Mumbai Testnet Tutorial
The Aavegotchi Baazaar is now live on the Mumbai Testnet! To test it out, you have to configure your Metamask and get some tokens on the Testnet. This guide will show you how!
Adding Mumbai Testnet to your Metamask
To connect to the Mumbai Testnet, some configurations have to be made to your Metamask wallet.
1). First, open the extension and click the “Ethereum Mainnet” button on the top.

2). Select “Custom RPC”.

3). Enter the following settings:
Network Name: Mumbai Testnet
Chain ID: 80001
Currency Symbol (optional): MATIC
Block Explorer URL (optional):
Once you’ve added everything, you can click on “Save”. You are now on Mumbai Testnet!
Getting tokens from Mumbai Faucet
1). Head over to the Mumbai Faucet at
2). Select the tokens that you wish to get from the faucet (e.g. MATIC token), select the default Network (Mumbai), and input your Metamask wallet address into the textbox.
3). Hit the "Submit" button and wait for the tokens to be deposited into your wallet.
Getting Mumbai GHST
Once you have gotten your hands on some MATIC tokens from the Mumbai Faucet, it is time to purchase some Mumbai GHST.
1). Head over to
2). Connect to the Mumbai Testnet.
3). Use the Mumbai MATIC tokens you have received to purchase Mumbai GHST by clicking the "Click to get MUMBAI GHST" button. Presto! You are done!
Have fun at the Aavegotchi Baazaar fren!