Aavegotchi Improvement Proposals (AGIPs)

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Heya frens. Participating in Aavegotchi Improvement Proposals (AGIPs) are what responsible gotchis do! You need to vote and get your voices heard.

How far have we progressed as a community? Look at our archives of past votes here!

Psst! Claim your POAP Badges if you have voted on AGIPs before!

Supply ~3.5M Treasury DAI to Aave

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #105

Proposal Summary:

This proposal suggests allocating 3,549,809 DAI from the Aavegotchi DAO Treasury to the Aave V3 Ethereum Market. With an average supply APR of 4.34%, this move aims to generate an annual yield of approximately $154,061, enhancing the DAO's revenue through a stable, high-yield strategy. The proposal ensures over 500,000 DAI remains in the DAO's Polygon wallet for ongoing initiatives, while the rest of the DAI is strategically supplied to Aave. All supplied DAI comes from the 25% post curve closure Treasury Allocation.

Proposed Porfolio Composition Assuming AGIP 103 Passes

Proposed Portfolio USD Value

  • GHST (0.904) 15017760.91

  • USDC 3756276

  • Supplied DAI 3549809

  • Unsupplied DAI 2337064

  • ETH (not yet purchased) 3000000


  1. Passive Income: Leverages a stable, high-yield avenue for revenue generation without active management.

  2. Flexibility: Easy entry and exit strategies for the supplied positions, offering liquidity management benefits.

  3. Market Optimism: Positions the DAO to capitalize on the anticipated increased demand for stablecoins in an upcoming bull market.

  4. Diversification: Broadens the DAO's investment portfolio and protects our stablecoins against inflation by generating yield.


  1. Platform Dependence: Relies heavily on the Aave ecosystem and the stability of its smart contracts, introducing platform-specific risks.

  2. Liquidity Constraints: Future proposals may require accessing funds from the supplied DAI if the Polygon treasury depletes, potentially affecting liquidity.

  3. Market Volatility: Exposure to market fluctuations could affect the APR and overall returns.

  4. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Despite Aave's track record, the risk of smart contract bugs or exploits remains inherent in DeFi protocols.

The proposal represents a balanced approach to revenue generation and risk management, aiming to strengthen the Aavegotchi DAO's financial position while maintaining operational flexibility.

Reference Material: Aavegotchi DAO Treasury Report

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Yes. Supply DAI to Aave.

Option 2: No. Do not supply DAI to Aave.

Voting Period: 9 - 23 January 2024


Yes. Supply DAI to Aave.6,900,000 GHST (68.32%)
No. Do not supply DAI to Aave.3,200,000 GHST (31.68%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Aavegotchi x Sandbox Experience - Expansion & Maintenance

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #106

Proposal Summary:

This proposal of funding is to empower GFA to operate Pixelcraft lands and partnership for a limited and renewable 6 months duration with as follows duties :

1). Management of Project and Coordination

2). Partnership Management

  • Maintain channel of discussion with Sandbox officers like Sebastien Borget

  • Upgrades of Aavegotchi avatar collection in Sandbox

  • Aavegotchi Assets collection utility and highlight in game

3). Experience Updates

  • Management of Aavegotchi Parcels in Sandbox + Collect & analysis of InGame and Traffic datas with TheSandbox

  • Upgrades and modifications of experiences due to Sandbox New GameMaker and GameClient release (Forecasted Bi-Monthly for 0.9 minor versions) and specific events

  • Interaction in the Slack Technical support with Sandbox Team and ticketing system

4). Organisation and Strategy for future events

  • InGame contests / Social events

  • Maintain & highlight Aavegotchi in next mainstream Sandbox events like ie. alpha seasons / IRL events

Please note: the single player experience has been migrated to the latest 0.9.10 Gameclient version and is fully operative as covered!

The overall budget breakdown to achieve those tasks for the 6 months duration of this proposal is 29 460 DAI

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Yes, fund

Option 2: No, do not fund

Voting Period: 6 - 20 February 2024


Yes, fund9,500,000 GHST (81.14%)
No, do not fund2,200,000 GHST (18.86%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Gotchi Battler - Prize Pool Funding

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #107

Proposal Summary:


Following lengthy discussions in the DAO, please note the following changes from the sigprop:

  • For Rarity Farming Season 8, Gotchi Battler will receive a 10% allocation of rewards, coming from the BRS leaderboard.

  • For Rarity Farming Season 9 and onwards, Gotchi Battler will receive a 20% allocation of rewards, coming from the BRS leaderboard, unless a Coreprop is passed that changes this allocation up or down.

Immaterial has also formally agreed to open-source the Gotchi Battler game logic after Season 8 completes so every battle can be verified after the fact but no advantages can be gained for Season 8 through building simulations. Then, from Season 9 onwards, more complexity/variations will be added so that simulations will be too computationally expensive to be worth it.

Hello frens,

We've been blown away and deeply humbled by all the enthusiasm and support for Gotchi Battler over the last few weeks. We're starting this proposal to deliver on the promise of evolving protocol rewards through the addition of Gotchi Battler as a staple of our Rarity Farming seasons going forward.

The proposed changes to Rarity Farming Rewards are:

Season 8

CategoryPrevious SplitNew Split
Gotchi Battler0%10%

Season 9 onwards

CategoryPrevious SplitNew Split
Gotchi Battler0%20%

In line with the original Gotchi Battler proposal AGIP 86 to gamify protocol rewards, we wish to reallocate 10% from the BRS leaderboard to Gotchi Battler Tournaments for season 8 and 20% from the BRS leaderboard for Season 9 and onwards. Gotchi Battler was designed with this exact purpose in mind to carry on the meta of the BRS leaderboard as much as possible whilst also providing a more engaging and competitive experience for players.

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Yes, reallocate rewards to GB

Option 2: Do, don't include Gotchi Battler

Voting Period: 15 - 29 February 2024


Yes, reallocate rewards to GB8,800,000 GHST (77.07%)
No, don't include Gotchi Battler2,600,000 GHST (22.93%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Gotchi Battler V1.5 funding

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #108

Proposal Summary:

Just wanted to say thanks to the community for all the support given to Gotchi Battler so far. It has been a real privilege to see such a high amount of engagement/interest in the game and we've received a load of invaluable feedback from the community on how to improve going forward. This proposal is to fund the next version of the game which will bring improvements to:

  • Gameplay balance

  • Tournaments

  • Training

  • Lending

  • The Battle Replayer

You can see the full detailed list of improvements here.

The release schedule of this work will be April 2024, which will be in time to host a large Rarity Farming Tournament(s) for Season 8 at the beginning of May, if this gets confirmed by the DAO.

The total cost for this next version will be $120k, broken down as follows:


  • Frontend development

  • 2 months @ $8k = $16k


  • Design

  • 1 month @ $8k = $8k

DeadFolk (2 people)

  • Unity development

  • 3 months @ $16k = $48k


  • Balancing and Data Analysis

  • 2 months @ $8k = $16k


*Backend, infrastructure, QA, management

  • 3 months @ $8k = $24k


  • Infrastructure, art, bounties

  • $8k

Total = $120k payable as DAI from the DAO Treasury


  • 1st payment on passing of proposal: $68k

  • 2nd payment on completion of work: $52k

If you have any questions, head over to the DAO forum post linked below, and thank you, as always, for your support frens.

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Yes, fund

Option 2: No, do not fund

Voting Period: 26 February - 11 March 2024


Yes, fund9,800,000 GHST (84.75%)
No, do not fund1,800,000 GHST (15.25%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Rarity Farming Season 8

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #109

Proposal Summary:

Per our three seasons a year schedule, it is now time to vote on Rarity Farming Season 8

The timing, funding, and configuration of Rarity Farming Season 8 shall be -

  • Start Date - March 16th 2:30 PM UTC

  • Total Rewards Allocated - 1.5 Million GHST from the player rewards wallet

Pool allocations per category -

  • BRS 60%

  • KIN 20%

  • XP 10%

  • Battler 10%

BRS/KIN/XP for top 7500 Gotchis (30% of total)

Battler details and anything not specifically covered in this proposal are to be confirmed later.

Option 1: YES - Make it so!

Option 2: NO - Do not want!

Voting Period: 6 - 12 March 2024


YES - Make it so!10,000,000 GHST (96.21%)
NO - Do not want!409,000 GHST (3.79%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Lend 600k GHST to improve liquidity and orderbooks on major CEXs

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #110

Proposal Summary:


Please note the new specific KPIs and repayment strike prices documented in part 1 of the “Solution” section.


When the GHST Bonding Curve closed in early 2023, our governance token lost its deepest liquidity pool (paired with DAI). To prepare for the coming loss of this GHST/DAI pool, Pixelcraft Studios took it upon themselves to lend a total of 300k GHST to Skynet Trading, a liquidity solutions company, to bolster liquidity on major exchanges such as Binance and Coinbase.

Skynet Trading has successfully fulfilled its role as a market maker for GHST throughout 2023, consistently maintaining the most liquidity for GHST on Coinbase.

The loans that made this possible will soon expire but Skynet Trading is open to continuing to support GHST initiatives. I believe any future collaboration is something better suited to be executed by AavegotchiDAO.


With the first year viewed as a sort of due diligence, I am now proposing that AavegotchiDAO replace Pixelcraft Studios with new loans to Skynet Trading, beginning with 600k GHST for 12 months explicitly to improve GHST’s liquidity on more centralized exchanges.

Skynet Trading is dedicated to providing trading services that aim to reduce slippage by narrowing spreads, increase the accessibility of GHST by focusing on spread and depth key performance indicators, encourage organic trading through the development of attractive order books, and minimize the impact of large market orders. Whereas last year’s focus was primarily on Coinbase, a 600k-sized loan makes it possible for Skynet Trading to also provide liquidity on Binance, OKX, and HTX respectively.

The Problem: Poor liquidity on CEXs.

The screenshot from coinmarketcap (Feb 9, 2024) illustrates the poor liquidity of GHST on exchanges. Most GHST pairs suffer from significantly thin books. This means GHST is inaccessible to people seeking medium to large allocations on most exchanges. Working with Skynet to improve liquidity across exchanges is a strategic move to foster a better trading environment for all participants interested in GHST tokens.


PART I: Loan Terms and Goals

This proposal is for AavegotchiDAO to lend 600k GHST to Skynet Trading for a 12 month term. The loaned GHST shall be used as liquidity provisions across four exchanges: Coinbase, Binance, OKX, and Huobi.

Skynet Trading’s terms impose no retainer fee, no setup fee, or trading fees.

Newly Published KPIs and Strike Price Formula:

Tight spreads: No greater than 50 bps.

Deep order books: Minimum of 25 orders on both sides of the book. 10k USDT across

Repayment strike price:

-300k tokens @TWAP7 from start

-150k tokens @TWAP7 from 3 months into the agreement

-150k tokens @TWAP7 from 6 months into the agreement

  • The exact strike price formula was not included in the Sigprop but are now revealed per requests from DAO members and Skynet obliged. I can confirm the team has agreed to add the 3 and 6 month out terms in light of our concerns about frontloading all strike prices near the beginning of this potentially bullish year. At the end of the 12 month term, Skynet Trading will have the option to A) return the 600k GHST to AavegotchiDAO or B) purchase the GHST at the strike prices as defined in this proposal.

PART II: Responsibilities

The second part of this proposal defines the relationship between AavegotchiDAO and Skynet Trading and who executes which responsibilities. The solution offered is the creation of a Liquidity Management Task Force (LMTF).

The Signer shall be a current director from Aavegotchi DAO Foundation willing to sign the contract between Skynet Lending and the Aavegotchi DAO Foundation. The Signer must be willing to KYC by providing liveness check and passport scans.

The Primary Point of Contact (PPC) shall be the leadership team at Pixelcraft Studios. They shall continue to maintain daily contact between the two main parties and always advocate for the best interests of AavegotchiDAO and the spirit of this proposal. There is an existing communication channel between Pixelcraft Studios and Skynet Lending that will continue to serve as the main comms channel throughout this contract’s term. The PPC shall attend weekly DAO meetings when summoned and answer any questions raised by DAO members at those meetings. The PPC role can be transferred from Pixelcraft leadership to another party at any time via a DAO Role Change Vote (DRCV).

The process is simple. Any DAO member can create a Motion to Change Roles and then make the case via a snapshot vote. If the voting power in favor of the motion exceeds 9 million, the role shall be changed. This threshold is high enough to discourage any practical attack vectors yet completely within the realm of possibility if the will to enact is widely supported by DAO participants.

PART III: Order of Operations

The 600,000 value of GHST will come from the DAO’s Liquidity Wallet (Polygon: 0x62DE034b1A69eF853c9d0D8a33D26DF5cF26682E). The Liquidity Wallet currently holds no GHST but still has roughly 2.3M USD of stablecoins, so we shall use the autoswappper contract developed in AGIP 69 to buy these 600,000 GHST.


1: Directors shall send 700K USDC to the autoswapper contract.

2: Set the autoswapper’s buy amount to 6500 USDC and the buy interval to 2 Hours.

3: Execute the autoswapper. It shall accumulate 600k GHST in roughly 8 days.

3.1: IF 700k USDC is not enough to purchase 600k GHST, the Directors shall calculate how much additional USDC is required and send those funds to the autoswapper contract as well. Their discretion is enough for up to an additional 100k USDC required, but anything beyond that will require unanimous approval during a weekly DAO meeting. Even one dissenting vote (expressed by emojis in Discord) during that meeting would render additional funds unobtainable.

3.2: Any GHST accumulated beyond the required 600k shall remain on the Liquidity Wallet’s balances until the DAO decides some further actions for those funds.

4: Skynet Trading presents the final executable contract to the Signer for review.

5: If both the Signer finds the contract agreeable, the Signer shall sign.

5.1 If the Signer finds details in the contract not aligning with our CoreProp, the Signer shall not sign and instead the process will revert back to negotiations between all parties.

6: After signing, the Directors shall transfer 600k GHST to a wallet provided by Skynet Trading.

7: The Primary Point of Contact shall begin interfacing with Skynet Trading to confirm receipt of the 600k GHST and the beginning of executing liquidity support across four exchanges.

8: Skynet Trading shall provide a monthly report to the Primary Point of Contact who shall, in turn, share this report during the next weekly DAO call.

9: This process shall continue throughout the 12 month term of the contract.

10: Nearing the conclusion of the contract, Skynet Trading and the DAO can signal to each other whether or not each party wishes to re-engage for another agreement or not.


I believe that the loan to Skynet Trading presents minimal risk, given the company's financial stability and reputation in the industry.

Although Skynet Trading utilizes Fireblocks for institutional-grade custody solutions, risks associated with exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance, HTX, and OKX remain present. It is important to note that Skynet Trading does not bear liability for any risks or losses incurred due to the operational aspects of these exchanges.

While not a direct risk, it is prudent to acknowledge the possibility of ‘seller’s remorse’ should GHST values significantly surpass the contract’s strike prices within the next 12 months. The strike prices, set as either premiums or averages of future market rates, are designed to align the interests of both parties. Both parties must enter this agreement with a comprehensive understanding of the associated risks.


The benefits and reasoning for this are already well fleshed out above but to briefly review: Improving liquidity on at least three additional exchanges improves the trading efficiency of the token.

Maturing the relationship with an industry-leading company like Skynet Trading may also lead to indirect benefits such as introductions to more exchanges and more opportunities for future loans related to on-chain DEX support and even perps markets (Skynet Trading is open to advocating for GHST perps and can make introductions).


For the benefits noted above, I am proposing that now is the time for AavegotchiDAO to engage with Skynet Trading to improve the currently weak state of GHST liquidity on most of its current listed exchanges.


Should AavegotchiDAO provide a 600k GHST loan to Skynet Trading for 12 months?

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Yes, let's lend tokens to Skynet

Option 2: No, don't lend tokens to Skynet

Voting Period: 8 - 21 March 2024


Yes, let's lend tokens to Skynet5,900,000 GHST (50.26%)
No, don't lend tokens to Skynet5,900,000 GHST (49.74%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Staking 350 ETH with Lido and Acquiring rETH

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #111

Proposal Summary:

This proposal aims to enhance the Aavegotchi DAO's treasury management through strategic staking, with a dual focus on accruing additional yield and increasing our Ethereum (ETH) holdings. We propose to engage in ETH staking through two prominent protocols, Lido and Rocket Pool, to achieve this objective.

Details of the Proposal:

  1. Staking with Lido: We propose to stake 350 ETH directly with the Lido protocol. Lido currently offers an estimated yield of 3.7% per annum.

  2. Acquiring rETH via Cowswap: Concurrently, we propose to swap an additional 350 ETH for Rocket Pool's rETH using Cowswap. Rocket Pool's yield is approximately 2.94% per annum.

  3. Expected Returns: By adopting this strategy, we anticipate an annual yield of approximately 23.24 ETH, equating to a value of $70,000, based on the current ETH valuation of $3,000 per unit.

  4. Risk Management: This approach also involves splitting our smart contract risk between Lido and Rocket Pool, the two largest entities in the ETH staking ecosystem. This strategy aims to balance the pursuit of optimal yield (via Lido) with robust participation in the Ethereum ecosystem (via Rocket Pool).

  5. Remaining Treasury Funds: Following this allocation, 537.96 ETH will remain unallocated within our treasury, available for other strategic initiatives or active management.

Context and Financial Overview:

  • The Aavegotchi DAO presently holds 1237.96 ETH, acquired for $3,000,000 as per AGIP 103.

  • The current market value of this holding is approximately $3.7 million, representing an unrealized gain of $700,000 since the approval of the core proposal on January 2, 2024.

  • For transparency and ongoing monitoring, the DAO's treasury wallet is accessible at: https://debank.com/profile/0x53c3CA81EA03001a350166D2Cc0fcd9d4c1b7B62.


This proposal is crafted with a view to optimize the Aavegotchi DAO's asset management, leveraging the potential of ETH staking for yield generation, while maintaining a balanced and risk-aware approach.

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Yes. Stake w/ Lido and buy rETH

Option 2: No. Don't stake or buy rETH

Voting Period: 8 - 21 March 2024


Yes. Stake w/ Lido and buy rETH8,800,000 GHST (76.33%)
No. Don't stake or buy rETH2,700,000 GHST (23.67%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Establishing an ETH Sell Ladder

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #112

Proposal Summary:

This proposal is designed to strategically manage the Aavegotchi DAO's Ethereum (ETH) holdings by establishing a structured sell ladder. The aim is to maximize returns while mitigating the impacts of market volatility and psychology.

Details of the Sell Ladder Proposal:

  1. First Tranche: Sell 300 ETH in two equal parts within 24 hours if ETH valuation exceeds $8,000 per unit.

  2. Second Tranche: Sell another 300 ETH in two equal parts within 24 hours at any ETH valuation above $10,000 per unit.

  3. Third Tranche: Sell 300 ETH in three equal parts within 24 hours if ETH valuation surpasses $12,000 per unit.

  4. Fourth Tranche: Sell 300 ETH in three equal parts within 24 hours at any ETH valuation exceeding $15,000 per unit.

Execution Strategy:

• The sale of ETH should follow a specific order from the DAO's Ethereum treasury wallet:

• Begin with unstaked ETH.

• Proceed to rETH.

• If necessary, unstake stETH and sell the resulting ETH.

• All sold ETH will be exchanged for USDC (USD Coin).

• The acquired USDC will then be supplied to Aave, which currently offers over 1 billion USD in capacity.

Rationale and Transparency:

• This structured approach aims to provide clarity and predictability to DAO participants and investors.

• It helps in minimizing the influence of market psychology and speculative behavior, especially in a bullish market scenario.

• Assuming ETH reaches a valuation greater than $15,000 per unit, this strategy positions the Aavegotchi DAO to accumulate approximately $13.5 million in USDC, significantly enhancing returns on the initial $3 million investment in ETH.


The proposed ETH sell ladder is a prudent financial strategy, offering the Aavegotchi DAO a methodical and transparent approach to realizing gains. It ensures that the DAO's assets are managed in a way that is both strategically sound and aligned with the interests of all stakeholders.

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Yes. Establish this sell ladder.

Option 2: No. Don't establish it.

Voting Period: 8 - 21 March 2024


Yes. Establish this sell ladder.11,000,000 GHST (92.24%)
No. Don't establish it.888,000 GHST (7.76%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Gas Fee Reimbursement for DAO Directors

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #113

Proposal Summary:

Hello friends !

As we all know, executing transactions on the Ethereum blockchain comes with a cost, and these expenses can become a significant barrier to active participation.

In our collective journey towards better decentralized governance, it has come to our attention that gas fees can potentially hinder the smooth execution of transactions and introduce unintended competition among directors for transaction signing.

This proposal seeks to address this issue by giving 0.1 eth and 10 matic to each signer address for these essential transactions. When empty, directors can ask for a refill.

Signer addresses:

  • 0x92B908c078D8f8a2271b1EE7cFf583405618771B

  • 0x61Cec7155ffF2EcbcC28eEdd16b055794929fBBa

  • 0x251B594d2f6fAFA9903E0aE61186cA0B14F3aD29

  • 0xd0De01420788632a9d2286eeBDf4f0CeA88187B7

  • 0xa2D623315C16ACCb86B0E15A2B385A43A4032F79

  • 0xe1Da02bAD2E6a1c931b0C4f41006138De6dC2Aa0

  • 0x7a002eCfB15bfad105ecdD60022D747A19Df252c

  • 0xc6055aeE74Ca070BbAf93d1C3C92843512E41987

  • 0x0F469AF9E3d7402e9d5990AFD9B97ca9924a1231

(Note : The directors will only use this gas to sign DAO TXs.)

(Note 2 : The directors will give back the remaining funds use for gas in case directors step down from their roles.)

(Note 3 "Retroactive gas reimbursement" : to be more equitable, the directors will be able to claim the funds used for transaction expenses that were funded by themselves before the date of the approval of this vote as core proposal.)

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Yes, I agree

Option 2: No

Voting Period: 8 - 21 March 2024


Yes, I agree10,000,000 GHST (92.61%)
No826,000 GHST (7.39%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Strategotchi V2.0 & Voxel Unity SDK funding

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #114

Proposal Summary:

With the overwhelmingly positive feedback on our proof-of-concept, my team and I are eager to embark on the next iteration of Strategotchi, version 2.0 - Multiplayer. This update brings a plethora of enhancements, focusing on Gotchi and weapon utility, gameplay depth, and the introduction of multiplayer infrastructure in a new game mode, Teams.

This proposal is to obtain funding for the development of Strategotchi V2.0 as outlined in the following document, as well as delivery of a FULL Voxel art Unity SDK.



(Note that the proposal does not include delivery of versions 2.1 - 2.4)


We are seeking 197,000 aDAI and 10,000 GHST, paid in 2 installments, for the delivery of:

  • A full Unity SDK featuring all of our assets and animations

  • 3D modeling and rigging of over 300 wearables and gotchi types in our unique voxel style. This deliverable lays the groundwork for a unity SDK that we will make available for other developers.

  • Full blockchain integration of all gotchis and wearables. Players will be able to play with their own unique gotchis.

  • Full Utility for over 30 weapons, each with unique effects, animations and 5 unique targeting systems. Players will be able to equip 2 weapons per gotchi.

  • Gotchi trait mapping & class perks. 12 unique perks. Gotchis can earn up to 6 perks (1 for each godlike trait)

  • New multiplayer co-op game mode: Teams. In this mode players will team up with frens, working together to hit harvest targets and defend them from enemies.

  • V2 web dapp with new features including a weapons library with interactive 3d previews.

  • An in-game tutorial

  • Improved GUI & UX

  • Improved targeting and push indicators. Players will be able to assess the effects of their weapons at a glance.

  • New and improved sound design, including music and SFX. We will be introducing more lickquidator taunts as well as gotchi cheers.

  • Multiple bug fixes, QOL improvements, and better optimization


A detailed list of all wearables effects can be found in this document:



This document outlines future monetization mechanisms and our proposed allocations:




  • Proficient in product design, branding, and visual communication.

  • Experienced game designer, contributing to multiple top-rated mobile games in the MENA region.

  • Internationally recognized artist, exhibited at prestigious galleries like the Saatchi Gallery, London.

  • OG member of the Aavegotchi community, deeply familiar with the protocol, contributing to a multitude of projects within the ecosystem.


  • Full stack game developer with extensive experience.

  • Successfully operated indie game development studio, focusing on hyper casual games.

  • Produced multiple successful titles across various platforms.


  • Experienced music producer, proficient in all aspects of audio design

  • Experience in marketing, project management, and community building

  • Creator of multiple web 3.0 music projects and collaborations

  • Involved community member, collaborating on a multitude of projects in the ecosystem and beyond


In-house work: 147,000 aDAI

  • Game Design, PM, Design Lead, 3D modeling, UI/UX, Unity front end: 90k

  • Lead Dev: 50k

  • Sound design, social media management: 7k

Outsourced work: 50,000 aDAI

  • Additional Unity dev: 20k

  • Rigging and animation: 20k

  • Web developer: 5k

  • Artwork: 3k

  • Infrastructure and tools: 2k

Community: 10,000 GHST

  • Marketing

  • Promotion

  • Play testing

  • Bounties


Milestone 1: Passing of core prop

Payment of 107,000 aDAI + 10,000 GHST

Milestone 2: Wearables showcase (April 2024)

A showcase of our progress modeling a large portion of the wearables. We will present images of dozens of the new designs as well in-game footage of some of the new weapons in action. We will release a small number of new weapons on the public build for the community to test out and give us feedback on.

Milestone 3: Weapons Utility showcase (May 2024)

The addition of a large number of weapons and wearables into our public build. Integration of blockchain assets into the game. Players will be able to use their own gotchis in single player mode. Gotchis will now have unique stats and most of the perks implemented. Each gotchi will look and feel unique, giving players a feel for the levels of customization to come.

Milestone 4: Multiplayer showcase (June 2024)

Playable multiplayer mode with MVP versions of all new features. Players will now be able to try the new co-op mode, playing with their own weapons and gotchis, with unique perks and stats. At this stage some weapons may still have generic effects/animations. Introduction of new SFX including gotchi cheers. Improvements to GUI & UX. We will be overhauling the UI to accommodate multiplayer mode.

Milestone 5: Completion of all content (July 2024)

completion of all weapons utility and wearables, including animations and effects. Players will be able to experience the full utility of weapons and perks in both single and multiplayer modes. Delivery of an improved system for targeting and knock-back indicators. Players will be able to assess the effects of their weapons at a glance under the new system.

Milestone 6: All deliverables polished and shipped (August 2024)

Payment of 90,000 aDAI Completion of all listed deliverables, fully polished. All wearables are fully modeled and rigged. All weapon utility completed. All gotchi traits and class perks implemented. Multiplayer teams mode polished. In-game tutorial. Updated webb dapp including a full weapons library with interactive 3D models, as well as all stats and information about the weapons. Bug fixes and multiple QOL improvements including UX/UI enhancements. We will be streamlining the user interface to be more intuitive as well as adding more user feedbacks such as sounds and UI animations to help guide the player for a smoother experience. Enhanced optimization for webGL performance.

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Yes! Fund it.

Option 2: No. Don't fund.

Voting Period: 2 - 16 April 2024


Yes! Fund it.9,600,000 GHST (85.65%)
No. Don't fund.1,600,000 GHST (14.35%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

FAKEwaar Continuing Development Fund

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #115

Proposal Summary:

Do you hear the drums of waar, fren? It's time to find out who's FAKE strength is real. This adaptation of classic war card combat + 3-in-a-row, utilizing FAKEgotchis with a custom dynamic numerical model, enables deterministic gameplay with the existing asset library of FAKEgotchi NFTs.



Current Gameplay

Two players, 1v1, 9 cards randomly selected from the FAKEgotchiDEX. High card wins. Winner is able to place their winning card on the battle board. Players are able to overtake an already placed card on the battle board if their card has a higher FAKE strength. Three in a row placed on the battle board provides additional bonus points at final score.

Target Audience

FAKEwaar is designed to provide a lightweight, casual, replayable gamification layer to the existing FAKEgotchi assets. It is meant for creators, collectors and everyone else who has yet to discover the cultural heartbeat of Aavegotchi: FAKEgotchis!


FAKEwaar is built in Unity with native networking. While a web hosted version is the primary focus, we will also be working hard to support ANDROID mobile users. Probably iOS as well.

Request for Continuing Development Support

V1 as presented during the March 30th, 2024 DAO call has been developed independently by GMI Game Labs. We humbly request additional support from the Aavegotchi DAO based on the demonstrated capabilities and potential of the V1 playable proof of concept.


Upon approval and receipt of the requested continuing development fund, FAKEwaar V2 would be planned for a three month development timeline. This fund would allow GMI Game Labs to put full time effort into this development and we fully anticipate fulfilling or even beating this timeline. A full overview of V2 implementations can be found in the FAKEwaar Whitepaper.

Requested Funding

Total Cost: 18K USD


  • 6K - Unity Development & Project Management by Mycaleum

  • 6K - Website, Smart Contract and Technical Support by User Default

  • 6K - Creative leadership of asset and art generation by Kravitch

Upon approval, we request $18k USD equivalent in stablecoins (USDC/USDT/DAI) to be transferred to the GMI Multisig Treasury on Polygon PoS at: 0x376184461aaa5Bd445cd52924Fdf29e8E4b86900

In the event the DAO does not have on-hand stablecoin liquidity on Polygon PoS to fulfill this disbursement, we request an appropriate amount of $GHST tokens be swapped in order to provide this stablecoin liquidity in full.

Details on the AGIP can be found here

Option 1: Fund FAKEwaar!

Option 2: Do not fund FAKEwaar...

Voting Period: 11 - 21 April 2024


Fund FAKEwaar!7,200,000 GHST (70.66%)
Do not fund FAKEwaar...3,000,000 GHST (29.34%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Elected Facilitators for DAO Meetings

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #116

Proposal Summary:

This proposal aims to provide guidelines for nominating and compensating accountable DAO members to collect DAO feedback, build meeting agenda's and to host the Saturday DAO call.

This proposal outlines job dimensions, as well as a compensation structure for 4 elected DAO members to fulfill.

Job Dimensions:

  • Meeting Preparation and Organization:

  • Work with DAO members to allocate time slots for presentations and discussions for each speaker.


  • Steer discussions towards productive outcomes, ensuring active engagement while managing time efficiently.

Decision-Making Support:

  • Provide clarity on proposals, including their goals and potential impact. Gather and communicate feedback to forum operators.

Communication and Follow-Up:

  • Deliver succinct summaries of discussions, decisions, and action items. Monitor progress on agreed-upon tasks.

Conflict Resolution:

  • Serve as an impartial mediator to resolve disputes and disagreements during discussions.

Innovation Promotion:

  • Promote the exploration of innovative ideas, tools, and practices to improve our governance process.


  • The role requires 6-10 hours of preparation weekly, including a one-hour DAO call every Saturday at 3pm UTC.

  • If the role is split (in this case amongst 4 members) the commitment will also be split equally. 4 members taking on this role would take one week each in this case.

  • Important to note this is usually a week long ongoing effort + Saturday Call.

Term length:

  • 6 Months with an option to re-elect a member at 3 months should they step down or cannot fulfill the role adequately.


  • 500 USD, per month, per member

  • Total of 2000 USD in GHST for 4 Members, payed at the end of the month

Many have stepped up to nominate as well as those I have spoken to myself.

Following the passing of the proposal I suggest we hold a soft election off-chain to appoint actively participating members.

I am deeply grateful for serving in this position for the last 3 Years, and look forward to the evolution of our roster!

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Fund DAO Meetings

Option 2: Do not fund

Voting Period: 19 April - 3 May 2024


Fund DAO Meetings8,700,000 GHST (76.99%)
Do not fund2,600,000 GHST (23.01%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Custom IRL Aavegotchi Physical Arcade Machine

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #117

Proposal Summary:

This proposal outlines the development of an Aavegotchi web3 physical arcade machine, leveraging the Aavegotchi ecosystem and current available titles through a custom Aavegotchi Gaming OS and integration with GotchiChain. This machine aims to provide an immersive gaming experience, bridging the digital and physical worlds, with a portion of the budget allocated to design contest rewards to foster community engagement and creativity.

Project Objectives:

  • To develop a unique, customizable, blockchain-enabled arcade machine for the Aavegotchi gaming protocol.

  • To serve as the IRL public interface to the Aavegotchi gaming protocol.

  • To engage the gaming community at events, function as a standalone entertainment unit located regionally, or be distributed as a collector's item.

  • To utilize RFID and QR Code technology for seamless interaction with the blockchain, enabling easy transaction signing and user authentication.


  • Aavegotchi Gaming OS

  • Custom overlay application tailored for arcade gaming, with native support for GotchiChain.

  • User-friendly interface designed for ease of use in an arcade setting.

  • Enhanced security features to ensure safe and secure blockchain interactions.

Hardware Specifications:

  • High-performance gaming single-board computers (SBCs) or full size ATX to handle advanced gaming and blockchain operations.

  • Vibrant high-resolution displays optimized for gaming graphics and user interaction.

  • Durable and responsive arcade controls for an authentic gaming experience along with traditional keyboard and mouse access.

  • RFID sensors and QR Code integration for user authentication and blockchain transactions.

  • Custom-designed arcade cabinets featuring Aavegotchi branding and aesthetics.

Development Roadmap and Budget Estimation:

Design Phase: 8-12 weeks timeline.

  • Conceptualization, software/hardware specification, initial design, and design contest.

  • Estimated Cost: 1,000 GHST (500 GHST allocated to design contest rewards).

Prototype Development:

  • Assembly and testing of a functional prototype with the Aavegotchi Gaming OS and RFID integration.

  • Estimated Cost: 2,000 GHST.

Production of One Testing Machine:

  • Manufacturing and assembly of a single arcade machine for extensive testing and validation.

  • Estimated Cost: 3,000 GHST.

Total Estimated Cost for Initial Phases: 6,000 GHST

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Yes, fund it!

Option 2: No, do not fund.

Voting Period: 19 April - 3 May 2024


Yes, fund it!10,000,000 GHST (88.31%)
No, do not fund.1,400,000 GHST (11.69%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Proposal to Add Liquidity on Aerodrome and earn AERO

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #118

Proposal Summary:

This proposal seeks to strengthen the Aavegotchi ecosystem by increasing liquidity on Aerodrome, Base's native decentralized exchange (DEX). By adding $500K worth of $GHST and $500K worth of Ethereum to a liquidity pool on Aerodrome, we aim to deepen liquidity and attract more users to the platform. Additionally, we propose allocating 100K GHST worth of bribe incentives to further encourage participation and engagement.


Increasing Liquidity: With GHST recently launching on Base, we have a responsibility to help ensure adequate liquidity for traders on Base. The proposed allocation of $500K worth of GHST and $500K worth of Ethereum into a liquidity pool on Aerodrome will significantly improve the depth of liquidity for trading on Base. This will allow for more efficient trading and reduce price slippage, making the Aavegotchi ecosystem more attractive to both existing and potential users.

Incentivizing Participation: By allocating 100K GHST worth of bribe incentives, we aim to encourage more users to engage with the Aavegotchi ecosystem on Aerodrome. These incentives will be distributed as rewards for veAERO holders in exchange for them voting to increase the allocation of AERO rewards for the GHST-ETH pool.

Earning AERO token for the DAO treasury: Aerodrome is the leading native DEX on Base, and with Aavegotchi making inroads into Base and Gotchichain settling to Base, it makes sense for the DAO to have a stake in the chain’s success. Since Base does not have a native token, tokens like AERO can be seen as proxies for the chain’s growth.

Proposal Details:

Allocation of Funds: The proposal calls for the allocation of $500K worth of GHST and $500K worth of Ethereum from the AavegotchiDAO treasury to be used for creating a liquidity pool on Aerodrome.

Distribution of Incentives: The proposal also includes the allocation of 100K GHST of bribe incentives to be distributed among veAERO holders on Aerodrome. These incentives should be distributed in two tranches of 50K GHST each over a period of one month.

Implementation Timeline: The proposal aims to have the liquidity pool established and the bribe incentives ready for distribution within 14 days of the proposal's approval. The AavegotchiDAO foundation should be responsible for overseeing the implementation process and ensuring that all necessary steps are completed in a timely manner.

Source of funds: $500K worth of ETH should be sourced by converting DAI from the DAO Liquidity wallet into ETH. $500K worth of GHST should be obtained by reducing the DAO’s 80-20 LP on Balancer to obtain enough GHST. Both GHST and ETH should be bridged from Ethereum to Base via the canonical Superbridge or Base Bridge (whichever is easiest).

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Yes, create the pool

Option 2: No, do not create the pool

Voting Period: 26 April - 3 May 2024


Yes, create the pool9,200,000 GHST (94.36%)
No, do not create the pool548,000 GHST (5.64%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Convert all DAO-owned $DAI/$aDAI -> $USDC/$aUSDC

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #119

Proposal Summary:

AavegotchiDAO holds a range of treasury assets according to the mandate laid out in AGIP65 which outlined a 4-way split for unlocked $DAI for liquidity, general reserve, core team, and player rewards.

As of April 1st 2024, our stablecoin basket is as follows:

  • ~5.8million USD worth

  • 87.3% in $DAI/$aDAI; remaining in $USDC


An ecosystem change at MakerDAO is recently introducing some additional risk to $DAI with the consideration of including algorithmic stablecoin $USDE and $sUSDE as collateral to borrow $DAI against, with a cap being considered up to $1 billion USD.

This move is indicative of a growing trend where DeFi protocols seek to capture additional yield for users and controversially increase instability risks of the underlying assets in return. With our own DAO stablecoin holdings denominated largely in $DAI I think it is time to shed this risk by converting all our DAI into less risky stablecoins. It is encouraged voters learn more on the MakerDAO situation in the URLs listed at the bottom of this vote.

Voting Material:

I am proposing we convert all treasury assets held in $DAI and $aDAI into $USDC and $aUSDC, respectively. All assets will remain on their current networks unless bridged elsewhere on a different vote. With some research on 3-month yields it looks like there will be minimal impact on our interest accrued if we swap all $aDAI -> $aUSDC. This can be seen from a Dune Analytics chart below.

If passed, the acting AavegotchiDAO Treasurer and Foundation multi-sig directors should follow the below recommendations when swapping:

  • Withdraw all $DAI tokens deposited into Aave & Issue two tranches of swaps to USDC on https://swap.cow.fi/. Then re-deposit all USDC from aDAI equivalents back into the Aave Ethereum V3 Market for address 0x53…7B62.

  • For affected addresses on Polygon issue one swap from DAI -> USDC for both addresses 0x93…631c & 0x8c…90f6 on https://curve.fi/ .

  • For the remaining DAI in wallet 0xFF…8020 please follow the swap instructions above for Polygon on Curve.fi and swap to USDC.

Total DAI Holdings and Wallets

DAO Foundation Treasury

  • 15,809 DAI - 0x53c3CA81EA03001a350166D2Cc0fcd9d4c1b7B62 ; Ethereum

  • 3,557,579 aDAI - 0x53c3CA81EA03001a350166D2Cc0fcd9d4c1b7B62 ; Ethereum

  • 193,490 DAI - 0x939b67F6F6BE63E09B0258621c5A24eecB92631c ; Polygon

Remaining Bonding Curve Fees (Ethereum)

  • 275,825 DAI - 0xFFE6280ae4E864D9aF836B562359FD828EcE8020

DAO Foundation Rewards Pool (Polygon)

  • 9 DAI - 0x8c8E076Cd7D2A17Ba2a5e5AF7036c2b2B7F790f6

Total – 4,042,712 DAI

Background Sources:



Option 1: YES. Convert all DAI to USDC

Option 2: NO. Do not convert DAI to USDC

Voting Period: 27 April - 5 May 2024


YES. Convert all DAI to USDC8,200,000 GHST (91.77%)
NO. Do not convert DAI to USDC732,000 GHST (8.23%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Allocation of Aerodrome POL Rewards

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #120

Proposal Summary:

This proposal is a followup on the successful passing of AGIP 118 - Proposal to Add Liquidity on Aerodrome and earn AERO. This proposal applies retroactively to the rewards we are currently accruing.

Currently, any AERO that is earned by the DAO via the Aerodrome liquidity flywheel cannot be allocated because the terms were not in the original proposal.

This prop proposes to allocate any AERO earned by our POL (protocol-owned liquidity) on Aerodrome in the following way:

20% converted to ETH 80% added to the GHST/WETH liquidity pool incentives for the next epoch

These transactions should be carried out within seven (7) days of receiving the AERO, unless extenuating circumstances cause delays.

The proposed length for this allocation is three months. After three months, a new proposal will be drafted and submitted to AavegotchiDAO to either continue the allocation as is, or make changes.

Thank you for your consideration frens!

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Yes, allocate the AERO like this

Option 2: No, another way

Voting Period: 17 - 24 May 2024


Yes, allocate the AERO like this9,000,000 GHST (97.07%)
No, another way272,000 GHST (2.93%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

AavegotchiDAO MCON III Sponsorship Package

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #121

Proposal Summary:

This proposal is to form a partnership with the MetaCartel and promote the Aavegotchi DAO at MCON3 in Detroit, MI. This intimate event with ~800 people who are deep into the onchain ecosystem, including creators, developers, and investors, will expose Aavegotchi to a new audience and strengthen connections with influential builders in the community.


  • Arcade Machine with WHTRANG3R/LITEPIGLET

  • Side Event at Off-World Arcade ( GAME JAM HACK and/or TOURNAMENTS)

  • Inform and Incentivize builders to come and collaborate alongside the Aavegotchi DAO

The ethos of MetaCartel is “IF YOU WANT TO GO FAST, GO ALONE. IF YOU WANT TO GO FAR, GO TOGETHER” Members of the Aavegotchi DAO have attended previous MCONs, engaging with dedicated and innovative builders in governance, public goods, coordination, and onchain innovation.

This proposal seeks to invest in an event that has historically provided significant value to the Aavegotchi community. The MetaCartel is known for being an OG grants DAO in the Ethereum ecosystem, giving away $2mm+ in grants over 5 years of operation. They are also architects and incubators of some of the most well known projects in Web3.


This proposal solicits support for a Mid-Tier Sponsorship of MCON3. Whereby the funds will go towards executing the main event, as well as supporting a dedicated side event for Aavegotchi.

This 10k ticket covers staff/organizers, food, AV/ furnishings, tickets for the whole team as well as $2500 allocated to a Gotchi exclusive side event that the MCON organizers will help organize and promote amongst locals and OGs.

As a part of this experience Aavegotchi would be able to co-create the gaming track, pick topics of discussion, invite speakers to share their perspectives, and have a dedicated side event, social media spotlight, as well as all of our branding on the events marketing and media + logistical support from the MetaCartel to bring it all together.

The DAO arcade machine is needed to coordinate a successful side event where we can set up and interact with people playing it at Off-World Arcade. After sponsorship is approved by the DAO, more details can be laid out as we co-create a gaming track, tournament or game jam.

We’d need a paid team of at least 3 GotchiGang/Greetors (setup, breakdown, BD, media) and would prefer a PC representative and/or a DAO funded game dev to attend as well. Stickers, merch and other physical goods for marketing/signage and rewards for email captures for mailing lists would also need to be discussed, funded and produced.

IF we do a game jam/hack focused side-event we need to consider qualified judges, discuss prizes for winners as well as rewards for any tournaments. Or just showcase Aavegotchi games and the arcade machine, run a few tournaments and onboard new DAO members, artists, and devs.

Final costs could range from 13-15K total (likely less), but we’d be saving funds by collaborating alongside MetaCartel to produce and market a successfully spicy Aavegotchi DAO side-event.


  • Email signups, Social Media Spotlight

  • Games Developed

  • Dapps built for DAO governance and tooling

  • GotchiPill community governerds, investors, gamers and game devs.

  • Live discussions featuring Aavegotchi DAO members


Gotchichain not ready, readiness of playable Aavegotchi web3 connected games, Arcade machine progress, overspending budget. Not being a sponsoring partner and missing out on the spicy fun.


Members from Aavegotchi DAO with personal connections and history with the MetaCartel have already proven to be valuable. Through these bonds we were given an opportunity for a last minute free booth at ETH Denver 2023 and are getting the top tier(20k) perks for sponsorship at the mid-tier(10K) cost for MCON3.

The proposed $10K sponsorship will leverage existing relationships with MetaCartel to achieve top-tier sponsorship benefits at a mid-tier cost. The additional estimated available budget from GotchiGreetors (3-5k) ensures logistical support for a successful event. This collaboration is expected to strengthen long-term relationships and create significant impact at MCON III!

$10K paid for in USDC or EVM-Native Token on MAINNET sent to MetaCartel Safe eth: 0xc70c7090b91e0d9861d734Eb613761e8b35224D2

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Yes, Fund 10K Sponsorship

Option 2: No, Don't Fund

Voting Period: 7 - 20 June 2024


Yes, Fund 10K Sponsorship7,700,000 GHST (80.44%)
No, Don't Fund1,900,000 GHST (19.56%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Allocation of Quickswap POL Rewards

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #122

Proposal Summary:

We have significant Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) on Quickswap (Polygon network), which is accumulating over $250k in fees (GHST and USDC). Unlike Balancer POL, these fees do not compound automatically and need to be claimed manually.

This proposal seeks to determine the best course of action for these accumulated fees. Below are the options we have identified:

  • Do Nothing: Leave the fees unclaimed and unutilized.

  • Compound Monthly: Allow the directors to claim and compound the fees every month by re-adding the rewards to the QuickSwap pool on the Polygon network.

  • Bridge and Add to Liquidity on Base Network: Bridge the rewards to the Base network and add them to the GHST-WETH liquidity pool on Aerodrome.

  • Bridge and Use as Incentives on Base Network: Bridge the rewards to the Base network and use them as incentives for bribing the GHST-WETH pool on Aerodrome. These incentives will be distributed over a period of two months (8 epochs) with equal allocation for each epoch.

Implementation Timeline:

These transactions should be carried out within seven (7) days of reaching a decision, unless extenuating circumstances cause delays.

Voting Options

  • Do Nothing

  • Compound Monthly on Quickswap (Polygon network)

  • Bridge to Base and Add to GHST-WETH Liquidity Pool on Aerodrome

  • Bridge to Base and Use as Incentives for GHST-WETH Pool on Aerodrome (2 Months, 8 Epochs with Equal Allocation Each Epoch)

Thank you for your consideration frens!

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Voting option 1

Option 2: Voting option 2

Option 3: Voting option 3

Option 4: Voting option 4

Voting Period: 8 - 18 June 2024


Voting option 46,100,000 GHST (65.85%)
Voting option 21,300,000 GHST (14.00%)
Voting option 31,200,000 GHST (13.06%)
Voting option 1661,000 GHST (7.08%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Community Wearable Schematics Release

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #123

Proposal Summary:

  • Frens and Accessories Wearables Launch

  • Theme is community-designed

  • 14 new designs ranging from common to mythical

  • Eyes, face, and pets only

  • No new cores to be minted/released

  • Aimed to balance the trait meta and freshen up the wearables pool

  • 12 unique designs. The common, uncommon, and rare pet would be evolutions of each other

  • Target release: end of September 2024 (sooner if PC has bandwidth for the push)

Community Competition

Anyone can design a wearable and submit their artwork in any format. The winners will be chosen during a hangout in traditional emoji-response fashion

I will work with the winners to make sure the pieces are in proper pixel-perfect format

Prize money ranges from 100 ghst to 500 ghst

Bonus GHST prizes for whoever makes the best use of old wearables in set creation. The sets should strive to pick up older wearables as well as fill the gaps as shown here: https://wearables.report/trait-selection.html

Bonus GHST for the #1 favourite wearable


Partnerships are always a great idea and welcomed. However they take quite a bit of time and coordination. Therefore, I propose we open this aspect with a bounty. Anyone who can successfully bridge our community with another favourable gang can grab a nice 500 GHST bounty. Keep in mind it's important in a partnership for reciprocity. Partnering goes beyond simply doing something for another community while receiving nothing in return.

Partnership connections must be established by 15th June. The deal may not need to be closed, but we need to be 80% committed to it. This is because partnership-specific wearables are limited in their design scope (we don't want to have people designing a wearable for a slot that gets filled with a partnership!)


  • Proposal raised and voting period 29th May - 15th June

  • Partnership bounty deadline 15th June

  • Design submissions deadline 28th June

  • Competition voting 29th June

  • Artwork refinement 30th June - 20th July

  • Handoff all completed pieces to PC 20th July

  • PC does their magic 20th July - release ???

Distribution & Mint

No new cores will be minted.

The traits are pulled from here: https://wearables.report/trait-selection.html

The bigger the standard deviation, the further from balance that particular slot/rarity is. There are clear winners in every slot. For uncommon eye, there is no imbalance, so we propose two items which counter-balance each other.

The DAO will buy a basket of cores from the market and forge a number of pieces to use as giveaways or sales

I propose a budget of 8,000 GHST to buy/forge as many pieces as possible. The goal is the following quantities:

  • Common eye & face: 50 ea

  • Common pet: 25

  • Uncommon eye & face: 25 ea

  • Uncommon pet: 15

  • Rare faces: 10 ea

  • Rare pet: 5

  • no legendary or mythical

The total maximum alloy required is 72k which will be provided by the DAO stock. Any remaining alloy / ghst from this allotment will be returned. Any schematics obtained through smelting will be added to the geode pool.

All remaining schematics from the mint will be added to the geode pool.

Forged wearables will be sent to the DAO.

Total Costs

  • Core buying: 8000 GHST

  • Prize pool: 2650 GHST

  • Oliver for coordination, communication, and wearable rigging: 2600 GHST

  • Partnership bounties: 500ea (to be distributed later upon success)

Total: 13,250 GHST + successful partnership bounties (as this number is unknown, we will send this separately)

Upon successful passing of prop, send 13,250 GHST and 72,000 alloy to: 0x4a478E4593A5D557dB640642c34Ae52800084451

This is a clean wallet which can be tracked for all buying / smelting.

As mentioned, all unspent GHST and alloy will be returned to the DAO.


Overall, my hope is to have a fun event which brings the community together. The last design competition was a hit and there were so many great wearables designed. By opening up the design to more possibilities, we will have more winners. I also would love to see some old wearables freshened up in new creative ways with the addition of one or two new items :smile:

With more games on the horizon, RF, and the Battler, players are going to need different wearables to win the meta.

More option = more alloy burning = floors rising.

Thanks everyone and let's have some fun!

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: YES

Option 2: NO

Voting Period: 8 - 19 June 2024


YES8,300,000 GHST (88.24%)
NO1,100,000 GHST (11.76%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Fund Creation of Ghostly Gladiator MVP

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #124

Proposal Summary:

This proposal is for funding an MVP of Ghostly Gladiator, a roguelike deck-building grid-based battler based on the assets & lore of the Gotchiverse. The long-term goals of the project are:

#1 Create a great roguelike deck-builder, in order to

#2 increase the exposure of crypto-agnostic & crypto-ignorant gamers to the Aavegotchi ecosystem and

#3 provide a long-term income stream to the DAO through a community meta-progression system (see the Monetization section of the design doc for details on this part: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qCVldT37hQrScq8H8WI_bwYuk403gBzK89verrtVwI8/edit?usp=sharing)

Ghostly Gladiator is targeted towards people who don’t know about Aavegotchi yet and maybe don’t even have a crypto wallet. Rather than try to monetize the (currently) small number of people that both own Aavegotchi assets and want to play minigames with them, this project is designed to appeal to the wider gaming audience and expose them to the Aavegotchi ecosystem and community. For those who like to ask ‘wen marketing’, my answer is ‘right now’. In marketing speak this game is targeted towards the top of the marketing funnel rather than the very bottom like many of the minigames so far have been.

I am asking for $6500 worth of DAI or GHST to fund the creation of the MVP over 6 weeks, with plans for a larger proposal later if the project is successful with the community. At the end of the 6-week period I would run a small XP event for the community to try out the MVP.

Ghostly Gladiator (title not final) is a roguelike deck-building grid-based battler. For a game in the same genre, see Fights in Tight Spaces (or Knights in Tight Spaces). Fisht Fight (https://zygoth.itch.io/fisht-fight) is a simple example of this genre that I made for a 7-day game jam, and it’s the concept and code that I will be building from. Fisht Fight placed 11th out of 564 entries in the ‘Fun’ category in the Fish Fest game jam (top 2%). I highly recommend that you play Fisht Fight if you want an idea of how Ghostly Gladiator will play.

Basic Gameplay

The game is divided into 10 separate battles, each with different types of monsters. Each turn, the player draws 5 cards from their deck and receives 3 energy. They can use the energy to play cards from their hand in order to move around the battlefield, attack enemies, defend, summon allies, etc. Battles end when all enemies are defeated. After each battle, the player gets to pick a new card from 3 options to add to their deck. The game ends when the player completes all battles (victory) or loses all their HP.

Timeline (6 weeks)

Programming (Zygo)

  • Refactor code from Fisht Fight (3 days)

  • Save/load system (5 days)

  • Basic CMP system, accept user donations to unlock new features (5 days)

  • 10 new cards to unlock with the CMP system (3 days)

  • Integrate new art (3 days)

  • Title screen (1 day)

  • UI improvements for increased clarity (3 days)

  • Tutorial (3 days)

  • Bug fixing (3 days)

  • System to record player crypto address for an XP event (2 days)

Total: 31 days of work

Art (Admurin)

  • New battle background

  • Beta art for all cards

  • Title screen art

  • Reskin main character as Aavegotchi and enemies as different types of Lickuidators

  • New Battle tile sprites

  • Card sprite

  • Various UI icons like draw/discard pile, card energy icon, block icon, etc.

Music (Mario Sello)

  • Title theme

  • Battle music

  • Win & lose fanfares

SFX (Zygo)

  • Use sounds from Zygo’s sound library & tools like LabChirp/SFXR

Key performance indicators

The game will be hosted on Itch.io, so to begin with the KPIs will be the analytics that they offer. (daily views and plays) In addition, during the XP event the amount of unique crypto addresses that users submit will be a KPI for this proposal. Eventually tracking unique users, time played, and donations would be useful but these are out of scope for the MVP.


Send $6500 in DAI to address 0xF0Bc763e0A6AF4784a36fa102220FF60eC651f9e to fund the development of the MVP, including programming, pixel art, and music. This should be sent soon after the completion of the core prop so I can pay the pixel artist & composer up front.

Schedule an XP event for the week of August 21-28. Since the game won’t be interfacing with the blockchain directly, XP credit tracking would be via an in-game form that shows up after a successful run. Players would submit their wallet address and a list of these addresses would be submitted to the DAO at the conclusion of the event. I chose this method because successful runs last about an hour, which would make farming XP for many gotchis individually take a prohibitive amount of time.

Completing this proposal will provide the following benefits:

  • Create the MVP for a free-to-play game in a popular genre that can appeal to non-crypto gamers and thus bring new players to the Aavegotchi ecosystem.

  • Host an XP event to give Aavegotchi holders an opportunity to try out the game and give feedback

  • Create a base from which I can build mechanisms that will eventually self-fund the game and bring income to the DAO. (see the Monetization section in the design doc for more details on this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qCVldT37hQrScq8H8WI_bwYuk403gBzK89verrtVwI8/edit)

Acknowledge potential risks or unintended consequences

  • Risk: the game is not finished or is completed poorly

  • Mitigations: I have a record of completing jam games and also projects much larger than 1 month; I also have a strong incentive to finish the MVP so I can continue working on the project in the future. Even if this were to occur, the amount of DAI committed to this MVP is small, so the risk of wasting funds is low.

Any alternative paths (Plan B, Plan C, etc)

Not sure what to put here, I always have ideas for other games but this is the one I feel most confident about.

About Me

Hi! I’m Zygo, a game developer that has been involved with Aavegotchi since Haunt 1. I’ve always been interested in making games, and in the last 2 years I’ve been doing it full time. In February of 2024 I released Spellstrife on Steam after 14 months of work (https://store.steampowered.com/app/2385240/Spellstrife/). Since then, I’ve been doing game jams to practice quick development and test out some of my ideas. See my Itch.io page for my game jam games: https://zygoth.itch.io/ . I’m most familiar with the Phaser3 engine.

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Yes, fund Ghostly Gladiator MVP

Option 2: No, don't fund it

Voting Period: 27 June - 7 July 2024


Yes, fund Ghostly Gladiator MVP7,800,000 GHST (86.12%)
No, don't fund it1,300,000 GHST (13.88%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Gotchichain Battleverse Demo - An Open-Source Battleverse Built with Godot

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #125

Proposal Summary:

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UjmmC-Mfa0lxLQjzhIT6Rc0Dey-j_X2W

We are excited to introduce the demo funding for the Gotchichain Battleverse, an open-source battleverse built using the Godot engine. This project aims to create an immersive, community-driven gaming experience, leveraging the strengths of blockchain technology and the collaborative power of open-source development.

Game Concept:

  • Title: Gotchichain Battleverse

  • Engine: Godot

  • Description: Gotchichain Battleverse is an action-packed, multiplayer battle game set in a vibrant metaverse. Players will eventually engage in various PvP modes online or IRL, including classic brawls, racing, and more, all within the Aavegotchi-themed universe.

Key Future Features:

  • Open-Source Development: The entire project is open-source, allowing community contributions and transparency in development.

  • Multiplayer Modes: Offers a variety of PvP modes, such as brawls, racing, and team battles, providing diverse gameplay experiences.

  • Blockchain Integration: Utilizes blockchain technology for asset ownership, in-game transactions, and secure matchmaking.

  • Community-Driven Content: Encourages community members to contribute to game design, features, and content, fostering a collaborative environment.

  • Educational Content: Creation of "How to X in Godot" content to attract and educate game developers, bringing them into the Aavegotchi ecosystem. Along with a bounty program to entice participation and onboarding.

Current Demo Development and Release:

Development Stages:

  • Community Feedback and Iteration (Months 1-2): Release the current prototype to the community for feedback and iterative improvements.

  • Feature Expansion (Months 3-4): Expand on the existing prototype by adding new core mechanics, additional multiplayer functionality, and other requested features.

  • Beta Testing (Month 5): Conduct extensive beta testing, incorporating community suggestions and finalizing features.

  • Polish and Optimization (Month 6): Focus on polishing the game, optimizing performance, and resolving any remaining issues.

  • Official Launch (Month 7): Launch the expanded demo with full features, marketing, and community events.

Open-Source Publication:

  • The current game build will be published on Github after proposal approval.

Links to download and play the current build:

  • Download for PC - https://storage.googleapis.com/gotchichain-battleverse/Battleverse-v1.2-PC.zip

  • Download for Mac - https://storage.googleapis.com/gotchichain-battleverse/Battleverse-v1.2-Mac.zip

Budget and Funding Allocation:

  • Total Funding Requested: 25,000 USDC sent to: 0x4d6e3Ff00F77F6e746eBF7f6827800eB99e36910

Demo Budget Breakdown:

  • Game Levels (10): $4,000

  • In-Game Items (15): $3,000

  • Web3 Wallet Integration and Address Registration: $2,500

  • Menus and UI: $1,500

  • Problems/Polish: $4,000

  • Netcode: $3,500

  • Music and Sound Effects: $1,000

  • Project Management and Coordination: $2,500

  • Bounty Program for Community Contributions: $3,000

Project Lead: WhtRang3r

Lead Developer: Yokcos

Netcode: Zer0xtj

Art: Kravitch

Eventual Revenue Generation Possibilities for the DAO:

  • Gotchichain Battleverse presents multiple opportunities for generating revenue for the DAO:

  • Custom Builds: The open-source nature of the project allows for custom game builds to be created and sold on the Polycade AGS platform. These custom builds can be tailored for various use cases, such as unique game modes or special competitions, providing a continuous revenue stream.

  • Player-Funded Prize Pools: Competitions can be organized both online and in-person, with player-funded prize pools. The DAO will receive a portion of the funds from these prize pools for organizing and hosting the events, further increasing community engagement and generating additional revenue.


Gotchichain Battleverse aims to revolutionize the gaming experience by combining the best of open-source development, blockchain technology, and community collaboration. By creating educational content and allowing for custom game builds, we can attract and engage a broader audience. We invite the Aavegotchi community to join us in creating an engaging, dynamic, and immersive battleverse. Together, we can build a game that reflects our collective creativity and passion for gaming.

  • Yokcos - https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Yokcos

  • Zer0xtj - https://github.com/Zer0xTJ

  • Kravitch - https://www.fakegotchis.com/profile/0xe17b279d3891b48c36ef616a5f70a586e80b5b98?selected=published

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Yes Fund!

Option 2: No, don't fund

Voting Period: 16 - 31 July 2024


Yes Fund!8,100,000 GHST (79.44%)
No, don't fund2,100,000 GHST (20.56%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Rarity Farming Season 9

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #126

Proposal Summary:

This proposal outlines the details for Rarity Farming Season 9.



  • Start Date: August 10th, 2024

  • Total Rewards: 1.5 Million GHST

  • Eligibility: Top 7500 Gotchis (for BRS, Kinship, and XP)

  • Duration: Four rounds, each lasting 2 weeks.

  • Snapshot Times:

    • August 24th, 2024 at 02:00 PM UTC

    • September 7th, 2024 at 02:00 PM UTC

    • September 21st, 2024 at 02:00 PM UTC

    • October 5th, 2024 at 02:00 PM UTC


The Rewards Pool will be funded by the DAO Foundation Rewards wallet (0x8c8E076Cd7D2A17Ba2a5e5AF7036c2b2B7F790f6). Details concerning GotchiBattler are outside the scope of this proposal and will be confirmed separately.

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Yes

Option 2: No

Voting Period: 22 - 31 July 2024


Yes8,600,000 GHST (90.79%)
No873,000 GHST (9.21%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Increasing XP Award to 250 XP for Successful CORE AGIPs

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #127

Proposal Summary:

We propose this model after nearly succesful attempt at raising the award to 500xp without certain limitations (that are now introduced) as well as certain boundaries, in order to strike the right balance between stimulating the creation of new and thoughtful props, while preventing abuse and exploit attempts on the XP award system.

Note that this prop does not suggest changes to 'sigprop' awards.

Note that all props under this framework would allow maximum one gotchi to be awarded per prop, per contributor.

Maximum 5 gotchis/contributors can be awarded XP for any single prop.

No. of contributorsXP award per contributor
3-575 xp per contributor. Only one gotchi per contributor
6+Someone will have to pass. Max 5 gotchis can be awarded as per above

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Yes

Option 2: No

Voting Period: 29 July - 13 August 2024


Yes7,600,000 GHST (80.29%)
No1,900,000 GHST (19.71%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Replacement DAO Director Election

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #128

Proposal Summary:

This election will serve to replace Mori on the DAO multisig as the 9th signer, as he has stepped down. The salary for this position is 8000 ghst annually, paid quarterly (2000 ghst), as stated in AGIP 51. The elected person will also adhere to all principles and guidelines set forth in AGIP 51. The initial payment will be prorated at 2000 * (days left of term/91.25).

The elected individual will be immune to any future (re)elections from a community initiated vote for 2 years following their inauguration into the DAO Foundation as a director, but may still be removed by the other directors if they are not fulfilling their duties. They will provide the necessary doxx information and a wallet address to be added to multsig after the election.


  • Be an upstanding member of AavegotchiDAO with a good reputation

  • Be familiar with smart contract interactions

  • Possess a hardware wallet and know how to use it

  • Be willing to have their name on a Cayman entity and be doxxed to Pixelcraft Studios

  • Be familiar with creating transactions and signing on (prev. Gnosis) Safe


The DAO Directors act as the executor of the DAO’s wishes. If an individual director disagrees with an action of the DAO, they can choose to resign, but they cannot vote or act against a verified on-chain AGIP’s intent.

Directors have no legislative power, execute off-chain commands of the DAO, and simultaneously serve as signers of the Foundation's multisig.


  • aavegotch1.eth

  • tburd.eth

  • fifoooo

  • musashi13

You can find each candidate's application here: https://discord.com/channels/732491344970383370/1259200686994882660

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: aavegotch1.eth

Option 2: tburd.eth

Option 3: fifoooo

Option 4: musashi13

Voting Period: 7 - 21 August 2024


aavegotch1.eth5,400,000 GHST (52.72%)
fifoooo2,200,000 GHST (21.54%)
tburd.eth1,800,000 GHST (17.01%)
musashi13900,000 GHST (8.73%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Tipping for Aavegotchi community apps

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #129

Proposal Summary:

We would like to ask for a small funding from the Aavegotchi DAO, funding that will help run and improve community websites and services, which have been actively used and maintained. Our tools have been vetted multiple times and most of them are part of the official tools list from https://dapp.aavegotchi.com/tools?type=apps.

Each of the below projects will receive 600 GHST / each for the whole period of 6 months, as long as the website is active at the end of the payment period, according to the uptime links below (should show All systems operational).

The payment period will be once every 2 months, 200 GHST to be paid to each maintainer address, on Polygon blockchain. If there are more than one maintainers, the split should be proportional to the number of maintainers (50/50 % if there are two maintainers).

The total amount asked is 600 GHST x 5 = 3000 of GHST.

Due to the nature of the funding and the small amount, in addition to the long history of involvement in the community, the maintainers will do a best effort maintenance of the website.

If there are any issues or fixes to the functionality of the websites, the maintainers will do a best effort to fix the issues, issues that need to be created on their respective Github link issue page or Discord channel (if any), or sent directly to their DMs.

We suggest creating a Discord thread in the Aavegotchi channel for support or issues related to the Aavegotchi community apps, as Github requires some knowledge.

The 5 projects are:

Verse Analytics - https://verse-analytics.xyz/

Description : Collection of tools and reports, with a focus on lending operations and alchemicas.

  • Time since first deployment: September 2021

  • Uptime link: https://stats.uptimerobot.com/xMwwMImYG6

  • Discord ID: @fifoooo

  • Ethereum address: 0x49F2df1E567e588f3aa2CE63fcCA80a6a0f4C029

  • Issue tracker: https://discord[.]gg/fZVWHMaRqQ

The big brain API - https://aavegotchi.land

Description: Gotchiverse analytics, wallet asset tracking, rarity farming reward estimation.

  • Time since it was first deployed: March 2021

  • Uptime link: https://stats.uptimerobot.com/pAllDhQYl8/797188784

  • Discord ID: @aavegotch1.eth

  • Ethereum address: 0x47d6f96ba098816389db7c87cbf077de7181b853

  • Issue tracker: https://github.com/lazyprogrammerio/ghst-gg

  • GitHub URL: https://github.com/lazyprogrammerio/ghst-gg

  • Github commit id: https://github.com/lazyprogrammerio/ghst-gg/commit/d4c799e5f7c3c877a3748df68e971da9adf36231

Aadventure - https://www.aadventure.io

Description: realm explorer, historical auctions, historical rarity farming, lending tools, gotchi pockets, wearable sets by gotchi type.

  • Time since it was first deployed: December 2021

  • Uptime link: https://stats.uptimerobot.com/XHXsXlT1Ot

  • Discord ID: @eitri

  • Ethereum address: 0xaf4fe811ffa1bf1f7de8fdaa9f706487c882aed0

  • Issue tracker: https://github.com/mistaya/aavegotchi/issues

  • GitHub URL: https://github.com/mistaya/aavegotchi/tree/main/realm

  • Github commit id: https://github.com/mistaya/aavegotchi/commit/9b026d8f7f4c2c0096fbed4aa9e94f6e9247cf27

Aavegotchi Wearables Report - https://wearables.report

The wearables report dashboard supplies vital metrics regarding the Aavegotchi wearables market. It has been used as the basis for key DAO decisions on wearables emissions, schematic trait selection, and set balancing. The site is geared towards active DAO participants to inform economic decisions regarding the wearables market and how wearables are being utilized by players.

  • Time since it was first deployed: October 2022

  • Uptime link: https://stats.uptimerobot.com/vca707DLhl

  • Discord ID: @mikey.jay

  • Ethereum address: 0x755A89AC371eE91c1E0fC313Bc9efF5Fc150b993

  • Issue tracker: https://github.com/mikey-jay/aavegotchi-wearables-report/issues

  • GitHub URL: https://github.com/mikey-jay/aavegotchi-wearables-report

  • Github commit id: https://github.com/mikey-jay/aavegotchi-wearables-report/commit/a1048f4ecfbb6c0b466da9bde93ddaabe9d78604

GotchiSwap - https://gotchiswap.xyz/

Description : Aavegotchi assets trustless OTC solution

  • Time since first deployment: August 2023

  • Uptime link: https://stats.uptimerobot.com/xMwwMImYG6

  • Discord ID: @[GFA]fifoooo and @pg0811

  • Ethereum address: 0x43FF4C088df0A425d1a519D3030A1a3DFff05CfD (PG) and 0x49F2df1E567e588f3aa2CE63fcCA80a6a0f4C029 (@[GFA]fifoooo), 50%/50% split.

  • Issue tracker: https://github.com/pgendreau/gotchiswap-ui/issues

Thank you, frens!

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: YES

Option 2: NO

Voting Period: 13 - 27 August 2024


YES9,800,000 GHST (92.22%)
NO829,000 GHST (7.78%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Forge Competition Pilot Season 1

Aavegotchi Improvement Proposal #131

Proposal Summary:

Today I present the first ever DAO Forge Competition. For the pilot season, we will keep it simple with a single snapshot capturing the Top 100 gotchis by smithing XP.

The current leaderboard is here: https://wearables.report/smithing-skill.html

The high level points:

  • A single snapshot will capture the leaderboard

  • Top 100 gotchis by smithing xp will be awarded prizes

  • Prizes will be airdropped to the gotchi owner’s wallet (rented gotchis will also route prizes to their owners)

  • The snapshot date will be Saturday, September 7th during the hangout

  • Prizes will distribute 10% of the total supply from the new schematics release

  • The new schematics are from the community design competition which was held on July 6th, 2024

The Project

We will design a designated live-updating leaderboard (the link above is only daily) capable of handling the snapshot for the competition. The site will be designed future-ready to allow for more seasons should we choose to have them. The site will have an admin backend that will allow us to deploy the prize distribution script.

Prize Structure

Prizes are for individual gotchi smithing xp.

Prize breakdown is as follows:

  • Top 100: all new common schematics

  • Top 50: all new uncommon and below schematics

  • Top 25: all new rare and below schematics

  • Top 10: all new legendary and below schematics

  • Top 5: all new mythical and below schematics

  • “And below” means all schematics below the mentioned rarity. Ie: Top 25 will receive all new rare, uncommon, and common schematics

Ties: in the unlikely but nonzero chance of a tie that falls across two prize bands, the tie-breaking metric will be based on which gotchi reached that score first. For example, two gotchis each have 420 skill points. Gotchi A achieved that score at block height 50,000,000 and Gotchi B achieved the score at block 52,000,000. Gotchi A would be placed in front of Gotchi B and be the winner of the prizes.

Purpose of the competition:

  • Award the biggest forge users with prizes relevant to their craft

  • Provide a healthy distribution for the upcoming schematics release. Without the competition, all new schematics will go into the geodes, making them very difficult to obtain.

  • Incentivise players to use the forge and burn alloy in the process

  • Provide a fun experience for the community

If this season goes well, we can add this competition to our ecosystem as a means to distribute future wearables. For subsequent seasons, we could implement more mechanics like delta xp and so on.

Funding request:

The total cost of the competition is $5500 USD equivalent paid in stable coins.

Competition planning and coordination, website design and graphics - $2,000

  • Oliver Spoon

Web development, admin page for distribution, smart contract work, testing, and prize deployment - $3,500

  • Fifoooo & PG

Upon successful passing of the proposal, the full sum is to be sent to 0xa2e3680A18aBAfEff813E8aA67AEfB49bf078C86

Payment can be made in USDC, DAI, aUSDC, or aDAI on either Polygon or Ethereum network

Details on the AGIP can be found here.

Option 1: Yes, LFG! 🔥

Option 2: No

Voting Period: 23 August - 1 September 2024


Yes, LFG! 🔥8,100,000 GHST (89.18%)
No983,000 GHST (10.82%)

Link to vote on Snapshot

Year 2023

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Year 2022

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Year 2021

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Year 2020

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