main source of liquidity of GHST. Large buyers and sellers can currently buy in and out without any fees.
Our market maker offers the ability to add fees to buy and sell orders.
Multiple community members have proposed adding fees up to 0.3% to buying and selling on the curve.
This is possible to do by calling the updateFees
function on our bonding curve, but should we? It’s up to you, AavegotchiDAO.
Any fees earned would automatically be transferred to the DAO Treasury address at 0xffe6280ae4e864d9af836b562359fd828ece8020 and would be considered as assets of AavegotchiDAO.
Voting Period: 18 - 21 January 2021
Increase DAICO tap for GHST purchases
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #3
Proposal Summary: Player rewards and liquidity incentives are crucial to bootstrapping the Aavegotchi ecosystem to a level where it becomes self-sustained on trading volume and economic activity.
Whenever GHST is spent in the Aavegotchi ecosystem, 33% of it is automatically sent to a burn address. Unlike most cryptocurrencies, burning GHST (except via the bonding curve) does not actually lower the total value of GHST, since that value is stored as DAI within the bonding curve.
What burning does do is trap DAI within the bonding curve, essentially increasing the reserve ratio over time, which stabilizes the price of GHST.
In order to offset the burning (which could ultimately turn GHST into a stablecoin), we advise the community to increase the tap to 150,000 DAI per month. This will help balance the reserve of the bonding curve, while also providing an extra 50,000 DAI per month that will be put towards player rewards and liquidity incentives.
Voting Period: 18 - 21 January 2021
Proposal for Haunt 2
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #4
Proposal Summary: 10,000 Portals is arguably not enough to satisfy the current level of demand for Aavegotchis. Therefore it may be necessary to deploy a new Haunt to ensure that all who want to participate can own an Aavegotchi. This Core Proposal provides four different options that have been suggested by community members, including one option not to create a new Haunt.
Details on the AGIP can be found here.
Option 1: No new haunt, Revisit in a month
Option 2: 10K Portals, 100 GHST each, 1 per txn
Option 3: 25K portals, 100 GHST each, 5 per txn (w/ stricter ape tax)
Option 4: Pre-sale, in which each wallet can subscribe for 1 Portal in exchange for 100 GHST. When the pre-sale period closes, all Portals are minted and transferred to their owners.
Voting Period: 17 - 24 March 2021
Vote Differential not met. No Haunt 2 for now!
Give unique non-transferable Background to Haunt 1 Aavegotchis
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #5
Proposal Summary: Many players are worried that Haunt 2 will be too similar to Haunt 1 and the newly-created Haunts will devalue the “Genesis” Haunt. One of the suggestions is to give special backgrounds to each Haunt to make them easily identifiable. This proposal has seen excellent discussion and significant support on the associated Snapshot. Note that irrespective of the DAO’s decision on this issue, all Aavegotchis will be getting special non-transferable "Haunt" badges that identify their Haunt. This proposal focuses specifically on the idea of a non-transferable background that can be equipped in the Aavegotchi’s BG wearable slot.
Details on the AGIP can be found here.
Option 1: Only Haunt 1 should get a special background
Option 2: Each Haunts should have it’s own unique background
Option 3: Neither, leave it as is
Voting Period: 17 - 24 March 2021
Add Fee on Baazaar to Support Rarity Farming
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #6
Proposal Summary: With the announcement of SZN1 Rewards now official, we explore how to align the community's interests and rewards structures, as it pertains to Baazaar fees.
Currently, 2% is allocated to Pixelcraft and 1% to DAO treasury. While not exclusive of providing for RF rewards, the treasury funds are currently in no obligation to be allocated in any form of ratio towards the RF pool each season. The proposal aims to increase the Baazaar fees from 3% to 3.5%, with the additional 0.5% going directly to the Rarity Farming rewards pool.
Details on the AGIP can be found here.
Option 1: Yes, increase fees from 3 to 3.5
Option 2: No, leave the fees as they are
Voting Period: 7 - 13 April 2021
Earn XP for Successful Signal Proposals
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #7
Proposal Summary: We currently have a lot of Signal / Community Proposals on Snapshot and new posts on our forum everyday. So far none of those proposals were able to even get close to the quorum of 20%. The most popular one by @JG about adding additional fees for rarity farming only got around 2 million GHST in votes (~11%)-even though the team decided to take it as a Core Proposal. After being upgraded to Core we smashed right through the quorum in less than 24h.
I think there are two pretty obvious reasons for this. On the one hand, our Snapshot is a bit chaotic right now, with some Signal Proposals not following the template at all. On the other hand-and I think this is the more important one-voting on Core Proposal gets you 20 Experience (XP) for your Gotchi.
I propose adding a small Experience drop (10 XP) for people who voted on successful Signal Proposals, meaning ones that reach quorum and get upgraded to Core Proposals. Simply dropping XP for all Community Proposals could result in more low quality suggestions, which shouldn't be the goal of this proposal.
Even if 10 XP might not be much, it gives people incentives to actually look through the Signal Proposals and vote on quality proposals with a higher chance of reaching quorum. As a DAO, community involvement is extremely important and I believe this is a small, but decent, step in the right direction.
If this Proposal reaches quorum and passes, all Aavegotchis held by their owners at the end of the vote will receive 10 XP!
Details on the AGIP can be found here.
Option 1: Yes, successful SigProps give XP
Option 2: No, SigProps should not give XP
Voting Period: 12 - 18 May 2021
Voting power based on BRS
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #8
Proposal Summary: Add Voting Power for Aavegotchis held in a voter’s address, at a rate of 1 GHST per BRS (base rarity score, not including equipped wearables).
Details on the AGIP can be found here.
Option 1: Yes, give Voting Power to Aavegotchi based on BRS
Option 2: No, Aavegotchis shouldn’t have Voting Power
Voting Period: 11 - 17 June 2021
Voting power based on Wearables' Maall Price
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #9
Proposal Summary: Add Voting Power for Wearables held by Aavegotchis and in the voting address.
Details on the AGIP can be found here.
Option 1: Yes, give Voting Power to Wearables based on Maall Price
Option 2: No, Wearables shouldn’t have Voting Power
Voting Period: 11 - 17 June 2021
Partnership between AavegotchiDAO, Pixelcraft, and DinoSwap
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #10
Proposal Summary: Some community members are worried about the waning liquidity of GHST on Quickswap and their gradually decreasing LP rewards. Rather than simply allocating more liquidity to the pool, we are considering partnering with a soon to launch liquidity aggregator called DinoSwap. The terms include a total of 200k USD worth of GHST tokens to be allocated to their incentivized “extinction pools”, the details of which are fleshed out below.
Details on the AGIP can be found here.
Option 1: Yes, let's partner with DinoSwap
Option 2: No, don't partner with Dinoswap
Voting Period: 13 - 20 June 2021
Liquidity Manager / FRENS Committee
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #11
Proposal Summary:
To incentivize liquidity on QuickSwap, you can earn additional FRENS rewards for staking Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens on the Aavegotchi website. Depending on the risk of Impermanent Loss (IL) these numbers can vary, originally it was +35% for GHST-QUICK, +20% for GHST-ETH and +10% for GHST-USDC. Because the rates have to be manually adjusted and prices have moved quite a bit since this was introduced, the FRENS rewards are off by quite a lot; GHST-QUICK is at around +90%, while GHST-USDC earns -10%.
Quoted from coderdan: "There has been talk of setting up committees for managing certain parts of Aavegotchi, and I believe this could be an interesting candidate for such a committee. Right now we only have two [now three] pairs incentivized by FRENS, but this could change in the future.”
The “committee” could be a multisig of at least nine (maybe up to fifteen) members with strong reputation in the community and high Gotchi dependability counters. At its core, this Liquidity Committee would monitor and adjust FRENS rates to keep in check with the pre-determined rate, by performing contract calls to the GHST Staking contracts only available to a new “rateManager” role created for the committee."
For now the committee should just have one job - keeping the FRENS rates up-to-date. In the future this could be extended to partnerships, monitoring of FRENS inflation, etc.
Two weeks ago we created a Discourse thread (linked above) for interested parties to apply as candidates. Since then 11 people have applied. All candidates have been members of the community for a while and put forward good reasons as to why they should be chosen. As this is still within the range of 9-15, the easiest way would be to form the committee with all applicants.
So now it's up to you, AavegotchiDAO. Should we take this step in further decentralizing Aavegotchi and put the FRENS rate into the hands of:
Angst, Jarrod, Kenymccornick, UnfitStone, Notorious_BTC, Doxy, Kokusho, Grip, Almond-Stew, Shanekoy and Moon
Discourse Thread (Idea/Proposal)
Option 1: Yes, create the FRENS Committee
Option 2: No, keep everything as it is
Voting Period: 17 - 25 August 2021
Launch Haunt 2
Core Prop
Proposal Summary: Currently Aavegotchis are limited by a maximum possible 10,000 because only that many Haunt 1 Portals exist. This makes acquiring a first Aavegotchi cost prohibitive. With a second Haunt of 15,000 more Portals, we aim to address this problem while respecting unique, collectible aspects of Haunt 1 Aavegotchis.
Our vision is for far wider adoption of playable NFTs, and the first step to achieving that means leaving the scarcity memes behind and focusing on being able to offer meaningfully unique experiences to more people.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, launch Haunt 2
Option 2: No, do not launch Haunt 2 now
Voting Period: 19 - 26 July 2021
Add an Aging Mechanic to affect Aavegotchi rarity scores
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #13
Proposal Summary:
As new haunts are released, whether or not they include a bug fix that impacts gotchi trait generation, a strong dilution of existing high BRS gotchis occurs. Due to the nature of rarity farming and its rewards, this dilution is exclusively felt by those who invested heavily into older haunts, and who may not have the desire to sell due to emotional attachment, the means to invest more, or the ability to “flip” their way (due to local tax laws) into higher BRS gotchis from the newer haunts. Furthermore, very significant statistical variance can occur in new haunts, making it near impossible to make long term financial decisions, as the variance can render previous haunt gotchis all but obsolete. This leaves far too much entirely up to “luck”.
The Aging Mechanic is a proposal, initially introduced by Tistou on discord, that is designed to address all of the above mentioned issues, as well as create an interesting new dynamic of Aavegotchis that can be built upon in the future (age limits for activities, wearables, new appearance qualities, etc). It provides a buffer of approximately 6 months during which older gotchis have a BRS boost over newly summoned gotchis. As newly summoned gotchis age, they quickly begin to catch up to their older counterparts.
In the spirit of using numbers occurring in nature, the formula is modeled after the Fibonacci numbers x 1 million, but replacing the first 0 with a 1 to better fit the use case. Specifically, the first 10 Fibonacci numbers (replacing the first 0) are 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, the sum of which is 89. Following this formula would mean +1 BRS after 1 million blocks, then another +1 BRS after 2 million blocks, another +1 BRS after 3 million blocks, another +1 BRS after 5 million blocks, …, up to a final sum of +10 BRS after 89 million blocks (approx 6.5 years using average block time of 2.3 seconds — the average since May 1st).
This solution provides for a quicker boost in the first few epochs of age, and greatly flattens over time to avoid anything too OP and allow more recently summoned gotchis to eventually catch up to within a 1 BRS boost of their older and wiser brethren. It incentivizes opening and summoning portals as opposed to sitting on them, both boosting the in-game economy as well as the scarcity of those that are still chosen to remain closed. Most of all, it is a fair system that benefits no one haunt over any other, and simply rewards long term engagement, while counteracting the effects of sudden and aggressive dilution like we are currently witnessing.
Modifications made to Solution
The implementation will be slightly modified to use the available onchain data of birth block timestamp as opposed to block number, with epoch times predetermined using the same fibonacci intervals proposed in the sigprop and the current average block time. This makes the implementation much simpler, allows for predictable timelines (since a block time denominator would be constant, as opposed to variable based on chain activity), as well as ensures the functionality of the mechanic should any potential cases of architecture or blockchain network changes occur in the future. The petting time intervals already function using real time, so a precedent for this exists.
The 10 BRS cap is removed. The fibonacci intervals themselves act as a natural cap, as the time to reach further epochs approximates an exponential function. For example, it will take over 4 more years to get an additional BRS bonus (+11 total), then 6.5 years for another, then 10.5 years, etc.
The implementation would go live prior to the beginning of Rarity Farming Season 2. One of the goals of aging is to provide a short term buffer to the effects of statistical variance once a new haunt is released. For Haunt 1’s to be able to experience any of this benefit at all, the implementation must go live as soon as possible, as by the middle of season 2 H2’s will already be mostly caught up to the H1 bonus, with only a 1–2 BRS difference.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, implement aging incentives
Option 2: No, do not implement right now
Voting Period: 2 - 9 October 2021
Earn FRENS with GHST-MATIC LP Tokens
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #14
Proposal Summary: Polygon has been a huge reason behind the success of Aavegotchi. Super low transaction fees paid in MATIC have enabled the team to build a game where there is lots of activity happening on-chain such as petting, bid to earn auctions, Baazaar sales, and storage of the Aavegotchi game art.
As of early September, Sushiswap started offering 2x SUSHI rewards for farming the GHST-MATIC LP pair on Sushiswap.
The FRENS Taask Force recommends enabling a FRENS incentive to be paid for the GHST-MATIC LP pair on their AMM.
We recommend that the target rate of FRENS paid to the GHST-MATIC LP pair is greater than the target incentive for the GHST-ETH LP pair (120%) but lower than the target incentive for the GHST-QUICK pair (135%).
This is because the Impermanent Loss (IL) risk for GHST-MATIC is higher compared to GHST-ETH but lower compared to GHST-QUICK. We would recommend a target rate of 130% for the GHST-MATIC LP pair.
Currently, the majority of the liquidity for GHST resides on Quickswap.
See: https://frens-taaskforce.vercel.app/
This offers a great opportunity to move some of the liquidity over to the widely adopted Sushiswap AMM and reduce our dependence on Quickswap.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, give FRENS to GHST-MATIC
Option 2: No, don't give FRENS
Voting Period: 12 - 19 November 2021
Create a Wearables Taask Force
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #15
Proposal Summary:
Within the Aavegotchi ecosystem wearables play a vital role, whether it be boosting BRS for rarity farming, improving traits for minigames, utility in the upcoming metaverse, or just showing off. Due to the complexity of the different possible trait ranges of gotchis, and the variety of possible wearable stats, it is not an easy task to arrive at a balanced distribution of equippable items. Releasing new wearables without proper analysis can lead to duplication (and dilution) of existing items and further skew of practical applicable sets for gotchis with trait ranges in certain directions.
This proposal aims to introduce a Wearables Taask Force (WTF), the idea of which arose from discussions regarding the above concerns. Akin to the FRENS Taask Force, the goal of the WTF would be to assist Pixelcraft in the analysis of the current distribution of items within the ecosystem from a slot, rarity, and trait modifiers perspective, and in how this analysis can best be applied to future items. This Taask Force would NOT have the unilateral ability to determine what and how new items are released, but would function entirely in an advisory capacity.
The nominees for the Taask Force include long term community members who have a wide range of applicable skills, including statistical analysis, programming ability, strong experience in baazaar activity, and prior DAO experience. This Taask Force would greatly benefit from as many voices and perspectives as possible, so all nominations are included. Establishing this Taask Force would be a major step forward in creating a more balanced ecosystem and helping the AavegotchiDAO mature.
Full list of nominees: Kuwlness, JG1 (Fantasma#1777), Bearded, Actaeon, Thunderfish, Letsgobankless, Kokusho, Ader1990.eth, Machete, Aimo217 (AL#4105), Notorious_BTC, MonsterRNG, Goobz, Diddlypoo
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, establish the WTF
Option 2: No, don't establish the WTF
Voting Period: 12 - 19 November 2021
Stake 100k GHST to generate Minigame Rewards
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #16
Proposal Summary: Some frens have expressed concern over the lack of rewards for participating in Minigame events. Since there currently exists no Aarcade Taask Force with a designated budget, Gotchinomics has come up with the idea of staking 100k GHST in Treasury funds to support future initiatives.
Aavegotchi aims to be one of the top Play2Earn projects in the crypto gaming space, the launch of the Gotchiverse Realm being the cornerstone to achieving this long-term goal. However, there is room for improving the short-term possibilities through seasonal gaming events. The main problem is the lack of structure and funds.
Before creating a dedicated Aarcade DAO, the first step to enable play2earn rewards is to create a sustainable stream of funds. A simple and low-risk solution would be to stake a portion of the main DAO treasury, such as 100k GHST, to generate FRENS. Those could be then transformed into raffle tickets and given away to mini-game players through periodic events.
Potential risks
Staking GHST will indirectly imply a dilution of FRENS/tickets. However, since they would be distributed via mini-game rewards, the impact should be minimal compared to the boost on engagement and appeal to new people.
Wait for the Aarcade DAO to launch and let the new committee decide how to designate funds. However, this alternative option would mean losing precious time to generate more attractive rewards.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, stake 100k GHST
Option 2: No, wait for Aarcade DAO
Voting Period: 10 - 17 December 2021
Adding Voting Power to REALM Parcels
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #17
Proposal Summary:
With a new asset class added to the Aavegotchi family in the form of realm plots comes a new sink of GHST. This currently leaves those who have heavily invested into the new plots with much lesser voting power in the Aavegotchi DAO.
Since realm plots and the Gotchiverse are such an integral part of the Aavegotchi ecosystem, I believe it’s only right that realm owners get an amount of voting power that is proportional to the size of their realm plots. This ensures that their vote can be heard, which is of particular importance when future governance proposals will concern the Gotchiverse.
Since every plot has a set size in pixels which is also a scaling factor for the amount of alchemica within the plot, the suggestion brought forward is:
1 pixel = 1 GHST worth of voting power (64, 256, 2056) OR 1 pixel = 0.5 GHST worth of voting power (32, 128, 1028)
An alternative would be to give every plot flat voting power based on the auction floor, with a vote afterward allowing for fine-tuning of final voting power amounts while ensuring that all land owners will have a say.
This would give 100, 200, and 1300 GHST worth of voting power to humbles, reasonables, and spacious parcels, respectively.
CoreProp Edits
An option for “Auction floor” has also been added. This brings the Vote Differential up to 20%, meaning that any option must have 20% higher than the next option to pass.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Voting power of 0.5 GHST/pixel
Option 2: Voting power of 1 GHST/pixel
Option 3: Voting power from auction floor
Option 4: No voting power for REALM
Voting Period: 10 - 17 December 2021
Gotchiverse Patch v0.1
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #18
Proposal Summary:
Although the Gotchiverse is not yet live, we have identified a few areas that we believe should be adjusted before the game is released, and would like to bring these items to the community’s attention for discussion and a decision on whether or not to enact.
To ensure no single proposed change can revert the entire batch, we originally created six separate snapshot SigProp Proposals. This CoreProp combines the successful SigProps into the first Gotchiverse Patch v0.1!
Patch 0.1a
As we were finalizing key details such as build costs and harvesting rates for the upcoming Whitepaper, we discovered that one of our key assumptions had undervalued the amount of Alchemica in each parcel relative to total supply. The patch will increase the amount of Alchemica under each parcel to match our initial Alchemica tokens’ supplies, allocations, and emissions rates.
The SigProp for Patch 0.1a passed with the following numbers:
Yes: 13.14M GHST
No: 41.85k GHST
Patch 0.1b
Although our original intention was to make boosts one-time only, it is clear that many in the community interpreted the GEO paper to mean that boosts would be replenished. This patch allows boosts to also replenish together with the parcel itself after each Great Battle.
However, unlike parcels, the replenish rate is a fixed amount that is the same per round. For example, a parcel with a “5” FUD boost receives 5 servings of FUD per boost round.
The SigProp for Patch 0.1b also passed pretty convincingly:
Yes: 10.36M GHST
No: 2.37M GHST
Patch 0.1c
Even with Patch 0.1b passed, boosts will still be undervalued compared to the value the market has assigned to them, relative to a similar parcel with no boosts. Patch 0.1c proposed increasing boosts by 5x to bring the value of a boost closer to what the market is currently valuing it at.
The SigProp for Patch 0.1c did not pass and WILL NOT BE INCLUDED in Patch v0.1:
Yes: 5.85M GHST
No: 8.04M GHST
Future SigProps may be created to address this issue separately.
Patch 0.1d
The Gotchiverse Litepaper mentions that Kinship will be exchanged for a serving of Alchemica, essentially “burning” kinship. We certainly want to maintain the idea of a “kinship boost” for channeling but after thinking more deeply, we now believe there is a better way to achieve this.
An “achievements” approach does not require depleting an Aavegotchi’s kinship. Instead, high kinship Aavegotchis will channel Alchemica at a slightly higher rate, depending on their achievement level.
The SigProp for Patch 0.1d also passed:
Yes: 12.64M GHST
No: 431.93k GHST
Patch 0.1e & 0.1f
Districts did not exist as a Citaadel concept when the Litepaper was first published. That said, we have always envisioned an area or areas for Pixelcraft to develop in-depth experiences that add value to the overall game. Likewise, one of our earliest ideas, (predating the Citaadel itself!) was to reserve a town square for real time DAO voting. The idea of having a gamified governance experience was one of the very earliest ideas seeding Aavegotchi’s need for its own virtual world.
Patch 0.1e & 0.1f proposed allocating 1000 parcels each to Pixelcraft and the AavegotchiDAO in D27/D30. Both Patches passed convincingly:
Yes: 11.94M GHST / 12.14M GHST
No: 615.78k GHST / 734.92k GHST
And that’s it for the first Gotchiverse Patch! Now it is up to you, the AavegotchiDAO, to decide if Patch v0.1 should be implemented or not.
Option 1: Yes, implement Patch v0.1
Option 2: No, do not implement Patch v0.1
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, implement Patch v0.1
Option 2: No, do not implement Patch v0.1
Voting Period: 5 - 12 January 2022
Providing GHST Liquidity on SynFutures
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #19
Proposal Summary:
Since Aavegotchi has gathered a lot of liquidity on Spot DEXes, it is high time for Aavegotchi to create and boost its Futures market. Derivatives markets make up the majority of global trading activity and allow users to leverage their investments. Adding GHST liquidity on SynFutures would allow people to take on leverage longs (or shorts) on the future of Aavegotchi. But why SynFutures?
Great investors and team background SynFutures is backed by Polychain, Pantera, Dragonfly, Framework, Standard Crypto, Woo, and more. The team’s background is a great combination of traditional finance and DeFi. SynFutures is the only project of its kind which can support the listing of any assets by anyone in a permissionless manner (in less than 30s).
Security Backed by solid experience from the TradFi financial engineering and DeFi protocol safety, SynFutures has many risk management features (e.g. anti-flashloan attack, EMA smoothing method, etc.) and has gone through external code audits.
Easy to manage and start SynFutures supports a single token model to add liquidity which means the Aavegotchi Treasury would only have to deposit GHST instead of offering two tokens with the risk of impermanent loss. We are asking for 200k worth of GHST tokens to kickstart the pool. The liquidity could be withdrawn anytime.
Growth Potential Trading volume and users are growing fast on SynFutures. For the past 3 months since the SynFutures Alpha launched, we reached 47k users of and $1bn+ in trading volume. All this happened without a native SynFutures token, which could attract even more users.
Volume analysis Quickswap vs. SynFutures: Total LPs: 150k / 40K Total traders: 100k / 20k Daily trading volume: $100M / $29M
SynFutures trading volume makes up ~1/3rd of QuickSwap, and the amount of traders is 1/5th as big as on QuickSwap, however, the trading volume for different pairs is more concentrated. SynFutures has 108 trading pairs while QuickSwap has more than 22k pairs. For example, the daily trading volume of MATIC-USDC on SynFutures closes in on around $9M, while Quickswap reaches $14M.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, add $200k in GHST
Option 2: No, do not add $200k in GHST
Voting Period: 2 - 9 February 2022
Creating the DAO Treasury Taask Force
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #20
Proposal Summary:
We propose the creation of the DAO Treasury Taask Force (DTF). This committee will initially be composed of 8 members with reassessment of membership by the DAO within 6 months.
As of 12/07/2021, the DAO Treasury (https://aavegotchi.com/treasury) boasts nearly ~$11,408,400 worth of DAI and GHST. In its initial form, the committee will form proposals for consideration by the DAO which will subsequently be voted on and, if passed, enacted.
Proposed Mission Statement
The Aavegotchi DAO Treasury Taask Force is a dynamic committee assigned with making DAO treasury management proposals to the community and DAO for consideration. The initial mission and goals of the committee will be: 1) Grow and optimize the DAO treasury with an emphasis on safety, security and transparency; 2) Partner with Pixelcraft to assist in developing and identifying tools and infrastructure for ongoing DAO Treasury management; and 3) foster and encourage growth of the overall Aavegotchi community by increasing awareness, actively promoting adoption, and maintaining current user engagement.
Initial Funding
After lengthy discussions with the task force, the community, and with coderdan, the DTF would like to request an initial 50,000 GHST budget. The 50,000 GHST budget would be transferred from the DAO Treasury to the 8 multi-signature Gnosis Safe. This budget will greatly expand the flexibility of the DAO in incentivizing and rewarding engaged community members, developers, creatives, and overall contributors. This budget will never be used to reward members of the DTF. The DTF’s core main initiative will be to form a proposal for overall use of the DAO Treasury by investing some of the $10 million DAI/GHST in yield bearing opportunities. With effective deployment of the DAO Treasury, even modest returns would more than pay for the DTF budget request. The DTF will ensure comprehensive accounting and provide community facing documentation to ensure transparency. Some potential uses for the budget include the following:
- Reward community engagement and aarcade play
- Reward game developers and designers
- Reward community application developers
- Reward and acknowledge community art contributions
- Reward, acknowledge and grow content creators and general marketing efforts
- Expand Aavegotchi and GHST’s opportunities for decentralized financial applications
The DTF is developing a structured plan and multiple potential pilot projects to best utilize these funds. We will work to develop tools to allow maximum transparency into the budget use. Expenses within this 50,000 GHST budget would not require a DAO approval in order to maximize nimble use of the funds. Any further budget requests beyond the initial 50,000 GHST would require a DAO vote.
The initial 8 members of the DTF
- BowtiedNerd
- Mori
- letsgobankless
- Addison
- Deucehearts
- BackfireCapital
- Swappi
- Dr Wagmi
We appreciate the Aavegotchi community’s support and look forward to our first proposal.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, with 50k GHST budget
Option 2: Yes, without 50k GHST budget
Option 3: No, do not create the DTF
Voting Period: 2 - 9 February 2022
Adding GHST to the Umbria Narni Bridge
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #21
Proposal Summary:
The Umbria Narni Bridge has implemented the GHST token, and is facilitating cheaper migration of GHST between the Ethereum <--> Polygon networks, compared to the official Polygon bridge. The Umbria Narni bridging cost is about 1/2 of the official polygon bridge cost and is also much faster (4 minutes, as opposed to > 1 hour).
The Umbria Narni bridge protocol can bridge a maximum of 20% of its total GHST liquidity, per bridging event. For example, with $100k of GHST tokens in one side of the pool, the bridge can migrate a maximum of $20k of GHST per single transaction.
Currently there is approximately $14,000 of GHST tokens on each side of the bridge. This is mostly funded by the Umbria team. This enables the bridge to be able to bridge a maximum of $700 of GHST tokens per transaction - which is pretty good, but we are aware that some users want to bridge much more in a single transaction.
We propose the Aavegotchi DAO add $100,000 of GHST to each bridge pool (1. Polygon and 2. Ethereum). There are a few advantages for doing so:
The Aavegotchi DAO will earn a 0.2% bridging fee whenever anyone uses the bridge to migrate GHST tokens between Ethereum <--> Polygon. So across time, the Aavegotchi DAO will make money. If the Narni bridge ever becomes an unnecessary solution, the Aavegotchi DAO can easily remove their liquidity and enjoy their profit.
Transactions up to approximately $21,000 of GHST will now be possible.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, add $200k GHST
Option 2: No, do not add any GHST
Voting Period: 8 - 15 February 2022
Launch Rarity Farming SZN 3
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #22
Proposal Summary:
Currently, Rarity Farming Seasons happen sporadically and are difficult to account for in the cadence of Aavegotchi releases. It leaves investors wondering if they should hold onto their Gotchis and Wearables, or if they might find better ROI flipping into the next rounds. It would be desirable to have a bit of certainty / predictability for both investor sentiment and for planning purposes.
If possible funding-wise, Rarity Farming should happen three times a year. It would fit in with the seasonal nature we are already following, and if properly planned could be sustainable based on GBM Sales in-between seasons, Treasury revenue via staking and partnerships (such as the Umbra Bridge proposal), and other streams of revenue such as DAO Grants. The author of this proposal believes Rarity Farming is an essential part of the Gotchiverse ecosystem, and something to build out and improve upon rather than scrap.
For Season 3, I suggest we go back to the standard reward ratio, as was tried and tested in Rarity Farming Season 1. The rookies of the similarly named rookie board are now all grown up and ready to compete with the big boys. This would mean 70% of payouts go to the BRS leaderboard, 20% to the Kinship leaderboard and 10% to the XP leaderboard.
Based on Forum discussions this would be the final model for SZN3:
- 4 Rounds (2 weeks each)
- 1.5 Million GHST Rewards Pool (1.4m GHST funded already)
- 70% BRS
- 20% Kinship
- 10% XP
- Top 5k Gotchis (20%) → Top 7.5k Gotchis (30%)
- 3 Seasons per Year (approx. schedule below)
- SZN 3: February - March
- SZN 4: June - July
- SZN 5: October - November
Updated Rewards Sheet: Rarity Farming SZN 3 Distribution Model
Since there is a ~100k GHST discrepancy between the proposed amount to be distributed and GHST currently in the rewards pool, this proposal includes a funding request for the remaining amount to be taken out of the AavegotchiDAO Treasury.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, launch RF SZN 3
Option 2: Yes, but different params
Option 3: No, don't launch RF SZN 3
Voting Period: 8 - 15 February 2022
Co-Sponsoring the GoodGhosting Pool
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #23
Proposal Summary:
What is GoodGhosting?
GoodGhosting is a no-loss savings game, built on top of Aave. We launched our very first DeFi savings pools on Polygon, during the summer of 2021. So far, we have helped over 7000 users to save over $600k worth of assets on Polygon. All while collecting some nice NFTs and climbing our leaderboard.
The GoodGhosting team believes in a world where saving is rewarding, easy and fun. Yet, traditional saving is none of that. We build decentralized social saving applications that combine game design elements with goal-based saving. We want to help our community to develop better financial habits, and have fun at the same time.
Potential collaboration
We want to expose the GoodGhosting community to Aavegotchi, by introducing an Aavegotchi-themed savings pool. This pool will require players to save in GHST tokens, and earn them more GHST on top. We see it as a fun opportunity to cross-pollinate the GoodGhosting and Aavegotchi communities.
Aavegotchi is a one-of-a-kind project we have been keeping a close eye on from the very start. Both as players and as ecosystem residents. In our opinion, it envisions everything that DeFi and Web3 is about 👻
Besides inviting all Aavegotchi users and the DAO itself to participate in the upcoming GHST savings pool, GoodGhosting would like to request the AavegotchiDAO to consider co-sponsoring this pool.
Our Request
- A total of 7000 GHST in sponsorship for this savings pool. To be shared between all winning players.
- The ability to reward successful savers with Gotchi XP, or alternatively FRENS. Considering GoodGhosting an extensive mini-game that encourages people to stack more GHST.
- An allocation of Aavegotchi NFTs (worth up to 3000 GHST) to be raffled to random participants and/or to all winners. These could be Wearables, Gotchi’s, Raffle tickets or Realm parcels.
These could either be provided by the AavegotchiDAO, or alternatively purchased by the GoodGhosting team on the Bazaar. For these additional incentives, we hope to provide benefits to a small handful of lucky winners (via a raffle system), and/or a smaller reward that is feasible to be delivered to all winners.
What can GoodGhosting bring to the table?
- Up to 4000 WMATIC tokens in sponsorship (from our DeFiForAll grant). To be shared between all winning players.
- An influx of new users into the Aavegotchi ecosystem. So far over 20500 users joined our Celo and Polygon savings pools. Most have not yet been exposed to Aavegotchi or GHST, and many are likely to join the Gotchigang.
- We will create a YouTube video explaining Aavegotchi, and how to obtain the GHST token on Polygon. Directed at our community members.
- We will allow users to play GoodGhosting using their Aavegotchis as avatar. This will show up in the shared ‘Players’ tab, as well as in the individual player profiles on Goodghosting.com
- Some very special NFTs by our in-house artist Mali3D
- An increased GG score for all successful savers
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, 10k GHST for rewards + XP
Option 2: Yes, but under different terms
Option 3: No, do not support GG
Voting Period: 9 - 15 February 2022
Deposit 3M Treasury GHST into Aave
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #24
Proposal Summary:
Alongside the DAO Treasury Taask Force (DTF), Dr Wagmi proposes that we immediately take advantage of the Aave GHST listing by depositing ~80% of our DAO Treasury GHST (3,000,000 GHST) into Aave as collateral to earn passive yield. The current utilisation rate is at 45% with a deposit APR ~2.5%. Given the significant yield and quickly growing utility of the GHST token, we anticipate ongoing borrowing demand, and, thus, yield for GHST depositors and the DAO Treasury. The Aavegotchi DAO can demonstrate its dexterity, effectiveness, and impressive treasury by quickly capitalizing on this passive yield opportunity. This would speak volumes to the broader DeFi and crypto community and immediately provide additional value to GHST token holders through increased borrowing capacity in the Aave pool.
An initial deposit of 3,000,000 GHST would represent approximately 80% of the DAO Treasury GHST. This deposit is completely liquid and could be withdrawn if the DAO designates other uses. A 3% APR is nearly $90,000 which can be used to further invest in the Aavegotchi ecosystem through DAO initiatives. A separate proposal can be considered for the additional 20% and for the 2.4M DAI in the treasury. We do not propose that the received amGHST from this proposed initial deposit be staked for FRENS. This proposal is not requesting DTF multi-sig control over this deposit or the ongoing management.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, deposit 3M GHST
Option 2: No, keep GHST in the Treasury
Option 3: Abstain
Voting Period: 23 - 30 March 2022
Delay Gotchiverse Land Auction & Raffle 3
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #25
Proposal Summary:
Pixelcraft has provided a schedule in Chapter 1 in the Gotchiverse Game Bible with the Gotchiverse Land Auction / Raffle 3 scheduled to occur Late February: https://blog.aavegotchi.com/introducing-the-gotchiverse-game-bible/
This was scheduled to happen before the following Gotchiverse Game Bible Chapters were published according to that same post. 4 more Chapters were released in March and there are more planned to be released during the following weeks/months.
I propose the Land Auction & Raffle is delayed until the full release of Book One of the Gotchiverse occurs or the community votes for an additional sale.
This is primarily to ensure that the community can make fully informed bids/investments in Land and we reduce the risk of repeating what happened previously with people overbidding and getting rekt.
[CoreProp Edit: Since Book One is going to be fully published soon but there still seems to be little appetite for a REALM Sale, we have added a voting option to only start the next Auction & Raffle if a SigProp reaches Quorum and the respective CoreProp passes. This adjustment has been discussed with Jarrod beforehand.]
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Delay until full Book 1
Option 2: Delay until Community Proposal
Option 3: Start Auction 3 ASAP
Voting Period: 23 - 30 March 2022
Reducing the Parcel VRF Variance
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #26
Proposal Summary:
The VRF variance for Alchemica under the ground of parcels (0.2 - 1.8 of average) seems very high to me and could lead to some people getting rekt - see the graphic posted on the Discourse Thread.
A very unlucky spacious owner could get less alchemica than a lucky reasonable owner - which is in my opinion very bad UX, especially considering that it was communicated this wouldn’t be possible. Keep in mind that the first round (quarter) will distribute more Alchemica than the rest of them, so losing big in the first round could set someone back by a lot.
I want to propose lowering the variance to AT LEAST 0.5 - 1.5 if not even 0.75 - 1.25 for the first round (Voting Choice 1). My issue with this very high variance is that people made financial decisions based on the average numbers published before the first auction, making people lose 50-80% of Alchemica value underneath the parcel is terrible UX to me.
Another option suggested by Mori would be to create a binomial distribution with the left tail cut off, so it's possible to win big but impossible to get rekt hard (Voting Choice 2). This results in an average pull of 100, a minimum pull of 60, and a maximum pull of ~800. There's a fairly reasonable chance of winning this top prize, with ~0.02% of parcels being able to achieve this. Important note: This option would reduce the previous Median of 100 to roughly 83.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Round 1 0.75 - 1.25 & 0.5 - 1.5
Option 2: Binomial Distribution
Option 3: No, don't change the Variance
Voting Period: 23 - 30 March 2022
Alternative Gotchiverse Trait Mapping
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #27
Proposal Summary:
With the introduction of Gotchiverse trait maps in the Game Bible Chapter 2, a significant discussion kicked off analyzing potential imbalances, weaknesses and areas for innovation in the original proposed trait map for NRG, AGG, SPK & BRN. This CoreProp proposes to change the trait mappings for these 4 traits to:
NRG: HP Capacity (0 NRG) <===> AP Capacity (100 NRG)
AGG: Defense Power (0 AGG) <===> Action Speed (100 AGG)
SPK: HP & AP Regen (0 SPK) <===> Ethereality (100 SPK)
BRN: Melee Power (0 BRN) <===> Ranged Power (100 BRN)
EYS: To Be Confirmed
EYC: To Be Confirmed
Please refer to the DAO forum thread for a full rundown on what these changes mean (including an FAQ section).
Core Effects of the New Trait Map
- Movement speed removed from trait maps will now lead to an improved quality of life user experience (UX) for all players starting out in the Gotchiverse, both new and old,
- Carrying capacity removed from trait maps corrects the imbalance of 1 farming trait vs. 7 combat traits on NRG, AGG, SPK and BRN,
- There is now a clear distinction between physical and ability specialist (mage) gotchis,
- There is now a clear distinction between melee and ranged gotchis,
- Ethereality can now be thought of as “Luck” and influences evasion, critical strikes, slipping through walls and all sorts of other chance based actions in the Gotchiverse.
End Goal
For the community and Pixelcraft to build a trait map together that is balanced, has excellent UX, playability and longevity while simultaneously allowing the flexibility to implement wearable buffs and abilities that work with the traits in the future.
There is potential that some players and investors have already purchased gotchis based on the original trait mappings. It is important to note that these traits were always specified as non-immutable in the Game Bible HOWEVER, we strongly believe the new trait maps proposed here will create even moar diverse and entertaining play styles for OG investors and new players alike to experiment with and enjoy playing.
Final Important Notes
There are a number of ways these Traits can scale (Yin/Yang linear, asymmetric, buff only starting from 50 and diminishing returns to name a few). The Trait Scaling System is still under review by the community so look forward to further calls with Pixelcraft (to really get into the nitty gritty) and another SigProp! EYS and EYC are still under review by the community. A number of interesting ideas including farming/alchemica/HUD abilities have been proposed. Make sure you get involved and have your say on how you’d like to see these evolve too!
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, use the new Trait Map
Option 2: No, stick with the original
Voting Period: 23 - 30 March 2022
Extending the DAO Treasury Task Force Multisig
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #28
Proposal Summary:
Hi frens, in Chapter 2 we proposed that 10% of the Gotchus Alchemica supply be vested over 30 years to be used for Ecosystem purposes. The primary goal of this allocation is to ensure excellent long-term liquidity across many platforms, including the GAX, various DEXes on Polygon, Mainnet, and even CEXes.
Those who follow the project carefully know that we always try to do everything “by the book”, to make Aavegotchi a model case study for decentralization and legal compliance. We are currently in the final stages of setting up a new legal wrapper for AavegotchiDAO (more specifically, a Panama Foundation) and will soon be making an announcement for applications to serve.
On the technical side, we are also working to implement onchain governance of the Aavegotchi protocol. However, this will take some time, as it requires upgrades to the deployed GHST token on Polygon.
While all of this is happening in the background, we are also launching FIVE new ERC20 Alchemica tokens and locking a sizable amount of them into vesting contracts.
For both legal and strategic reasons, we believe that the Ecosystem allocation should not be managed by Pixelcraft, but instead by AavegotchiDAO. The DAO Treasury Force has already been created to manage some of the DAO treasury, but the number of signers is quite few (six) and in my opinion insufficient to hold such a sum of funds.
Therefore, I propose we create an additional multisig under the current DTF, with fifteen signers instead of the current six. Eleven out of fifteen signatures would be required to confirm transactions.
This multisig would be the beneficiary of the Ecosystem Vesting Contract (which holds 10% of each Alchemica’s token supply, vested over 30 years), and could also inherit the 1M GHST originally allocated during the GHST creation for Ecosystem building, to help bootstrap Alchemica liquidity.
On our side, we will deploy the Alchemica and create initial liquidity pools on Quickswap, after which we will transfer ownership of the vesting contract to the multisig. After that point, it will be up to the DTF to coordinate liquidity provision.
Let’s goooo Gotchigang!
Details on the AGIP can be found here
[Final note: You can vote for multiple members at once, the top 9 choices will then get elected! Short pitches for everyone can be found in the discussion thread]
Option 1: Kokusho
Option 2: MGG
Option 3: Choyna
Option 4: Pgendreau
Option 5: Diddlypoo
Option 6: Tburd.eth
Option 7: Jarrod
Option 8: MarvinP
Option 9: Notorious_BTC
Option 10: Hardkor
Option 11: Yanik
Option 12: Master_Yin
Option 13: Nestor
Option 14: Chichi
Voting Period: 23 - 30 March 2022
24h Windows for Alchemical Channeling
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #29
Proposal Summary:
As specified in Gotchiverse Bible Chapter 3, solo gotchi channeling will work via a 24 hour cooldown timer that starts immediately after a gotchi channels at an altar. We propose that this be revised to a windowed 24 hour system that runs from 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC in which a gotchi can solo channel once, anytime within that 24 hour window.
Proposal to be implemented on or before May 18, 2022 (the commencement date of solo channeling) or as soon thereafter as Pixelcraft can ship...
With the introduction of the 12 hour petting cooldown system a year ago, we have all come to realize that a set interaction time with your gotchi is hard to maintain given real world events, network congestion, family and work commitments. We do not want to repeat this limitation with solo gotchi channeling.
The above limitation has led to the development of automated bots to guarantee interaction efficiency which, arguably, results in lower user engagement. By removing this limitation for solo channeling, it is much more likely that players will organically engage with their gotchi for solo channeling on a daily basis.
Many players have multiple gotchis, multiple parcels and multiple altars spread all throughout the Citaadel. These players have shown amazing support in our community and should not be restricted in their efficiency by a 24 hour cooldown. They should still be able to comfortably channel once per day with all their gotchis when their busy schedules suit.
The 24 hour channeling solution would: Improve quality of life for gotchi owners,
- Mitigate unfavorable interaction times,
- Mitigate network congestion at interaction time, and,
- Increase daily engagement for time-poor players.
Proposal implementation date may be delayed if Pixelcraft encounters technical challenges or is otherwise unable to meet the May 18, 2022 implementation date.
Details on the AGIP can be found here.
Option 1: Yes, once per 24h window
Option 2: No, every 24h interaction
Voting Period: 21 - 28 May 2022
Scheduling Land Auction/Raffle #3 for June
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #30
Proposal Summary:
Land Auction/Raffle #3 Proposal:
- Hold the Auction and Raffle within June
- 8,000 Parcels in total from predominantly districts 1, 6, 13, 23, 24, 25, 26. Parcels from previously auctioned/raffled districts are also included. The exact selection can be seen in the Discussion Thread: https://dao.aavegotchi.com/t/proposal-for-land-auction-raffle-3-within-1-week-of-citaadel-release/3487/36
- 70% (5,600) of parcels in the auction, 30% (2,400) in the raffle
Proposed Revenue Distribution:
- 40% of Revenue to the Rarity Farming Rewards Pool
- 40% to Pixelcraft Studios
- 20% to the AavegotchiDAO
- 0% Burn
This proposal is synthesized from community feedback over the last few weeks and attempts to balance the following: NFT dilution; an auction/raffle feeling too rushed; inadequate available GHST liquidity; concern for the funding of Rarity Farming Season 4; capitalizing on the momentum and marketing of the full game release. A June Auction will allow >2 weeks of Citaadel gameplay and will allow sufficient time for marketing and business development efforts to capture maximum investment. There is an adequate Gotchiverse Rewards Pool after the first two land auctions, and this sale will help fund RFS4 and perhaps even some of Season 5.
This proposal has been discussed with the Pixelcraft team who support it and feel the target date is feasible.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, 8k Parcels in June
Option 2: No
Voting Period: 21 - 28 May 2022
Launch of RF Szn 4
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #31
Proposal Summary:
In line with the core prop passed via governance on Feb 15th, I’d like to take this moment to formalise the start of rarity farm S4 with the gotchi-DAO.
Since no major changes to the BRS, XP or kinship systems have occurred since the last season and since the passing of the proposal, I suggest we keep parameters equal to what they were for S3.
Following that, this would be the final model for SZN4:
4 Rounds (2 weeks each) 1.5 Million GHST Rewards Pool - to be funded by the land sale of AGIP-30.
70% BRS
20% Kinship
10% XP
Top 7.5k Gotchis (30%)
In the event where the land sale of AGIP-30 does not lead to a RF pool of 1.5m GHST or higher, I suggest we make the rest of the 1.5m GHST prize pool whole via the DAO treasury as previously discussed in AGIP-23.
The DAO is potentially going to get rebalanced with a lot of GHST due to a recent Pixelcraft-lead proposal for a DAI buyback that might pass governance in the near future, so it would tie in handily to that.
In case you missed it, a short recap for our RF scheduling;
SZN 4 (covered in this core prop): June - July
SZN 5: October - November
SZN 6: February - March 2023
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, formally start RF Szn 4
Option 2: No, don't start RF Szn 4
Voting Period: 22 - 29 June 2022
Use DYST voting Power to Support vQi-Qi on Dystopia
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #32
Proposal Summary:
The Aavegotchi DAO should use its DYST voting power to support the vQi-Qi pool on DystopiaSwap indefinitely. Any community member can submit an additional signal prop should reallocation be considered.. Indefinite support will avoid overly frequent Sig Prop submissions that are only tangentially related to the Aavegotchi DAO.
Dystopia Swap is an automated market maker with ve(3,3) mechanics which was recently launched on Polygon. They airdropped a big portion of their initial token supply to Polygon dApps including the Aavegotchi protocol, QiDAO, and the GotchiVault. This voting token is used to allocate scheduled rewards similar to QiDAO’s Qi. This means it is up to our Aavegotchi community to decide how to best use our airdropped voting power to support the DeFi aspect for Aavegotchi and GHST. I propose that this voting power be used to support the vQi-Qi pool which secures liquidity and rewards for the ~4M GHST in the vGHST protocol.
A brief overview of why this is good for GHST:
GHST users deposit their GHST for vGHST using the GotchiVault (3.83M vGHST exist currently)
vGHST can be deposited in QiDAO as collateral for borrowing MAI
Qi rewards are paid to borrowers based on a biweekly vote by Qi holders
Qi that is staked for 4 years has 4x the voting power- this is known as eQi. vQi is a liquid form of eQi that allows holders to sell the token. vQi voting power is always used for vGHST. 5. The current vQi supply is 833k which means 3.3M eQi voting power.
The system requires adequate vQi-Qi liquidity to be sustainable. This vote incentivizes the vQi-Qi pool which will deepen liquidity and create a flywheel effect in increasing vGHST rewards on QiDAO.
More rewards for vGHST means more rewards in the hands of the Aavegotchi community
None of the other pools directly benefit GHST holders which is why only vQi-Qi is included in this SigProp (https://www.dystopia.exchange/vote).
Thank you for your support as the GotchiVault runs with the DeFi aspect of our DeFi RPG, seeks to add value to GHST, and solidifies Aavegotchi’s position as a cornerstone of Polygon DeFi and gaming.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes. Vote for vQi-Qi
Option 2: No. Vote for someone else
Option 3: Abstain
Voting Period: 22 - 29 June 2022
Change Harvester Recipes
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #33
Proposal Summary:
The original harvester recipes:
Discourage upgrading parcels beyond levels 3 & 4.
Are too expensive in cost and punishing in yields at the higher levels.
Easily allow for the Low Leveloor to extract insanely high yields with very little investment.
Are too inexpensive from a time-to-build perspective. This diminishes the effectiveness of makers and the utility of GLTR.
After a month and a half of theorising, simulating, and refining MikeyJay, coderdan, letsgobankless, and myself have arrived at a final recipe which we believe best solves the above problem.
The proposed recipe changes to the harvester:
Promote dynamic gameplay with a multitude of winning strategies
Make high level harvesters not only viable, but desirable
Reduces inflation of alchemica
Handicap the Low Leveloor strategySignificantly increase build time for each installation which promote a healthy GLTR economy. This increase drives more utility to the maaker.
This topic has been discussed at length. For a full understanding, I highly encourage you to read through the forum thread, simulation results, and recipe changes. The Bot Strategy provides insight into how the simulation bots operated.
Associated Risks
Given the amount of time invested in recreating this recipe, there are few contingencies.
The reduction in alchemica inflation also means a reduced ROI (in terms of alchemica, not necessarily $$$)
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, Change the Recipes
Option 2: No, Keep Things the Same
Voting Period: 22 - 29 June 2022
AavegotchiDAO <> Pixelcraft Studios 1.75M DAI Token Swap
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #34
Proposal Summary:
This proposal aims to swap 1.75 million DAI from AavegotchiDAO’s treasury with an equal value of GHST from Pixelcraft Studios’ balance sheet.
The launch of the Gotchiverse has introduced new and increasing infra costs for Pixelcraft Studios that cannot be paid for in GHST (or any crypto for that matter). These costs primarily consist of usage of AWS and Redis Enterprise for real-time gameplay in the Gotchiverse, and will continue to scale up as the game gets more popular.
To pay for these costs, we have outlined several options:
Raise funding from VCs
Liquidate GHST into DAI and swap for fiat
Use GHST as collateral on Aave to take loans in DAI
Perform a token swap with AavegotchiDAO
We believe Option 4 (Token Swap) is the best available option at the moment. We strongly value our independence from VCs, prefer not to have debt on our balance sheet, and do not want to market sell GHST acquired from sales.
Therefore, we propose a token swap between AavegotchiDAO and Pixelcraft Studios to ensure adequate fiat runway for several years of further development, no matter how bearish the market becomes.
Key Details
At the time of this writing, AavegotchiDAO treasury holds roughly:
2.5 Million DAI
3.5 Million GHST
3 Million Alchemica (Live source here: AavegotchiDAO Treasury Balance)
Pixelcraft Studios, on the other hand, is heavily skewed toward GHST with over 6.7 Million GHST in our primary revenue wallet while our only DAI is coming from the curve’s monthly 150k DAI faucet, 50k of which is already earmarked for GHST purchases.
Pixelcraft Studios has been able to effectively grow the team and support infrastructure costs without needing to liquidate any significant amount of GHST. But last month’s launch of the Gotchiverse and anticipated continued growth has pushed operating costs dramatically higher. Server costs for the April playdrop, for example, exceeded 40k USD, and that is projected to grow in the months ahead.
Such operating expenses are anticipated but we have to acknowledge that these subscriptions and invoices almost always insist on trad banking (fiat). We would prefer to not have to sell GHST in order to achieve the necessary growth budget.
The DAO’s revenue from the GHST bonding curve opens up the possibility of a large-scale exchange of assets between our two parties. With the game live, GHST off its all time highs, and a DAO treasury that is well established, we believe this is the right time to propose an OTC token swap.
For the purposes of this token swap, a valuation for GHST that all can agree on must be established. There are many ways to arrive at such, so in the interest of expediency, I am proposing an intuitive method that also tips the scale generously in the DAO’s direction:
GHST valuation methodology
Pixelcraft Studios has calculated GHST’s average price from Tuesday, June 14 to Saturday, June 18 (duration of the SigProp via CoinGecko) with a 5% discount applied to the final price: USD 1.28. If DAO voters find the results agreeable, they may vote to approve this CoreProp.
If the CoreProp passes, the token swap should process in a predictable way. I suggest the token swap occur with the following method of execution:
Pixelcraft Studios shall first transfer the agreed upon amount of GHST (defined in the CoreProp) to the AavegotchiDAO treasury wallet.
AavegotchiDAO treasury wallet (currently managed via multisig by Pixelcraft team) shall transfer 1.75 million DAI within 8 hours of receiving the GHST to the Pixelcraft Studios primary revenue wallet.
Pixelcraft Studios shall make an announcement in Aavegotchi Discord confirming the reception of the DAI, thus concluding the token swap.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, perform a swap of 1.75M DAI
Option 2: No, don't perform a token swap
Voting Period: 22 - 29 June 2022
Delay the 3rd LAND Auction
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #35
Proposal Summary:
We are fast approaching the end of June when the LAND 3 auction/raffle is scheduled for based on the AGIP-30 core prop. However, since this core prop was started (20th May) a lot of things have changed:
Harvester release has been delayed
We are in the middle of a bloodbath in the markets
LAND prices have dropped 30-70%
LAND bazaar volume has dropped 90%
There's been huge selling pressure on alchemica prices
Due to these significant changes in the market, its seems right to allow the DAO to have another emergency vote on whether to go ahead with the LAND auction or not as releasing an auction in this market is very likely to drive down assets prices across the ecosystem.
Coderdan confirmed it is viable to stop the auction but we must act quickly frens:
My thoughts are that it's generally not ideal to do a token sale in the middle of a market bloodbath as we are currently experiencing. Assets from all sectors of crypto are down, not just Aavegotchi. We are actually holding fairly strong in comparison.
However, the DAO has voted to do this sale, and it passed overwhelmingly, so the DAO will also need to vote to delay it."
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, delay LAND 3 Release
Option 2: No, continue as planned
Voting Period: 22 - 29 June 2022
Utilizing the Channeling “Hot Zone”
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #36
Proposal Summary:
There has been a lot of heated discussion about bots, scholars, spillover and more. A lot of it completely misses the point though, at least in my opinion. I went more in-depth on why I don't believe botting to be the primary problem at the moment in a comment here.
So I started playing around with the numbers for spillover radius & rate, but I just couldn't find a satisfying solution. Reducing them only by a bit would barely have an effect, while reducing them drastically would devalue high level Aaltars. When I went through the blog post on channeling radius it finally clicked though! The mechanic was right there, just not utilized to its full potential (or at all really): The Hot Zone.
It became obvious pretty quickly that the Hot Zone wasn't so hot after all. The name simply implied that statistically speaking, 10% of the spillover would spawn inside of the inner 10% radius, 20% inside of the inner 20%, etc. This results in a slightly higher drop rate closer to the parcel, but in reality it barely makes a difference (only a single digit % of all spillover spawns in the "Hot Zone"). I want to propose allocating a fixed % of the spilled Alchemica based on Aaltar level.
Combined with a proposed radius of 60 Gotchis (compared to the 64x32 measurements of a Spacious), dropping a larger amount of Alchemica inside of the Hot Zone would suddenly make spillover feel much more like actual spillover instead of a random token drop around the map.
Imo this would:
Create an interesting mechanic around the concept of spillover (as seen in the OG trailer)
Add an incentive for players to pick up their spilled tokens instead of channeling & logging off (and writing off the spillover completely)
Reduce the advantage of bots, since picking up spillover becomes less of a grinding & more of a channeling mechanic
Overall make the Gotchiverse in its current form more interesting
Lastly, I would like to note one thing. This proposal suggests introducing the Hot Zone mechanic as soon as spillover is resumed. However, the reverse is not the case. This proposal is not a vote to turn spillover back on, I merely believe it to be one piece in the larger puzzle.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, use the proposed model
Option 2: No, don't change anything
Voting Period: 22 - 29 June 2022
Configure VP for amGHST, wapGHST, and all GLTR Staking
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #37
Proposal Summary:
As we have now launched GLTR staking and most of us have moved our liquidity from the FRENS pools to the GLTR pools, it is time to make those pools officially part of the voting power.
The VP would be as follows, which is simply a continuation of how we have done everything on the FRENS staking side-
The affected pairs and tokens to be added, are as follows -
amGHST(GHST staked on Aave)
wapGHST (unstaked, staked on FRENS side, or staked on GLTR side)
stkGHST-USDC (not added on GLTR side yet)
stkGHST-MATIC (not added on GLTR side yet)
VP is calculated as follows -
amGHST, wapGHST - 1 VP per token
All supported pairs that receive GLTR rewards - 1 VP per GHST staked, calculated at time of Snapshot. Again, this is simply a continuation of how we have treated GHST and staking in the past.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, do it
Option 2: No, don't
Voting Period: 3 - 10 August 2022
Stop new BRS Wearable Emissions until further notice
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #38
Proposal Summary:
Over the lifespan of Aavegotchi, we've endured many wearable dilution events which have negatively impacted our community by:
Loss of investor confidence (and investors)
Depreciation of asset values
No known schedule for releases, resulting in uncertainty in the markets
In bullish conditions, new wearables would be released, capping our upside growth
It makes sense to have a wearables budget. Something the whole community can see and investors can easily digest. A cap based on total live gotchis was proposed, but in truth it does not accurately depict the true usage of assets.
The community by and large agrees on a budget, however at this moment in time, we don't have the metrics or data to create one. This budget is likely going to come from data such as daily active users (once PvP is live).
This proposal is simple and straightforward:
No new BRS-based wearables until the DAO votes on a budget
That budget will be developed at a later date once the data is available
The idea is to restore investor confidence and allow us to sleep a bit easier at night, knowing that our assets will not suffer from spontaneous dilution.
Note: this proposal does not include aesthetic wearables, new set creations, or set rebalances (such as Link Marine)
Associated Risks
I don't see any potential risks for this proposal.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, stop new wearables
Option 2: No, keep things as is
Voting Period: 3 - 10 August 2022
Modifying the Channeling Window
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #39
Proposal Summary:
After trying out the 24 hour channeling window, many people were displeased with the results that it achieved.
Issues with the current system include extra server load from Midnight to 1 UTC, the creation of a "prime time" where there is a short window of time where most alchemica is spilled, and problems caused by needing to channel a gotchi before putting it on the market(we do not have the full action control lists yet).
The goal of this sig prop, is to give quality of life improvements to Gotchi owners with creating an exploitable mechanic or causing undue server loads or other issues.
The proposed solutions are to either to A) revert to the original implementation, as presented in the Gotchiverse Bible, B) Leave the system as is and let the issues resolve themselves over time, or C) Keep the current system, but add a feature that lets you burn glitter to move your gotchi(s) channeling window reset time forward by one block, per glitter spent.
The implementation, would be that we are given a way to adjust one or all gotchis channeling window, by spending GLTR to move the window forward one block per GLTR spent. It will only be possible to move the time forward, and you can only do this, if the gotchi(s) are currently able to channel.
The risks associated with this are that there will be unintended consequences, as always.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Revert to the original solution
Option 2: Keep the current solution
Option 3: Use GLTR to move channeling
Voting Period: 26 August - 2 September 2022
Sunsetting FRENS Immediately
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #40
Proposal Summary:
I propose that we cease FRENS emissions immediately. FRENS emissions have been used as a liquidity mining (LM) incentive by providing GHST holders and liquidity providers access to future content through the raffle system. While this was an initially effective tool for LM, it is now doing more harm than good. Outlined below and in the forum thread are the reasons why Aavegotchi should sunset FRENS:
Eliminating FRENS will reduce Aaveogotchi protocol pressure to hold dilutional events by eliminating ongoing “content debt” created by FRENS emissions
GHST has alternative staking utility with GLTR liquidity mining
Shifting focus to alchemica/GLTR pairs reallocates LM rewards to asset holders who are more directly providing value to the ecosystem in the form of liquidity vs single-sided GHST staking which provides limited and historically overcompensated value
Future content events can generate protocol revenue instead of paying out content debt. This allows for a more sustainable revenue stream for Pixelcraft and the Aavegotchi DAO
The value of future content can be captured on-chain with GLTR/Alchemica/GHST instead of off-chain with FRENS
Capturing on-chain value of the above native assets will significantly add utility to all tokens
Current FRENS and raffle ticket holders must be acknowledged with raffle(s). There are multiple avenues for this which are outlined in the DAO forum thread. The community can design and publicize events to utilize these FRENS which will be an easier task if we stop further emissions and narrow the scope of the raffle with cessation of FRENS’ emissions.
There will be an additional signal proposal outlining changes to GLTR emissions to support liquidity provision for the GHST token specifically. While the bonding curve is in place, it is important that a sustainable GHST liquidity plan is in place that captures and rewards LPs fairly and sustainably.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Sunset FRENS immediately
Option 2: Taper FRENS w/ end date of 10/1
Option 3: Keep FRENS as they are
Voting Period: 26 August - 2 September 2022
Update GLTR Emissions
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #41
Proposal Summary:
I propose that we alter GLTR emissions to optimize GHST liquidity and support the sunsetting of FRENS as outlined in the “Sunset FRENS" proposal.
The above proposal and this one will accomplish the following:
Retire the GHST-QUICK liquidity pool liquidity mining rewards (currently FRENS)
Retire the GHST-WETH liquidity pool mining rewards (currently FRENS)
Retire the GHST-MATIC liquidity pool mining rewards (currently FRENS + GLTR)
Add 5% weight to the GHST-USDC LM rewards (taken from GHST-MATIC) for a total of 20%
This consolidation will maximize our most successful pool in GHST-USDC. It will eliminate rewards for unpopular pools and help grow our most successful pool. The GHST-WETH pair was borne from the Dinoswap pool which is a failed project. The GHST-MATIC pair is the only one on SushiSwap which is an inactive exchange on Polygon. Neither project offers ongoing LM incentives. The increase in GHST-USDC LM rewards is necessary to offer compensation for the impermanent loss risk incurred by the pair, otherwise single-sided staking for wapGHST will be prioritized and not afford further depth in the GHST-USDC pool. Below is the chart with highlighted changes to GLTR emissions and resultant estimated APYs.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes. Increase USDC remove MATIC.
Option 2: No. Leave emissions unchanged.
Voting Period: 26 August - 2 September 2022
Setting limits on the number of borrowed gotchis allowed per wallet address
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #42
Proposal Summary:
Until recently there have been no limits on the number of gotchis an address can borrow at the same time, either from a whitelist or from the open (non whitelisted) market.
This was recently changed to a limit of 1 borrowed gotchi on the open market and 1 by default on all whitelists. A whitelist owner can change the number of allowed borrowed gotchis per address using Louper Dev, and soon, through the official UI.
This change was put in place with no warning as an experiment in anti botting measures. Community members had reported difficulty in securing a gotchi to borrow for channelling, particularly around the 0:00UTC reset time, which has been attributed to bots scraping all the best rental offers before humans get a chance.
The change has so far seen Gotchigang report an increase in available gotchis to borrow around reset time which is a positive.
On the negative side, other Gotchigang have reported being unable to fully channel their aaltars due to not being able to rent enough gotchis. This is particularly for borrowers who’ve paid, say, 20ghst for a long term rental and are now stuck with that 1 gotchi and are unable to channel other parcels using other borrowed gotchis. This issue will tend to grow over time as people level up their aaltars and generate more channelling opportunities. The current limit on the open market is a disincentive to levelling up aaltars and purchasing more land for those without enough gotchis who prefer longer term rentals. It could also severely limit the demand for lending out gotchis long term, however it forces people to approach multiple guilds/whitelist owners for spots which is a positive for the social element of the game.
A poll was run in the weekly DAO Hangout by CoderDan with the results suggesting most community members would prefer the allowed number of borrowed gotchis on the open market to reflect the number of parcels a wallet address holds plus 1, so in theory each parcel could be channelled once per day whilst still holding longer term rentals. For single channel rentals this is less of a concern as people can return a gotchi and borrow another as soon as they’ve finished using it.
Further increasing the borrowing limit up to the number of available channellings per address was suggested by considering aaltar levels as well, but it was deemed too inefficient to be constantly recalculating this number dynamically in the background.
As this was an experiment, I propose we revert these changes back now and continue to monitor the impacts so we can be clearer on the severity of the botting issue and be more confident in the effectiveness of this solution, whilst voting to implement the below.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Limit market to # of parcels + 1
Option 2: Keep original unlimited system
Option 3: Unlimited open, limit whitelists
Option 4: Limit open market to 1
Voting Period: 26 August - 2 September 2022
Add DAO Liquidity to GHST-Alchemica Pairs
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #43
Proposal Summary:
I propose that the Aavegotchi DAO add 50,000 GHST + matching alchemica liquidity to the GHST-Alchemica pairs. Further, I propose that we do not stake corresponding LP tokens for GLTR.
The benefits of adding liquidity are multiple:
Allows for lower slippage trading which will attract more trading and investment
Legitimizes the Aavegotchi ecosystem, its farming, and the native tokens
Supports land investors and, more specifically, those actively farming their land
Allows the DAO to earn trading fees on the liquidity provided
There are also some risks which should be considered:
Impermanent loss may decrease the net dollar value of DAO treasury funds
Asks a difficult question of whether or not to stake LP tokens for GLTR and compete directly against community stakers for rewards
Paying for liquidity is an expense in our ecosystem. In the long term, revenue must outweigh expenses for the Aavegotchi economy to thrive and assets to gain value. We should seriously consider our expenses vs revenues moving forward as we incentivize liquidity, hence the recent passed proposal to terminate FRENS which will both decrease expenses and allow NFT distributions to generate revenues
There is currently only $732,000 TOTAL in liquidity among the four alchemica-GHST pairs. Anything above a 1500 GHST swap has a price impact >1% which is not acceptable for a GameFi blue chip looking to instill investor confidence and attract new, large builders. Let’s bolster liquidity now and develop a sustainable and predictable plan to continue to add DAO liquidity at an, ideally, expense neutral rate. We can partner with the incoming DAO Project Manager(s) and community bounty hunters to further define DAO revenues and expenses to formulate our liquidity plan.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Add 50k GHST + equal alchemica
Option 2: Add 30k GHST + equal alchemica
Option 3: Do not add GHST/alchemica to LPs
Voting Period: 13 - 20 October 2022
Mint and Transfer 50 DAO Parcels and 4M FUD Eq. of Alchemica to the DTF for Contributor Compensation
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #44
Proposal Summary:
I propose that 50 DAO parcels from district 30 be minted and sent to the DTF multisig in addition to 4M FUD Equivalents worth of alchemica.
This will allow us to leverage DAO assets other than GHST to compensate our contributors. We have a variety of assets as a protocol, some of which have considerable goodwill value such as parcels in the DAO district. We can leverage these assets to better compensate and acknowledge past, current, and prospective contributors. Parallel to this effort, a transparent, stepwise process towards earning a DAO parcel will be designed. Potential pros of using alchemica/minted NFT displays/parcels as compensation:
Gives the DAO more options in reimbursing contributors
Leverages assets outside of GHST
Develops and promotes a contributor/builder culture specifically inside the gotchiverse
May have potential cascade effect where contributors build and develop their earned parcels, keeping assets within the ecosystem
Fosters building and development in the DAO district which should hopefully be a spotlight of activity in the gotchiverse.
An example of contributor compensation would be a DAO parcel with a LE NFT display and custom NFT – an incredibly meaningful and valuable token of appreciation for DAO contributions.
The specific parcels will be defined in the core proposition if this signal proposition passes. Feedback and ideas on specific parcel allocation is appreciated and should be directed to the included DAO discourse thread above. If the DTF is absorbed by the new DAO structure, the parcels and alchemica can be sent to the same multisig holding the DTF budget funds.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes. Transfer Parcels/alchemica
Option 2: No. Don't use parcels/alch.
Voting Period: 13 - 20 October 2022
Preventing Owners From Channeling Gotchis Listed For Lending
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #45
Proposal Summary:
The idea here is fairly simple. To prevent gotchi owners from channeling their gotchis while they are listed for rent on the aavegotchi site. The reason for this is that we saw at least a few instances of owners listing their gotchis for rent then immediately after channeling. What would happen was that an unexpecting player would check the rental market after the gotchi was rented but before it got channeled and would then be stuck renting a channeled gotchi. The owner would get the channeling alchemica as well as the rental fees from the borrower.
This hasn’t been a widespread issue yet because not many people are maliciously doing it, it also needs to be timed well with someone checking the rental market at the wrong moment. But I don’t believe there is any benefit to allowing owners the ability to make use of this exploit.
As per Dan on the thread, the implementation is ready so it won’t require anymore dev time, there just happened to be some minor pushback on this idea so the devs don’t want to implement it without a vote.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Stop listed Gotchi from channeling
Option 2: Do nothing
Voting Period: 2 - 10 November 2022
Creating New Wearable Sets
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #46
Proposal Summary:
During the new wearables moratorium, the opportunities to fix existing sets and to introduce new sets involving ONLY current wearables were identified.
The "broken" sets were successfully fixed via patch, and different members of the community put forth their suggestions for new wearable sets. Existing Pixelcraft guidelines for the composition and bonuses of each wearable set, mainly based on the rarity of the highest component, were applied.
In the referenced forum link, polls were established for all members of the community to be able to express their support for a particular set.
The spreadsheet with details for all proposed sets is available at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/174ea8dzcO3yiBOgCvAIdUuQkK5_AHG3FoZdMunAJZYY
The ideation Discord thread where the ideas for the sets were brainstormed can be referenced at: https://discord.com/channels/732491344970383370/992288286271864832/1002569658634862602
It was decided by consensus that Pixelcraft would retain ultimate veto and decision power in the ultimate implementation of these sets. At large, this effort has been also a means to share with the broader Aavegotchi DAO public how the process has previously worked between WTF and Pixelcraft i.e. a volunteer-dependent process, that nonetheless can achieve great things for the ecosystem by harnessing the different talents and creativity of all of our frens.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, create new sets
Option 2: No, don't do anything
Option 3: Abstain
Voting Period: 2 - 10 November 2022
Enacting a Bonding Curve Emergency Plan
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #47
Proposal Summary:
There is a lot of uncertainty concerning the regulation of decentralized smart contracts (Tornado Cash) and stablecoins. Since GHST is closely tied to DAI's value, we need to monitor those developments very closely. If anything happens to DAI, our entire treasury (and GHST's stability) is at risk.
In this proposal I want to define the potential cases of emergency and the actions the multisig currently managing the GHST Bonding Curve on Ethereum mainnet needs to take to mitigate risks. Again, as long as DAI works as intended, this proposal does not suggest messing with the Curve - that is a completely separate discussion.
Emergency Scenarios
- DAI loses dollar peg: As long as USDC backing is intact, no action needed. Signers should however set alerts for $0.95 and $0.90 to be notified of a potential depeg so they're able to act immediately as the situation unrolls.
- MakerDAO shifts away from a dollar backing: Very long-term strategic consideration, will probably take 2-3 years to unfold. No immediate action needed, more relevant for the discussion surrounding a general Curve shutdown.
- This is the important one. MakerDAO contracts get blacklisted by Circle (USDC) due to regulatory reasons: Signers would have to act immediately to protect the value of GHST's backing. I propose immediately shutting down the Curve and swapping the DAI for USDC. This ensures that we lock in some of our treasury's value, it does however remove the main source of liquidity for GHST. To make sure GHST doesn't enter a free fall, $5M worth of USDC should immediately be paired with $5M worth of treasury GHST in our main Quickswap pool.
Using the current numbers, this would leave us with ~$18M USDC - the majority of which should be used to buy back the paired GHST and build up a larger LP position. The initial LP position would double our current pool and buy enough time to decide on next steps.
Keep in mind that this is a very unlikely emergency scenario. We should be prepared for everything though, getting caught with our pants down could wipe out a large sum of our treasury value and put GHST in a very vulnerable position.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, follow this Emergency Plan
Option 2: No, ignore this Emergency Plan
Voting Period: 2 - 10 November 2022
The Forge - Request for Funding and Development
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #48
Proposal Summary:
Introducing the Forge:
You can turn wearables into other wearables with the forge mechanic
Wearables are made of alloys + schematics (the recipe) + Frames
This allows many new wearable designs
This process can be deflationary, making room for new wearable sales and protecting current asset value
This 50,000 GHST will go to fund the development of the Forge, its mechanics, smart contracts, art, and educational materials
The goal is for the DAO to do as much of the work as possible to avoid delaying Pixelcraft’s other efforts
See the Project Overview and Google Sheet documents for extensive details
Know that this is all a work in progress and we would all benefit from broad DAO contributions
Budget Request and Purpose:
50k GHST to pay for development of smart contract work, economics team, project management, art bounties, dashboard bounties, and event/rewards for launch
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, fund the Project 50k GHST
Option 2: No, don’t fund development
Voting Period: 2 - 10 November 2022
Adjust Aaltar Spillover Rates
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #49
Proposal Summary:
There's been a lot of debate in the DAO this week around alchemica inflation. It's clear that our economy cannot handle the amount of tokens being currently issued. Therefore, we have come up with a proposal to increase spillover rate in lower level aaltars to help reduce the amount of alchemica being issued and encourage frens to upgrade their aaltars. We believe this will stabilize the economy until more alchemica sinks are introduced in the eagerly anticipated combat release.
The table in the Discourse thread shows the Daily FUD inflation rate caused by chanelling, broken down by aaltar level. You can see the current inflation levels and spillover rates, our new proposed spillover rates and the reduction in inflation this will cause.
We believe these measures are necessary given current economic conditions but we are always free as a DAO to change them at a later date in light of new information or more alchemica sinks being introduced.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Change to Proposed Aaltar Rates
Option 2: Do Nothing
Voting Period: 11 - 19 November 2022
Create AavegotchiDAO Foundation
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #50
Proposal Summary:
AavegotchiDAO was summoned as a 100% on-chain DAO in September 2020 via the deployment of the GHST bonding curve. Since then, the DAO has matured into one of the world’s most active with over forty successful AGIPs passed and extremely healthy metrics on Snapshot. Over this period we also graduated across our DAO’s roadmap, going from DAO 1.0 into the more experimental period known as Cocoon, our precursor to Metamorphosis (AKA DAO 2.0). Achieving Metamorphosis requires the DAO to further decentralize and accept more responsibilities currently guarded by the original summoners and Pixelcraft Studios.
Today we propose the next major step forward by suggesting it is time for AavegotchiDAO to add an off-chain presence to our decentralized autonomous organization. The following proposal is rooted in months of research and interfacing with a variety of legal advisors. We also take the practices of leading peers such as ENS and Sushi into consideration, opting for Foundation formation in the Cayman Islands coupled with on-chain governance being secured as primary via the Foundation’s Constitution.
My proposal is for us to form the AavegotchiDAO Foundation in the Cayman Islands as soon as possible by following these steps:
Gather all interested in serving as one of nine Directors on the Foundation. These nine Directors simultaneously are seated on the Foundation’s newly formed multisig wallet. All serving must be KYC’d.
Host election via Snapshot where the nine most voted for shall serve as Directors of the Foundation until further notice (The DAO should likely flesh out details for term length etc with a separate AGIP at a later date). The election shall happen in parallel to this proposal’s CoreProp.
Submit the nine fully KYC’d Directors details to our legal counsel from LEX DAO so that they can immediately begin Foundation formation. This will be completed in days, not weeks.
Upon formation of the Foundation, the Directors shall create the new Foundation’s primary multisig using Gnosis.
Pixelcraft Studios shall transfer DAO Treasury multisig funds to the Foundation multisig, including DAI, GHST, and Alchemica on both Ethereum and Polygon networks.
The Foundation is thus formed, ready to execute transactions according to the will of AavegotchiDAO. Further definitions of responsibilities, scope, goals and limits can be defined by the DAO at a later date.
A Cayman Islands foundation with a board consisting of 9 Directors, who are also the multisig signers of the DAO Treasury wallet.
Legal Counsel shall arrange a local officer to act as secretary fulfilling basic administrative requirements until further notice.
Legal Counsel shall arrange a local corporate secretarial service to assist with Foundation formation, documentation and production of financial statements.
DAO Treasury
All DAO treasury funds present and future shall be transferred to the Board’s multisig.
The GHST Bonding Curve Council tokens could potentially also be transferred to the multisig signers, via a new AGIP proposal.
Eventually, all protocol contracts could be owned by this multisig, or if that is deemed not ideal, could be owned by the DAO itself (onchain voting) with the Board multisig action as a last resort Guardian to prevent malicious transactions.
Bank Account
Upon formation of the Foundation, legal counsel will confer with our corporate secretary to establish a Cayman Island’s bank account on the Foundation’s behalf. While not immediately useful, we have requested that this bank account be opened so as to futureproof the DAO to be able to natively settle any off-chain expenses (tradfi subscription fees, service providers, etc).
Board of Directors
Consists of nine doxxed Directors that also act as multisig signers on the DAO Treasury multisig. The DAO Treasury multisig shall be set at 5/9 signers in order to execute.
Paid position starting at 8000 GHST per year, paying 2000 GHST to each Directory directly from the Treasury multisig every 90 days.
The Board acts as the executor of the DAO’s wishes. If individual Directors disagree with an action of the DAO, they can choose to resign but they cannot vote or act against a verified on-chain AGIP’s intent.
Candidates should:
Be upstanding members of AavegotchiDAO with good reputations
Be familiar with smart contract interactions
Possess a hardware wallet and know how to use it
Be willing to have your name on a Cayman entity and be doxxed to Pixelcraft Studios
(Nice to have) Be familiar with creating transactions and signing on Gnosis Safe
The Officer
The Foundation also requires at least one Officer to serve an official capacity for signing off-chain documentation. Legal offers a package to deliver one local Officer to fulfill this role. This is not a role for advocacy so this Officer will simply execute signatures at the direction of the Directors. Of course, AavegotchiDAO can always revisit or even expand Officer roles at any point.
The Constitution
Legal Counsel will draft and supply a first version of a Constitution that takes best practices from fellow DAOs into consideration. Counsel will submit this Constitution in the form of a commentable Google Sheet for our community to give feedback and suggest changes.
Counsel and the DAO shall go back and forth in up to three drafts before the Constitution is sent to Snapshot for a three-day CoreProp regarding ratification.
If ratification fails, another two drafts shall be edited before re-submitting for another CoreProp vote. This process continues until a ratification of the Constitution is achieved.
Due to the critical nature of this CoreProp and the fact that it skips the SigProp step, the CoreProp vote shall require a voting result with those in approval at 66% or greater.
Benefits of Formation
Independence; greater separation of Pixelcraft Studios from AavegotchiDAO
Board can execute proposals on behalf of the DAO (Liquidity provision, GHST staking, funding Dework, etc.)
Risks of Formation
More responsibility on AavegotchiDAO governance
More exposure to any future policy shifts specifically in the Cayman Islands jurisdiction
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, let’s form AavegotchiDAO Foundation
Option 2: No, let’s wait and discuss more
Voting Period: 27 November - 4 December 2022
Election for DAO Foundation’s 9 Directors/Multisig-Signers
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #51
Proposal Summary:
This COREProp Will serve as the election for the AavegotchiDAO Foundation’s 9 Directors/Multisig-Signers.
The board of Directors Consists of nine doxxed Directors that also act as multisig signers on the DAO Treasury multisig. The DAO Treasury multisig shall be set at 5/9 signers in order to execute.
Director is a paid position starting at 8000 GHST per year, paying 2000 GHST to each Director directly from the Treasury multisig every 90 days.
The Board acts as the executor of the DAO’s wishes. If individual Directors disagree with an action of the DAO, they can choose to resign but they cannot vote or act against a verified on-chain AGIP’s intent.
Directors have no legislative power, execute off-chain commands of the DAO, and simultaneously serve as signers of the Foundation's gnosis multisig.
Their first order of business once elected will be creating that multisig.
Candidates should:
Be upstanding members of AavegotchiDAO with good reputations
Be familiar with smart contract interactions
Possess a hardware wallet and know how to use it
Be willing to have your name on a Cayman entity and be doxxed to Pixelcraft Studios
(Nice to have) Be familiar with creating transactions and signing on Gnosis Safe
The following community members have signaled their interest in becoming AavegotchiDAO Foundation Directors:
cookheisenberg#9322 (SirLinkiest)
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Please read each of their pitches before casting your vote at: https://discord.com/channels/732491344970383370/1042466123574157382/1042466123574157382
Option 1: CryptoGotchi#9089
Option 2: Maxicrouton#1596
Option 3: Mori#5912
Option 4: Nofuturistic#1972
Option 5: Zaunzi#1831
Option 6: PG#0811
Option 7: MichaelF#0901
Option 8: yanik#0015
Option 9: Choyna#0001
Option 10: Rikige#0073
Option 11: fifoooo#8782
Option 12: cookheisenberg#9322 (SirLinkiest)
Option 13: notorious_BTC#2084
Option 14: brillz#7019
Option 15: Kokusho#9945
Voting Period: 27 November - 4 December 2022
Election for DAO Foundation’s 9 Directors/Multisig-Signers (Revote)
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #51 (Revote)
Proposal Summary:
This CoreProp shall serve as the election for the AavegotchiDAO Foundation’s 9 Directors/Multisig-Signers discussed in AGIP 50. Those elected shall only serve if AGIP 50 passes, otherwise this election is to be deemed null and void.
The board of Directors Consists of nine doxxed Directors that also act as multisig signers on the DAO Treasury multisig.
5/9 signers in order to execute.
Directors shall use Gnosis to set up the multisig.
Each Director is a compensated from the Foundation Multisig for a total of 8000 GHST annually.
Compensation shall be distributed once every 90 days, paying 2000 GHST to each Director directly from the Foundation multisig.
The Board acts as the executor of the DAO’s wishes. If individual Directors disagree with an action of the DAO, they can choose to resign but they cannot vote or act against a verified on-chain AGIP’s intent.
Directors have no legislative power, execute off-chain commands of the DAO, and simultaneously serve as signers of the Foundation's gnosis multisig.
Candidates should:
Be upstanding members of AavegotchiDAO with good reputations
Be familiar with smart contract interactions
Possess a hardware wallet and know how to use it
Be willing to have their name on a Cayman entity and be doxxed to Pixelcraft Studios
Be familiar with creating transactions and signing on Gnosis Safe
The following community members have signaled their interest in becoming AavegotchiDAO Foundation Directors:
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Please read each of their pitches before casting your vote at: https://discord.com/channels/732491344970383370/1042466123574157382/1042466123574157382
Option 1: CryptoGotchi#9089
Option 2: Maxicrouton#1596
Option 3: Mori#5912
Option 4: Nofuturistic#1972
Option 5: Zaunzi#1831
Option 6: Choyna#0001
Option 7: Rikige#0073
Option 8: sirlinkiest#9322
Option 9: notorious_BTC#2084
Option 10: brillz#7019
Option 11: Kokusho#9945
Option 12: Zeitgeist#6030
Option 13: Mycaleum#8283
Voting Period: 3 - 10 January 2023
Rarity Farming Season 5
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #52
Proposal Summary:
Gm frens,
I come to you bearing the anticipated S5 sigprop!
In the spirit of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”, I propose we keep things business as usual, since I believe our community has been having a bit of "change fatigue" of late - please refresh yourselves on the params of the past four seasons below:
4 Rounds (2 weeks each) 1.5 Million GHST Rewards Pool - to be funded by the DAO Treasury:
70% BRS
20% Kinship
10% XP
Top 7.5k Gotchis (30%)
Ideal launch period in the mind of the author: after the deployment of The Forge, or January 2023, whichever comes first.
Thank you as always for your consideration and your votes.
Stay spooky frens!
Changes from Sigprop:
The author has agreed that the next Rarity Farming Season should come after the deployment of The Forge, or January 2023, whichever comes first.
The source of funds has been updated from Gotchiverse Player Rewards wallet to DAO treasury.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, have S5 RF
Option 2: No, Don’t have S5 RF
Option 3: Yes, but with different params
Voting Period: 27 November - 4 December 2022
Channel Alchemica by Burning Kinship
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #53
Proposal Summary:
I propose to charge -4 kinship each time gotchi is channelling the altar.
This change gives a gotchi a choice to:
(1) accumulate kinship (+2 kinship /day) and improve the character farming specs
(2) take alchemica now and lose on the yield multiplier
By implementing this elegant and relatively simple solution, we are not only changing the alchemica dynamics and cutting the efficient inflation by 50% (in the wild should be closer to 60/40 or 40/60, depending on market conditions), but also making a game more strategic and exciting for long term players.
Such change is an excellent alternative to the current economic proposals and additionally will reduce the MATIC spend for channelling in half.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Implement original kinship mechanics
Option 2: Do not implement
Voting Period: 27 November - 4 December 2022
Creating the Aarcade Taask Force (ATF)
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #54
Proposal Summary:
This SigProp was previously created back in June 2022, the proposal did not meet the quorum at the time. This proposal is being re-created as there has been some traction on games developed by community members that would like to utilize player rewards acquired through AGIP16.
The open-source nature of the Aavegotchi protocol combined with its on-chain assets provides an excellent foundation for external development efforts. More specifically, third-party developed games can greatly expand the usability of Aavegotchi assets and provide growth to the entire project.
Through AGIP 16, the DAO staked 100k GHST to generate rewards that could be given out to the wider Aavegotchi community of players for participating in mini-game events. To date, there has been minimal usage of these rewards. This is in part due to lack of:
Clarity on how game developers can apply for (and be sent) player rewards for their game events,
A game development focused task force that can help review applications for these player rewards, and,
New games!!
This proposal aims to introduce and confirm the Aarcade Taask Force (ATF) who will:
Control the multi-sig wallet that distributes player rewards to the community and developers,
Review applications for player rewards to be used in developer games, and
Provide a supportive platform for developers to discuss, troubleshoot and test their games in the ATF’s Aavegotchi Aarcade discord server.
End Goal & Benefit
The ATF’s objective is to help incentivize the development of more mini-games of a higher quality for the Aavegotchi community to play, share and enjoy. The natural benefit of this is increased utility and growth for the Aavegotchi protocol and its assets. By taking active custody of the 100k GHST from AGIP16, the ATF firmly believes it can help more player rewards get to the community and spur the next generation of Aavegotchi mini-games!
Potential Risks
As we are in the early stages of forming the Aarcade Task Force some potential risks include:
Mismanagement, theft or loss of rewards (multi-sig wallet helps mitigate this),
ATF members becoming inactive (signer numbers have been kept low to help ensure the multi-sig remains agile)
Amendment to AGIP 16
AGIP16 did not originally allow for usage of the 100k GHST to directly purchase assets from the Aavegotchi bazaar.
The ATF proposes that for successful stress test and xp/release game events, the following maximum drawdown amounts from the 100k GHST pool can be made (in agreeance with the game developer hosting an event) to purchase additional prizes from the Aavegotchi bazaar to be distributed to players:
100 GHST per stress test game event
500 GHST per xp/release game event
Note: Purchases will only be made via the Aavegotchi bazaar for maximum transparency.
Fake Gotchi Cards (FGC’s)
Frens generated by the AGIP16 100k GHST were used to enter the last raffle draw for Fake Gotchi Cards netting a total of 87 burn cards that are now available for use as mini-game player rewards. Under this proposal, these cards would also be transferred to the ATF multi-sig.
The ATF intends to allow one card be used per game event to mint a collection that can be distributed to players as the game developer of that event sees fit. A typical use case could be that 100 pieces of art are minted with one FGC and then distributed to the top 100 addresses in a game leaderboard event.
Note: Compensation for artists collaborating on FGC works will be from funding sources outside of the AGIP16 100k GHST (and its rewards pool) and is outside the ATF’s scope. It will be the game developers responsibility to negotiate terms with a collaborating artist.
ATF Members
There will be 7 initial signers for the ATF multi-sig wallet:
jarrod | aavegotchistats.com#9686
These members have all actively participated in the Aavegotchi community for over a year now, come from different backgrounds and consist of experienced developers, security experts and gamers:
Transactions will require 4 out 7 signers to approve before they can be processed.
The ATF multi-sig treasury wallet will be used to:
Control distribution of rewards from AGIP16 100k GHST Staking,
Convert GHST to and from wapGHST for GLTR staking, noting the following: The staked ratio to be managed at the ATF’s discretion, and, only the wapGHST pool will be used to stake for GLTR for now but will review this as the greater Aavegotchi protocol and DAO evolves
Drawdown on 100K player rewards to purchase Aavegotchi NFT assets from the Baazaar to distribute as player rewards: Maximum of 100 GHST for each stress test event; Maximum of 500 GHST for each xp/release event
Minting Fake Gotchi Card art work to be used as player rewards
So what do you think? Should we form the Aarcade Taask Force this time Anon?
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Create the ATF
Option 2: Don’t Create the ATF
Voting Period: 3 - 11 January 2023
Update the Template to Require the Use of ‘Weighted Voting’
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #55
Proposal Summary:
I'd like to propose that we update the template for proposals to require all future proposals to use the voting system 'weighted voting' (even for simple yes/no proposals). Weighted voting is what was used in the AavegotchiDAO Foundation election CoreProp.
Using weighted voting, sub-DAOs like GotchiVault will be able to vote in a way that accurately reflects the outcomes of their sister proposals.
People will be able to show slight preferences, or even indifference, by splitting their own votes; even on yes/no proposals.
A more accurate reflection of VP.
Lessen concerns about large sub-DAOs being able to determine a proposal's outcome by themselves. For example, when GotchiVault does not split it's vote, they basically pick the winning choice of any proposal that reaches a quorum of about 3M or more. By giving them the ability to fine-tune their VP to their sister-proposal's results, there would be less concerns from DAO members about large sub-DAOs accumulating VP.
Even if we require the use of weighted voting for all future proposals, we can't force sub-DAOs to utilize it in a democratic way. They still might decide to put all their VP behind the winning choice of their sister proposal. While this is completely up to them, there is little downside for the DAO in giving them that choice (i.e. enabling them to split their votes more accurately).
Weighted voting might seem unfamiliar at first. However, we've recently utilized this voting system for the AavegotchiDAO Foundation election, and I have yet to see any complaints about the system being too complicated for people to use. The way that snapshot implemented it, is very intuitive, so 'weighted voting' being unfamiliar seems to be a negligible concern.
Could potentially increase uninformed voting. Having to make a choice is sometimes hard. Especially because snapshot allows anyone to check all your past votes. So one should feel a sense of responsibility when casting one's vote. Using weighted voting we could see some people splitting their vote equally for all available choices. While this could reflect true indifference, it could also be a way for people to get XP while avoiding responsibility for any outcome. So no reason to read up on what's going on, just split the vote and get XP. While this might seem like a valid concern, I don't believe it is. There are always some uninformed people voting with their guts. People who care enough about their reputation to vote 50/50 to avoid responsibility for their choice (instead of just picking one of the options), but don't care enough to read up on their choices and pick what they believe is the best option, are likely a negligible minority.
Not changing the template.
Related material:
Template: https://aavegotchi.medium.com/scaling-aavegotchidao-c7e589de0333
Weighted voting: https://docs.snapshot.org/proposals/voting-types#weighted-voting
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Require Weighted Voting
Option 2: Do Not Change the Template
Voting Period: 3 - 11 January 2023
Fund Alchemica Spending Competition
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #56
Proposal Summary:
Hey frens,
This has been a long time in the works but we’re finally getting ready to launch the first Gotchiboard competition - Alchemica spending season 1.
This will be hosted on https://gotchiboard.com/ - a DAO funded project
The competition will rank which addresses have spent the most alchemica. There will be 4 one-week rounds and a total of 80k GHST up for grabs!
Pixelcraft have already confirmed they will provide 25k GHST and this proposal is to fund a further 55k GHST from the Gotchiverse player rewards wallet.
Full details and rules can be found in the forum post.
The aims of the competition are:
Incentivise Alchemica and GLTR spending to reduce the circulating supply before PvP
Provide a fun gamified way for guilds and individuals to build their farms
Have an entertaining and frenly competition for all to participate in or observe
Thank you for your support frens and look forward to battling it out in the competition.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, fund the competition
Option 2: No, do not fund the competition
Voting Period: 3 - 11 January 2023
Establish the “Core Framework” Guiding Wearable Release
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #57
Proposal Summary:
The Core Framework: A Proposal for Responsibly Managing Aavegotchi Wearables Emissions
Core Framework Written Summary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HTBNQqIVzvENiNmCL3kKAvgdKzcs4nWgyyVHvmX_ONQ/
Core Framework Ratios, Calculations and Proposed Sale: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Jk6O3zzsOIBmy1OwQlBsy0LWPQZrjxsWmlY2YCMz2iw/
These documents, prepared by The Forge Team, constitutes our recommended framework for the DAO to responsibly manage the future emissions of additional cores, and thus the increase of wearables supply.
The supply of cores, as defined in The Forge Litepaper, is the lever by which the protocol controls how many wearables can be forged on a rarity and slot basis. We are proposing three key ratios to be set by the DAO and used for managing the supply of cores in the future:
The ratio of total wearables to total gotchis. The Forge Team proposes an increase in the rate of wearables to gotchis from current state of 4.2/gotchi to 4.3/gotchi (approximately 2.6% increase).
The ratio of each rarity tier to the total number of wearables. The Forge Team is not proposing any modifications to the ratios between rarity tiers.
The ratio of each wearable slot to the total number of wearables. The Forge Team recommends the following slot ratios:
We propose that the DAO should use the above key ratios to determine when to release additional cores, as well as how new cores should be distributed between rarities and slots. These ratios result in an initial addition of 2158 total cores across 15 different core types (out of 36 total).
The Core Framework will need to be maintained to include recent, relevant market data and evolutions in the market and the Aavegotchi protocol. Additional Core or Alloy sales must pass a core proposal outlining the specific sale and reasoning. If this Core Framework is accepted by the DAO, it will be included in a large Core Proposal to launch The Forge.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes, Accept the Core Framework
Option 2: No. Reject this Framework
Voting Period: 26 January - 3 February 2023
Launch Round 2 Parcel VRF Rolls
Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #58
Proposal Summary:
I propose that we implement the round 2 parcel roll by early February.
The predominant discussions and farming emissions design specifically outlined a re-roll at 6 months. Many of the most invested and long-standing members of the Gotchiverse specifically designed their farming strategy around this shared understanding. Numerous DAO members helped contribute to the current recipes and mathematics specifically with that timetable in mind.
There are additional reasons to implement the round 2 rolls:
We have an opportunity to meet our commitments as a DAO, even if the Gotchiverse deliverable of a great battle is not quite ready
We can set a precedent for supporting asset holders and contributing members of our ecosystem
We will encourage further investment from current community members and be a more attractive investment to newcomers if we establish a pattern of reliability
Gotchiverse land owners have been especially harmed by macro market conditions and gotchiverse-specific market trends. This is one small effort to support those investing time and resources into the Gotchiverse
We are pushing for a higher farming to channeling ratio of alchemica emissions which this would support
It is more attractive to invest in the alchemica spending competition (and land in general) with a definitive round 2 plan
It is a targeted nerf/rug to those most supporting the ecosystem to intentionally delay rerolls
The hopeful time frame of an April Great Battle is also not definitive and susceptible to delays given the complexity of the current roadmap and desired focus on PVP
There are notable potential cons to consider:
Increased overall alchemica emissions if invested farmers have round 2 alchemica to farm
Mismatch of new rounds to the anticipated lore of a Great Battle followed by the new round
On the 1/8 DAO call, coderdan specifically stated it is a small dev lift to implement the next round of re-rolls, so this should not cause any major delays or change in shipping priorities. As thoroughly discussed in DAO discussion, both paths are reasonable, and I appreciate the formal DAO temperature check with this sig prop.
Details on the AGIP can be found here
Option 1: Yes. Launch Round 2 Parcel Roll
Option 2: No. Wait until the Great Battle
Voting Period: 26 January - 2 February 2023
Name of Aavegotchi Marketplace
Snapshot Voting
Proposal Summary: What should the Aavegotchi NFT Marketplace be called?
Aavegotchi is launching its own NFT marketplace on Polygon in tandem with the game!
What should we call the official Aavegotchi Marketplace?
Choice A: Aavegotchi Baazaar
Choice B: Aavegotchi Maarket
Choice C: Neither
The quorum for this vote is set to 500,000 GHST. If quorum is not reached, Pixelcraft will draw straws.
If "Neither" wins...you guys better start coming up with some good alternatives!
Voting Period: 8 - 11 February 2021
Eligibility of GHST-USDC LP tokens to earn FRENS
Snapshot Voting
Proposal Summary: Should GHST-USDC LP token be eligible to earn FRENS?
Our liquidity migration program has been a huge success, with over 8M GHST migrated to Polygon already. However, as many community members have noted, liquidity for the GHST-USDC pair is still not deep enough to support trading large amounts of USDC for GHST on Quickswap.
We believe one way to remedy this is by adding GHST-USDC as a pair eligible for FRENS on https://aavegotchi.com/stake-polygon. Just like GHST-QUICK has a receipt token stkGHST-QUICK, staked GHST-USDC can also emit a stkGHST-USDC token, which may be eligible for rewards on Quickswap, if their team deems it necessary.
Since this decision directly affects gameplay, we believe it is a ripe candidate for our first Snapshot vote on Polygon.
We are setting a 500,000 GHST quorum for this vote to be enacted.
The GHST-USDC LP token will earn FRENS at the same rate as just staking GHST, since impermanent loss is minimal and fees are significant.
Voting Period: 8 - 11 February 2021
Portals purchased in one transaction
Snapshot Voting
Proposal Summary: How many Portals can be purchased in one transaction?
Discussion period has ended for this topic, and now it's time to vote! The most popular options were: 1, 5, and 10 Portals per transaction.
Our fren @coderdannn also threw a spicy idea into the mix: an "Ape Tax" whereby higher numbers of Portals could be bought in a single transaction, but at a higher price. The Portals would be tiered as so:
0-5: 100 GHST each
6-15: 200 GHST each
16-25: 300 GHST each
So this leaves us with four options: 1, 5, 10, and 25 (w/ ape tax).
Let your $GHST token speak for you, and vote!
Voting period: 72 hrs Minimum quorum: 10% of GHST on Matic (~1.1M GHST)
AavegotchiDAO discussion topic 👇
Voting Period: 23 - 26 February 2021